23 Replies to “Enjoy!”

  1. Dear God… Who put these BUFFOONS in power..I am starting to think O’bummer, is too stupid to know what he doesn’t know, as Donald Rumsfeld so aptly put it.Just a blowhard in power.

  2. Oh, Hallelujah, is Steyn finally back?
    If Leon Penetta is head of the CIA, and Robert S. Mueller III is the head of the FBI, then what (as Jerry Seinfeld would say) is the deal with this Clapper guy?

  3. BM: He’s the director of national intelligence – a new position created post-9/11 specifically to :
    “…Serving as the principal adviser to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security…”
    Who is under the direct control of the president.
    That pretty much every visitor to this blog is better informed on the nature of the MB than he is, is very worrisome.

  4. Watched the interview with Diane Sawyer, from December.Not confidence inspiring, in the least.
    Clapper is asswipe. “We dialogue and hopefully learn something”.
    Another Homer Simpson moment, brought to you by Hope and Change.
    Stock up on ammo, gold, silver.

  5. This administration has politicized every bureaucracy that it controls.
    Clapper does not report the findings of his massive research staff, he voices the position most suited to the political purposes of the White House.
    The disregarding of facts is a political campaign tradition. Its worst consequence is the loss of an election.
    The disregarding of facts in international diplomacy can have devastating consequences.
    This administration perceives everything in terms of its permanent political campaign.
    There’s a fair chance that this will get millions of people killed.

  6. Its quite fitting for a guy like Steyn who has written some extremely good obituaries. To be making comments on Obama’s American “intelligence” degradation.
    He has a better handle on this than them obviously.
    Its an Empire being subsumed from the inside.
    Its foundations warped into the opposite of this Nations founders. Just like ours was & still is from Liberals with their progressive lapdogs, the socialists.
    Its stunning to see just how Americans are being cut off from Information by their own government.
    To the point I would bet most don’t know just how many allies, prestige with good will Obama has destroyed. The MSM hides it well with red herring domestic issues.
    The nose just gets tighter as we in Canada found when Progressives rule.

  7. Unbelievable. Any ten randomly chosen readers on this blog could do a much better job than the clown James Clapper ((and for less money too).

  8. Mark is bang on with how the whitehouse is totally in the dark, since BO came to power. Even with a tel-a-prompter, BO’s speaches are just full of empty wind. God help the world with a major super power caught once again with its head in the sand. The saddest part is that their men and women are still serving and protecting overseas, an empty White House.

  9. Peter O’Donnell
    Yeah interesting……but that mob scene in Cairo does not remove the Iranian threat to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. In fact these absolute monarchies may feel threatened even more when the prospect occurs to them that Iran is instigating revolts to their rule.
    I am entertaining several scenarios….this unrest appears to be spreading to Yemen, Jordan,…..probably instigated by Iranian agents…..an attempt by Iran to secure regional hegemony…..which could backfire if the new regimes are not it’s puppets but rather resent outside leverage.
    Iran in a fit of over-reach could trigger a new Hezbollah-Israeli conflict. The staggering number of rockets and missiles Hezbollah has amassed in lebanon could be it’s undoing. At the first mass barrage of rockets…the Israeli’s could retaliate with 1 plane and 1 bomb.
    After that the whole picture changes…..
    1. the nuclear strike results in a pan-islamic attack on Isreal….basically the statis quo…
    2. Syria, Iran, and Cairo get the message and make nice. Mean while the UN, Obozo, Putin protest bitterly…..they will get over it….and southern Lebanon will still be trinitrite……..
    I suspect that option 2 will result…the arab despots and dictators are much smarter than Obozo.
    Likely smart enough to keep the lid on it ab initio.

  10. Clapper is the acne of stupidity – dumb, dumber and dumbest. Even during the collapse, decline, debacle, and disappearance of the British Empire, they had smarter guys than Clapper. Trudeau’s pimps were a lot smarter. If possible he’s stupider than he looks.

  11. I can’t screw up much sympathy for these idiot ruling elites over in the ME. They have used the Palestinians as pawns and Israel as the devil to deflect close scrutiny of their own medival rule. Even radical Islam gets a bye. If they ever had to actually rule a country they would slide back into what is now Iran. AN Iran whose oil production declines because they haven’t re-invested into the industry and do not have the technology to do so.

  12. We desperately need to send a vapid, narcissist, fool whisperer to the White House.
    And those adjectives are not describing the whisperer.

  13. These top guys are administrators/bureaucrats and usually don’t care about operational situations unless they have some personal interest. They have dedicated teams and dog and pony shows for evaluating day to day flash point situations and briefing outsiders. They deal in protecting their turf, budget fights involving billions, and forward planning of projects that may take a decade to become reality once approved.
    When they drop clangers and focus attention on themselves you might want to check if your wallet is still where it is supposed to be. Or if all the questions they were really intent on avoiding went south in the commotion.

  14. Obama and his administration firmly believe that in addition to dictating policy, they can also dictate results. If they want peace in the Middle East, they declare peace in the Middle East. If it doesn’t happen then it is obviously someone else’s fault.
    They declare Mubarek out and when he doesn’t leave, well, it is someone else’s fault or the public ‘misunderstood’ what they really said.
    Why would Clapper care about facts or intelligence from people in the Middle East? He can simply announce ‘reality’ and the universe will re-align itself to match.

  15. One gets the feeling that these top guys in the Obama regime are there because of their toadying skills, not from any expectation or even casual concern that they could do the job.
    Things sure are changed in the Hope’nChange White House, eh? Used to be only the cutey interns were issued knee pads, now even the director of the CIA has ’em.

  16. Not only would ten random commenters at SDA probably be better informed on any topic than any ten members of the Obama administration …. there are probably more than ten SDA commentors who foresaw this situation in 2008.

  17. “…Clapper who has dropped the ball on more than one occasion.”
    Well, yeah. But he shouldn’t even have a ball to drop. What did the American people do to contract the Clapper?
    Since when do commies like Czars so much?
