“What, with a rag?”

wipe is a powerful and dangerous utility to clean data off of devices. There are, however, caveats to using wipe with regards to journaling and/or remote file systems. Such cautions, Clinton failed to read and understand.

12 Replies to ““What, with a rag?””

  1. “Personal” is used liberally (pun intended) through the article to describe the emails, while “work-related” is only mentioned a few times, half of those while explaining how Clinton provided paper copies. Meanwhile, through all the descriptions of Hillary’s use of a private server the word “illegal” is never once used. One takes away that the only concern of Congress is that Clinton’s server was secure, and their motive for asking for the emails is to pry into her personal life.
    How do these “reporters” look themselves in the mirror? How do they find a mirror?

  2. I found the speculation section of the Wipe article to be very interesting. A hard drive these days contains as much processing power as a phone. It can do all kinds of things all on its own.
    I’d take that speculation to heart. You can get to 1500 degrees C with a welding torch, or an old brake drum full of charcoal with a hair dryer blowing into it. Maybe take the discs out of the aluminum case first, otherwise you get melted aluminum running like water. Ouchie.
    Seems very tinfoil hat, doesn’t it? Later we will look back and realize how trusting we have been.
    Do you have a bandaid over the camera on your laptop yet? If not, why not?

  3. There was a time that wipe was format *.*
    Then reboot from the boot disk
    Remember the relentless pursuit of Nixon s secretary over some erased minutes

  4. “the Clinton’s failed to read”. The Clinton’s what failed to read? What was it that was owned by the Clintons that failed to read? I thought that this was a serious blog.

  5. Apple doesn’t know me from Adam. Google just gives me adds for job sites, politics, investments and occasionally a car or computer or something. Not the least bit bothersome to me.

  6. Snicker!
    It does appear that the Clintons are on the low end on the politicians scale. What a choice Americans have if they support the Democrat ideology. Either a low life liar, a buffoon, or a commie are the present choices.

  7. “Wiping” is a pretty generic term. Since the limitations of any tool that uses an OS’ filesystem APIs to “securely” delete files has been well known for, well, twelve years now, there’s a reason nobody uses GNU wipe or any file-based deletion tool.
    Regardless, this isn’t about securely deleting files; it’s about plausible deniability. It’s easy to securely delete data from any drive: throw it in an industrial shredder. Once you’ve done that, though, it’s hard to argue you didn’t know exactly what you were doing.
    Plausibly deniably securely deleting individual files under any publicly available OS from commodity magnetic or SS storage media is actually Nintendo Hard and it’s not a solved problem.

  8. The practice of de-gaussing both track & guard Bands (the Hidden side effect) will erase hard drives.
    I have always thought that wrapping the HI-Voltage spark plug wire around the Drive multiple times (and driving for a day) would/should affectively scramble everything….

  9. A rag is what many of us consiter news papers like the NYT’s and other liberal written news papers
