25 Replies to “Congressman Mike Kelly vs. Obama’s Job Killing Regulations”

  1. I watched this earlier today but didn’t bother putting it in tips since my tips are generally ignored.
    USA, USA! heh

  2. They got it good in the USA. Here in Canada today the Taxpayer suffers under a burden of rules and laws and regulations that is equivalent to a stack of paper 10 stories high, 500,000 pages of paper. It is all shuffled from desk to desk by Unionized Gubmint workers who make up to 48% more in pay and benefits than the man or woman paying their wages. Taxes have risen 1700% since 1961, Taxes now consume more of the average Canadian Families annual budget than Food, Clothing and Housing combined. When have you ever seen your property taxes go down. NEVER. Even if the value of your home decreases they still raise taxes to build more EGO Projects. Look at SkyDome cost over 600M, the Municipal Government Idiots and Central Planners said it just had to be build or Toronto would cease to exist. It just was sold a couple of years ago for 50M. Another EGO Project awash in tax dollars pissed away. The same BS argument is being foisted on the Edmonton and Alberta Taxpayers by the Socialist Milksop Mayor Mandel. Just has to be a new hockey arena for multi millionaire hockey players or Edmonton will collapse. This is the same idiot Mayor who is always howling for more money for the homeless, yet he wants to put up 100M of taxpyers money for a playpen for millionaires. Canadian Taxpayers are morons….

  3. Rep. Mike Kelly is like the proverbial dutch boy who is trying to stop the dyke from giving way to the waters. In this case the waters of regulations that are killing commerce in North America and Europe and as we can see happening almost day by day the emergence of China and India as the next world superpowers.

  4. If they all had the attitude Kelly has we would be exporting to China and they would be opening factories over here. The red tape is a real job killer. The EPA, the health nuts, the Unions, the green nuts and the Bloombergs round up the failure to acknowledge we once had a free country that was a world leader in free enterprise. Now we have a POTUS who prides himself in running a nanny state and sees progress in escalating food stamps. The whole economy is circling the drain and we are still debating whether to remove the clueless fools that are steering the ship into the rocks. If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

  5. Here in Canada today the Taxpayer suffers under a burden of rules and laws and regulations that is equivalent to a stack of paper 10 stories high, 500,000 pages of paper. It is all shuffled from desk to desk by Unionized Gubmint workers . . .
    In triplicate, and in both official languages!

  6. Mr Kelly gave his speech in June 2011. Here is a list of things that have gotten better since then:
    Good night all. Put the cat out and turn out the lights.

  7. RFB: We must be the exception then, because our expenses for Food, clothing & housing is 28% of our income. Our taxes (Income taxes, CPP, EI, BC Medical, Property taxes, HST and travel fees) are also in total 28% of our income.
    mid island mike

  8. The mirrors are a 1/4″ too low to allow you to open.I don’t blame the bureaucrat who has his/her head a foot up their butt that need this 1/4″. I blame the voter who has his/her head TWO feet up their own a&$% that allow it to happen!
    As I’ve said before,until you have held a non-gubermint(except defense),non-public service,non-union job for 5 years,and paid taxes while trying to keep a family,you have ZERO right to vote.The right to vote was earned in blood and tears and sweat,and should still be the same. It is a RIGHT,not a privelege.

  9. The thing is, the lefties like that kind of regulation because it gives them control, and that’s what they want most out of life.

  10. Go to Youtube and search ‘Scott Brown Let America be America Again’.
    First, it will bring a tear to your eye.
    Second, you will know for CERTAIN that Obama is toast.
    He has a second video that is going insanely viral right now: ‘Its The Peoples’ Seat’.

  11. The first phase of Obamcare alone has generated more than 11,000 pages of new regulations.
    Just phase one.

  12. Cost business and individuals outright with taxation to hire regulators, then cost them again with la papperasse.
    What could go wrong?

  13. Its time Government get out of bushinesses way.
    They have become a millstone around all our necks , marching to the drum of special interest groups. Who care more about the phony businesses they have , which are just propaganda mills for ideologies.
    HUSUS, Green peace , The Epa readily come to mind.
    So too the health & safety mandarins.
    Its killing both our Nations by destroying our economies for foreign cash. That most of them live on from our Countries competitors.

  14. ‘Here in Canada today the Taxpayer suffers under a burden of rules and laws and regulations that is equivalent to a stack of paper 10 stories high, 500,000 pages of paper. It is all shuffled from desk to desk by Unionized Gubmint workers . . .
    In triplicate, and in both official languages!’
    Posted by: foobert at July 28, 2012 12:52 AM
    In the cost saving airport in Whitehorse, parking meter instructions are in Fwench ONLY! They officials also save all passengers from breathing fresh air in comfort too, no benches to sit on outside! Southern taxpayers paid for this airport (no industry here) and the Yukon gument had the “Gaul” to name it after one of the best M.P.s Canada ever had: the Hon. Eric Nielson. Eric, is insulted (I speak for him from his place in the next world). Eric smoked, approved of mining and independence of all Yukoners, he also spoke English.
    There is no free parking for crippled people, no place to sit outside (no damned smokers/sunseekers here!), and instructions are in Fwench only – Turdo’s apples in Eric’s Airport.
    Kebec gloats.
