Bill’s Wife

The only question remaining is how much political capital Obama will spend to save her?

[T]he biggest problem may be in a just-released email that has gotten little attention here, but plenty on the other side of the world. An email to Hillary from a close Clinton confidant late on June 8, 2011 about Sudan turns out to have explosive material in it. This message includes a detailed intelligence report from Sid Blumenthal, Hillary’s close friend, confidant, and factotum, who regularly supplied her with information from his private intelligence service. His usual source was Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA senior official and veteran spy-gadfly, who conveniently died just before EmailGate became a serious problem for Hillary’s campaign.[…]
There are many questions here. How did Sid Blumenthal, who had no position in the U.S. Government in 2011, and hasn’t since Bill Clinton left the White House fifteen years ago, possibly get his hands on such highly classified NSA reporting? Why did he place it an open, non-secure email to Hillary, who after all had plenty of legitimate access, as Secretary of State, to intelligence assessments from all our spy agencies? Moreover, how did the State Department think this was Unclassified and why did it release it to the public?

17 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. It’s been long thought that Ted Kennedy was denied the White House because of Chappaquiddick. How Clinton even has a shot at the presidency with her time at the State Department is beyond belief. Why isn’t Benghazi considered to be Clinton’s “Chappaquiddick ?

  2. The answer to why this shit went down is simple, these people have no sense of responsibility and feel they are in a no fault position. In other words they are not afraid of being held accountable because they feel they are too big to jail. So they do what they want and will continue until shot or something.

  3. Can something point out the difference between Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton, the fascination with the Willies is predestined
    And the complacency of Hill and Camille

  4. The truly sad part, which speaks to GOP ineptness, is these emails between HRC and Blumenthal have been known of for some time, but nothing was really done about it, other than HRC making a flippant appearance in Congress.
    Dem SOP. Deny, deny, deny. When that fails, suppress, suppress, suppress. Then claim this or that story is “old news” that’s “already been litigated.”
    That’s why the GOP needs Trump because he won’t turtle like Romney did and no doubt Cruz or Rubio will too when HRC sneers and jeers them. Of course the mediocracy cheerleaders will back her to the hilt.
    The bad news for the Dems is Obama’s election (and Trudeau’s here) are the epoch, the peak, of progressive pretend politics which has, finally, enraged the public and could see many anti-political establishment apathetics actually turn up to vote for a change. Look here in MB with the Tories leading big time in their provincial election.

  5. The mere fact that Hillary set-up and used a PRIVATE email account for her PUBLIC job is reason-enough to indict her and disqualify her for public office … at any level. It always astounds me to learn how much lieberals are willing to swallow (apologies to Monica) so long as their team remains in power.

  6. how can these people get away with this sort of disrespect for their “office”, the electorate, and the tax-payers specifically/ Well now the party of the stupid has earned it’s name, both in the USA and in Canada. The “compassionate” cons (bible bangers) are as bad as the progressives on many files. In Texas they “help” illegals, and many states they are gearing up to “help” Syrian refugees. They encourage these people to come to the west, as they will get looked after, one way or the other. Churches need to learn to exorcise discretion when national issues are at stake. Also many “believers” are climate change believers. In a nut shell, they are just as nutz as progressives. When you have that kind of divide on the rite side of the equation, you are in trouble. So GIT THE BIBLE OUT OF POLITICS

  7. Good grief! If I treated patient information the way Hillary treats sensitive intelligence reports, I’d be subject to disciplinary action. If I’d treated information the way she has when I was in the armed forces, I’d have lost my clearance and been court-martialled.

  8. The American “church” has been taken over by social liberals. Seminaries have been churning out leftist-indoctrinated graduates for decades now …

  9. “Drumheller, a former CIA senior official and veteran spy-gadfly, who conveniently died just before EmailGate became a serious problem for Hillary’s campaign…” Being involved with the Clintons seems to be a risky business.
    No publisher of fiction would accept any manuscript as surreal as what the Clintons get away with. Perhaps if there were a media that wasn’t in the tank, there might be a resurgence of ethics.

  10. Add Tyler Drumheller to a curious list of coincidental/convenient deaths littering the Clinton landscape.

  11. Her compliant friendly media pals will run interference for her, much as they did for Benghazi.
    Because Trump is so icky.
    Hitlery is MUCH more preferable, after all, think of the first Vajayjay President ever!

  12. He doesn’t give a hit about her. His mind is on the position of President of the World (head of the UN).

  13. I’v pointed out in here before, that most “chritians”, world wide are lefties, or apolitical, so you and I see eye to eye on that:-)))
    But many in here would argue with you on that point.

  14. Well … Be careful seeing eye-to-eye with me … cause I AM a Christian. Unapologetic Christian. There are as many different kinds of Christians as there are people … unfortunately, some are complete tools.
