27 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. With all that cash rolling in from Lib institutions willing to fork over so much of it to Hillary, why run for president and give up all that for a pay cut? Maybe that’s her hustle all along, make people think she’s running for prez to keep her speaking fees sky high without any intention of running?
    The Last Tradition

  2. “Why is a public university charging the public for the pleasure of providing Ms. Clinton the benefit of a high profile platform?”
    Trudeau’s idiot son works the same grift.

  3. my warped mind drifted to huge roll pillows to lift up that 2 axehandle wide back end. have to shake off the vision , noooooooooo

  4. That fee is probably only about 1% of what the Clinton’s expect to see coming in from
    their “friends” at USC before the real election campaign donations even begin to flow.
    Political venture capital investments – the “go big or go home” syndrome writ large.

  5. So just why would anyone go to listen to that cackling harridan let alone pay to go hear her spin a bunch of well worn cliches that have no meaning or relevance to the world at large? Of course I say the same about Canada’s own cliche king Justin Trudeau. Neither of them have had an original thought in their life and have the intellectual depth of your average parking lot puddle.

  6. Just watch. All the things said about McCain being too old no longer will apply when Her Billness runs

  7. The UC system is financially weak. They just announced a tuition increase of 28 percent over the next five years, coupled with 20 percent salary increases for several of the top executives. So why is a broke public university paying that old reptile Hillary 300k to hear her prattle on for an hour, and answer a few softball questions? That’s because it’s really a campaign contribution for her 2016 presidential campaign.

  8. If I were a donor (i.e., a UCLA alumnus who wanted to help the ol’ alma mater), I’d be outraged to think that my money was being thrown away like this – obviously the university doesn’t need it.
    And I’d find a more deserving institution to contribute my money to.

  9. Why? Because in both cases (Maggie’s princess and Willy’s Hag) taxpayers and parents are too stupid to make the connection between their dwindling finances and waste like this.

  10. I suspect overseas donors step up and reimburse the University for the speaking fees which will then become campaign funds for the first set of boobs in the White House.

  11. well she sure does pull down a little more than fool at the front of the church, butt has about as little of any value to say. Why would any one pay to listen to any one to speak, and that include fools like (T)Rump!!

  12. Shred the special pillow, send it in a paper bag with a label, ‘here’s the pillow you requested you no long need to come to collect it’. The only person that I’d pay to hear speak at that sum of money would be God himself.

  13. US Universities are the biggest Democrat shakedown yet. Tuition increases follow the increases in federally funded student loans now exceeding 1.2 trillion dollars outstanding. Speaking engagements mirror the sacred narratives of the Dems and what better way to kickback taxpayer money to the Clintons. Most could be replaced with Library cards and or the Internet.

  14. She would likely win an election against any male so it’d be best to get used to the cackle. She’d maybe lose 3 points for biting the head off a puppy onstage.

  15. Well, she has a price – so we know what she is, we only need negotiate a price or what we want – I wonder how much she’d take to FO and stay FOed

  16. I am old enough to remember Algores 250000 price tag for 2 hours of bullsh’t and drivel was picked up in part by Lorny Culvert and the NDPEE of Sask, look how far you Saskabushians have come,,there is hope for everyone if you let the truth into your life and the first thing is to skid the liars like the Hildabeest.

  17. We, being my wife and me, are pretty good with, and expect, a fully-delegated, fully-accredited and fully-brokered convention on the Republican side this time — like the one that elected, you know, Andrew, er, Abraham, Lincoln.
    We like all of the candidates — the Republicans have lots to show this time ’round, and they have no need to be afraid of anything.
    Although we are loyal Canadians, we love America!

  18. She may need special pillows, but any old pillowcase will do to put over the stone-faced b*tche’s head!

  19. The same people who go to see Hillary are the same people who go to see Justin.
    That’s the sort of thing lieberals do. It’s all about image and show.
