48 Replies to “And The Carbon Tax Will Gender Balance Itself”

  1. HE wants to be elsewhere. HE is pretending to tolerate this exercise. Sometimes a man gives himself away with a show of no emotion. HE knows that the time is up, and won’t allow himself to blow off her questioning. HE isn’t really listening. HE is focused on his non answers and repetition. Vote him out. Doesn’t need this job. HE knows the carbon shift is extortionate and doesn’t care. HE is a really callous person.

    1. Personally, I think the question was absurd. Maybe that was the point. Between the carbon tax and focus on gender balance everything, you would think Canada does not have real problems to deal with.

      1. The only way to deal with a Liberal is to hold them to their own standards. That was the point of the question.

      2. “Personally, I think the question was absurd. Maybe that was the point.”

        I agree on both counts.

        To the extent that the carbon tax affects families, it affects both partners of the marriage. To the extent that single men and single women both pay the same tax, it affects both men and women equally. (as an aside, it probably affects families more than singles….. but that wasn’t the question brought up).

        This gender equality obsession is absurd. I hope you are correct in suggesting maybe that was the point.

        1. The key is at 1:41. Remple says that on page 219 of the budget it states the minister is putting in place a gender results framework as a whole of government tool. She asks Morneau if he has applied this tool to the carbon tax. It is absurd. But it is, apparently, stated government practice. The point of the questioning is to point out the absurdity. The press isn’t going to do it. As I said above, the way to bring a Liberal down is to hold them to their own standards, absurd or otherwise.

  2. That vacant far away look…..

    When I get home, I’ll belt back a martini and play with my electric trains….

    1. I personally think the vapid far-away look is a natural reponse to the absurd question.

      1. Making the Liberals play by their own rules is absurd? All methods used by them against others are valid for use against them.

  3. It is sickening that Canada’s Minister of Finance could be so incompetent and cowardly. He knew that Michelle Rempel was about to bounce him around like a cat playing with a cornered mouse, hence the pathetic “Oh it’s 5:00, I gotta go” escapism. Incompetent, cowardly, and with multiple conflicts of interest. He needs to resign.

    1. I agree with you MarkR. He thinks he is really somebody with a title.
      Essentially he is a destructive man, and only there for personal gain.

    2. It’s not incompetence and it’s not cowardly. It’s sheer arrogance. It’s committee-speak for “I’m not telling you jack, honey.” I’ve been in more than a few parliamentary committee hearings over the years, and this is the kind of thing said routinely when a minister doesn’t want to give a committee member any kind of answer.

      Rempel’s questions were bang on target. The minister knew it, everyone else in the room knew it. So this was a minister’s way of saying “Eat sh*t, b***h.”

      Furthermore, the minister knows full well there’s no such thing as a revenue-neutral tax. First there’s the cost of administering it. Second, if it was revenue neutral it would have none of the pigovian effect that a carbon tax is supposed to have, specifically to force a change in behaviour.

    3. Michelle Rempel is pretty clever.
      Not sure how she kept a straight face thru all that.

  4. Welcome to the new rules.

    “Have you done your gender based analysis” or was that just some bit of word salad stuck between your teeth?

    Well done Michelle Remple, well done.
    Methinks the “minister” has become the weakest link in the liberal carbon tax narrative.

  5. If Ms. Ludwig (the next MP) was a Conservative MP, she should have said, “I will be happy to waive my five minutes if the Minister will commit to sharing the results of the gender based study of the carbon tax by (date). Otherwise, I will not.” Be rude. Their lying, stalling, and grandstanding is more disrespectful than any question they avoid.

    This guy is oilier than our US FBI and VA bureaucrats.

  6. If only women get to pay this destructive tax then you can throw in gender bias, otherwise shut your freaking pie holes

  7. The majority of Canadians realize that Goodale, Brisson and Freeland are complete idiots, but when I see Marc Garneau a very intelligent man nod his head like a dashboard monkey whenever Trudeau or Morneau are speaking is sickening.

  8. The Conservatives have to take exchanges like this and distill them down to ads suitable for TV. They have a great opportunity to now frame the Carbon tax as a tax against women and will disproportionally affect women more than men. Frame it as a tax created by Trudeau /Morneau as a sexist , misogynist tax , put them on the defensive, and make them explain it.

  9. > “Are you willing to give up your 5 minutes?”

    After listening to his 5 minutes of non-answer, I would answer “No” just to make him squirm.

    1. Problem is Karen Ludwig is a Liberal MP that worships the ground Morneau walks on. Unfortunately I know, she’s my MP here in New Brunswick SW.

  10. Morneau demonstrated the non-answer answer which is standard fare from the Prime Minister and the current tactic of the Left. He never, in 5 minutes, came close to answering the question because if he had, it would have shown, to all who watched the clip (a mighty small audience), that they are spouting a good sounding narrative without any thought or research to demonstrate its necessity. Morneau knows that they don’t have any research to back up the idea, that they didn’t do any analysis, that if he truly answered the question truthfully with a simple “No”, it would make the headlines across the country in about 10 minutes as “Morneau admits he has no clue”.

    In short, the Liberal Party does stuff because someone thought it would be a good idea but has no clue if it is a good idea, or if it will produce good results. Do it because it sounds good. Is this what the public wants, the Presidential mandates from Idiocracy? “Drink Gatorade because it contains electrolytes and electrolytes are good for you, and if they are good for you, then they must be good for the plants too”? (One of the main plot points). Well, that is the Liberal Party of Canada right now and in all fairness, the NDP and PCs are no better.

    For example, I asked a local PC running for office, what the plans were for the Ontario budget and how Doug Ford planned to reduce the deficit. In three weeks, I have received no answer, but the request in the email that spawned the request was “We have a real opportunity to turn (city) blue”. I don’t give a damn about the color, I want to see a plan that I can believe.

    1. Have a think about that for a second. Study your history of Morontariowe, elections, and skewering PCs on their own petard.
      Do you really think if Doug Ford or any PC candidate or MP, just told some random dude wandering into their office, the reality of that province and what really needs to be done, that history wont repeat itself?
      What if you were a Lib or ENDP plant? Do they know that? Of course not. Loose lips sink ships. See Hudak 2015. Once he quipped 100,000 layoffs, it was OVER!
      VOTE THE LIBS OUT FIRST. They are self-immolating, just stay out of their way, and give them no issue, no statement, NOTHING, no liferopes at all. All Doug Ford has to do is smile and state he will respect taxpayers, many bland reassurances, and Orville is cooked, while Horvath can also be an also ran.
      Do you really have to quibble? Getting rid of those lying, cheating, arrogant
      Liberals is JOB 1. Fixing their mess, well, it won’t be immediate, and it won’t be easy, and some of it cannot be repaired. What happened to stocks in the public square? No punishment is too good for a Liberal!

      1. Excellent reply. No matter the plan by a PC candidate it will be savaged by the Liberal Party PR firm(aka the media).

  11. Rempel was pushing their gender nonsense right back in his face.

    1. That is exactly what happened. And by a woman. That made the pain delicious, and not merely satisfying.

  12. She’s having a hard time not laughing at 3:20. Hoist him on his own petard!

  13. If everything a Liberal government does or will do in the future has to be examined under the microscope with an eye to gender considerations her line of questioning is perfectly legitimate. It’s not clear but I think he actually gets that.

  14. That’s hilarious. Before too long the Liberals will have another arrogant “beer and popcorn” blunder when trying to justify the carbon tax. You can see it is on the tip of their tongue when they slip and say changing carbon consumption “behaviour”, like the Liberals are making child-like Canadians behave properly in regards to heating their homes and getting to work — in a pampered, rich, white man patriarchal mansplaining kinda way, perhaps.

    Liberals : we’re the champions of women. Every piece of legislation will go through a gender analysis to ensure or commitment to increasing equality of women and increasing their participation in the workplace will be met.

    Conservatives (tongue in cheek) : since women are still the primary caregivers and spend more time and money driving children to activities, buying groceries, driving to daycare so they can work….please show us the gender based analysis on the federal carbon tax.

    Liberals: weasel word evasions and scripted non-answers, repeated ad nauseum.

    Conservatives (unspoken) : so either you have made empty promises to women because didn’t do the promised gender anaysis on the carbon tax or you know how the carbon tax will disproportionately harm women and children (all working families with children, in reality) but are hiding the data. So are you liars or cowards?

    Liberals : weasel word evasions and scripted non-answers, repeated ad nauseum.

  15. It was wonderful to see how she slowly roasted him on a spit! His response was little more than air pudding.

    That seems to be the official Liberal way of dealing with questions that ministers don’t want to answer. A few weeks ago, I saw a video (through SDA, if I remember correctly) in which Ahmed Hussen gave the same sort of word salad response when asked about certain immigration policies with regards to women associated with a “religion of peace”. I believe Michelle Rempel was asking the questions as well.

  16. If we organised our society along the lines of lobsters then the requirement for a gender balanced carbon tax may not be necessary

  17. Let me rephrase … “I have a vagina, and you don’t (and, no … walking around in women’s underwear does not give you a vagina). So anything you say is going to be wrong. Because that is what a vagina does for me … it makes you WRONG!

    My vagina monologue WILL be listened to! And you will sit there and listen till I’m done! Hey! STOP watching the Stanley Cup, while I’m talking to you! As I was telling you! You don’t give me enough money! Get off your lazy ass, and stop watching that gawddammned Hockey!

  18. While the committee is a waste and the questions were silly I would still love to see the power of a committee to expand to hold ministers who don’t answer a direct question in contempt of parliament. If the committee member asks for a YES/NO answer the only response allowed is either YES or NO.

  19. Theatre of the absurd.

    This is what takes place in the Westminister parliamentary system where majority governments rule with the Devine right of kings .’ They are not required to answer to the opposition or their questions. There are no checks and balances on a majority government in Canada.

    Given that opposition members resort to behaviors as we just wit nested. Embarrassing a Minister is fair game because it’s all that’s allowed….or available.

    It’s sad really that it has to come to this.

  20. The speaker should direct an MP to answer the question (in this case, “Answer the question, yes or no!) and if he didn’t he should be held in contempt of parliament and punished in a way that actually hurts, like a $25,000 fine for each offense.

  21. Typical Liberal elitist Morneau. I can understand the allure green taxes have for Liberal elites. Since they cant directly implement serfdom, they will do an end run. Tax everything out of the price range for everyday deplorables, leaving the elites the only ones who can afford to indulge in a leisurely pursuits.

  22. Ha! That was absolutely beautiful to watch.

    Seeing the Liberals being hung by their own rope is a good start to my day.

    Well done Ms. Rempel. More please.

  23. Actually its not particularly painful to watch at all, sadly it is to be expected. Both Rempel and Morneau are equally to blame. They deserve each other. the tragedy is that Canadians in general deserve better than both of these asshats. in a population of 35 million we cannot find 300 useful dedicated intelligent “PERSONS” who are interested in governing our country to the benefit of all Canadians.
    Ironically there are probably several thousand who are qualified and interested, but after watching that video they would rather smack their thumbs with a hammer, “repeatedly” than sit in the same room with morons

  24. Well stated “d”.
    Neither Morneau nor Rempel acted like responsible adults. It was just inane jabbing and contemptuous behaviour all round. What capable and intelligent person would actually want to aspire to governing the country when what passes for good governance is now merely taking a seat and a pension while pretending to actually care about anything beyond another catered lunch?

  25. Frankly, the only thing that will “help us with the environment in the long term”, is get rid of these multi-millionaire elitists, like Morneau and Trudeau and the lot.

  26. Remple did herself no favour with her eye rolls and emoting. Willy Porno was stonewalling but her performance was equally embarrassing.
    It was a view of inside government. Worse than making sausage.

  27. Absolutely misogynistic what the Liberals are doing to women with taxes!

    Rempel does a good job at exposing the farcical shenanigans that go on at taxpayer expense. The solution is not a conservative government. The solution is barely any government at all. Government needs to be shrunk to at least 10% of current size. Further cuts will likely be merited once we get to that point.

  28. Scheer must be clear that Canada can’t so won’t try to meet its Paris Accord “goals,” with or without carbon taxes.

    So, we won’t do it without carbon taxes. Chuck all BS tax grabs. Any other approach is CPC suicide imho.

    Praying at the altar of AGW puts our country on death watch by enabling another bong boy victory; another certainty.

  29. The whole premise of the question was, of course, intentionally silly, but with it Michelle Rempel succeeded in making the Finance Minister look as vacuous and unprepared as his boss.

    1. It was beautiful; SHE READ THEIR BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!

      This, right here, is an example of “force them to live up to their own rules”. Michelle Rempel, member from the Rules for Radicals.

  30. Well aooarently, Morneau knows only three English words: “as”, “I’ve”, and “said”.

  31. I didnt realize I should have counted how many times Ms Remel posed the ‘gender based’ Q.

    this is nothing new to me, back around 2008 or so I waited 2 YEARS for an answer from a LIEberal mp as to what follow up was being done to gauge the effectiveness of Cdn foreign aid to ahfricah.

    2 years. they did everything but answer the GODDANM QUESTION. and then resorted to threatening to call the cops as I patiently listed all the rest of the unanswered question in the mean time.
