29 Replies to “Reality 1     CBC Staffers 0”

  1. It was high time and long overdue to start the end of the Liberal Propaganda machine of Canada!
    It will take years if not generations to disinfect Canadians of the Liberal mental illness that has plagued us since PET infected the nation.

  2. Sell the damn thing for a buck, put it out of everyone’s misery, and save Canadians about $30 billion over the next 20 years.
    Bloody leftists think that’s too much to spend on top quality fighter jets to defend the damn country for decades to come, but no problem with bleeding taxpayers for even more to prop up that useless POS.

  3. Overpaid drones and all the other useless parasites will get their usual raises, while the worker bees are thrown out of the hive to die. The CBC is in a death spiral. Eventually it will be sold at a firesale price.

  4. Many on this site and elsewhere want the cpc to terminate the CBC forthwith.
    I share their feeling that the CBC has been a negative force in the quest to have canada truly live up to its promise. In so many ways it typifies the worst of what the left has created in this country. It certainly is the most visible example.
    But summarily shuttering the CBC would have been a collosal mistake – a PR disaster far far worse than deif killing the arrow in the dark of night. Hundreds of martyrs would have been created, myths about how great the CBC was would have endured for generations. The damage to the conservative cause would have far outweighed the benefit(s).
    What has happened is a far better method/outcome. The CBC is dying a slow death chewing up whatever good will and trust that it may have had with Canadians back in the two channel tv universe and internet-free radio. It is dying of its own doing, becoming evermore irrelevant by the day and, most importantly losing credibility and respect in thirty-minute chunks.
    Yesterday’s announcement was almost the perfect juxtaposition of the minister flaherty’s passing. It was met with a shrug while tributes and outpourings of respect for Flaherty from all sides poured in.
    By not being the party that stuck the shiv in the CBC the cpc – instead letting market and technological change make the death it by ‘natural causes’ – it too will be accorded respect in the minds of moderate voters – the spittle-flecked fringes on both sides are beyond rational thought on the CBC. And that is an admirable achievement.

  5. The Friends of the CBC are freaking out over a “$130 million shortfall” from the CBC’s budget? That means there is somewhere around $900+ million still in their budget. Hmmmmm……… Does CTV or Global run their operations with more than that? I doubt it.

  6. If it is so important for them to support the CBC then they should get their wallets out. Why should those of us who don’t care about the CBC be forced to increase funding for what is essentially a business problem. They lost a big source of revenue.

  7. I do agree with you, Gord. While closing the CBC outright would fundamentally please me and likely most every other Conservative Party supporter, it would almost certainly guarantee a Liberal Party victory in the subsequent election … not because the majority of Canadians love the CBC (most probably are agnostic), but because of the PR talking points throughout the election campaign.

  8. They better keep all knives and letter openers away from the HR department.
    Hmm. On second thought maybe they should increase the number of knives and letter openers in the HR department?

  9. Well said Gord. But I am certain the enablers will do their darnedest to hang the slow death around the CPC’s necks anyway. After all, to these folks even the weather is Stephen Harper’s fault. Yet I remain hopeful that enough folks will do as you say and simply yawn and change the channel.

  10. Hmmm…according to the “fiends of the cbc” website, they have 179,879 supporters of the cbc. Been a while since I went to school but doesn’t that equate to about o.545% of the Canadian population?
    Piss on the CBC.

  11. Better yet, those people and parties who tie themselves to the mast of the CBCs sinking credibility hurt themselves. Let’s see how vigourously the NDP and LPCc condemn the CPC for what is happening. My guess it they will fairly mute about it as the fate of the CBC really isn’t that big a deal for a huge majority of canadians. Harping too much on it may make potential supporters, ahem, change the channel.

  12. Agree with both your posts, Gord. However, the Dips and Libs may indeed make a big deal out of this, or try to. After all, it’s their government-owned, taxpayer-subsized propaganda machine that’s being junked here. I can hear Ralph Goodale harrumphing about it now.

  13. Didn’t the conservatives ‘create’ the cbc? I agree that there is no upside for the CPC to now take out the cbc.
    They lost HNIC and it’s Harper’s fault? Maybe they shoulda modified their business plan and anticipated the change that has occurred in broadcasting. They steadfastly hung onto broadcasting sports when it must have been obvious that they were outa the game.
    Having a diminished budget will now force change. Maybe it’s subscription time. If it’s that important those who can’t live without it they should step up to the plate and put up some of their own cash, just like you do when you pruchase a newspaper or magazine.

  14. The loss of the only program any significant number of Canadians watched – Hockey Night in Canada – pretty much ended any claim CBC TV had of being a popular broadcaster. From here it will be a gentle swirl down the drain pipe of history.
    The amusing part is that with 900 million dollars left minimally creative people using all the new tech available would build something Canadians actually wanted to watch. The problem of course is that what Canadians want to watch – think a Canadian Top Gear – is exactly the sort of thing the luvvies at the CBC abhor.
    So all those layers of well dressed, Toronto based, management will, I am afraid, be out on the brie and baguette lines before too terribly long.

  15. The CBC has abused Harper for years, going back long before he was even PM.
    And now they wonder why he isn’t particularly fond of them.
    Idiots. They get everything they deserve.

  16. I always default to not fooling around with tradition,(i.e. Brier format) but when it comes to the CBC, if it did not exist could you make a case today to create it?

  17. It may not be politically expedient to send CBC to the abattoir … but there is nothing morally or practically wrong with entertaining the idea.
    Since the CBC cannot justify its practices or performance the only thing that can possibly save them is the political trouble that will be stirred up by the usual muckrakers.
    BTW … in all this bleating about how unfair it all is for the CBC … has anyone ever seen the records that they were trying so hard to keep hidden from the public?
    (Rhetorical Question)

  18. Finally private enterprise is sinking the CBC. I find it delicious that the one thing that kept the CBC afloat is the one thing leftists abhor most – Don Cherry.

  19. It is time for the Friends of the CBC to open their wallets and support their beloved CBC in a fashion similar to the US PBS. It might even be acceptable to make the contributions tax deductible by designating the CBC as a Charity. After all the CBC is a sick organization. Unfortunately this is probably not a viable option as people like the Friends of the CBC usually expect someone else to pick up the tab.

  20. Don’t bite the hand that feeds. That’s the lesson a lot of these lackeys about to learn. John Q public is tired of footing the bill for a select group of idiots who watch the cbc.

  21. Personally I think the CPC has built a base of voters who don’t listen to liberal talking points.

  22. The CBC attracts ~6% of the Canadian Audience. That is the Magic number that Social Scientists claim is necessary to push a successful political agenda.
    When folks (the other 93%) realize they are been hood-winked the CBC will be gone.

  23. I don’t see the value in arguing how many people actually watch the CBC on Tv
    If only a few % watch it, why bother funding it? If 50% of Canadians watched it, it wouldn’t need funding.
    There may be an argument for funding CBC radio as an informational service for remote areas, yes, I know I’m not making sense here… but not for the millions of $ that have been spent on Tv. How much does “Voice of America” cost? How much does it cost for the various university radio stations?
    Voice of Canada? uff
