5 Replies to “Wikitrolling”

  1. Still, it would be refreshing to see WikiLeaks publish German BND, French DGSE or Russian Spetssviaz intercepts of US politicians for a change…

  2. Wikileaks has confirmed that the US intercepts every phone call and every email. No one is immune. Obama wiretapped Merkel’s cell phone.

  3. Wikileaks needs to start going more local. Seriously.
    For example, I wish they would find and release the identities of all those who are giving huge donations to the BC Liberals via numbered companies.
    It is all well and good to tell me that the CIA is hacking phones. But I want to know what my local corrupt town mayor is doing and who is paying him off (and believe me, he is getting paid off), and I want to know what my thoroughly corrupt provincial party is doing.
