23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The last of what is considered to be the five good emperors. I detect a message in the quote.

  2. News from the Liberal policy conference.
    The goal of the conference is to get voters asking which party is watching out for the “damaged middle class”, says analyst/consultant John Duffy, quoted in the Globe and Mail.
    Meanwhile, from the Toronto Star: “Caledon Institute of Social Policy vice-president Sherri Torjman recommended a range of social and economic measures to tackle poverty and economic inequality but said all that will amount to nothing unless Canadians become more concerned.”
    First of all, we have a massive welfare state already, with old age pensions, social assistance, unemployment insurance, child care in some places, etc. All of these have been touted for several decades precisely as “social and economic measures to tackle poverty and economic inequality”. When advocates are bereft of ideas other than “more of the same”, especially when trying to pass it off as brand new, you know that their real agenda is not reducing poverty but to keep themselves employed by pretending to help the poor.
    Unfortunately for them (and us), robbing Peter to pay Paul has never been the kind of policy upon which to “build a nation”, as the phony left-wing expression says. Which brings us back to the middle class. It has been shrinking in recent decades – the very same decades that saw the politicians expand the welfare state (although this is not the only reason).
    Everything that a person consumes must be produced first. The only way to increase productivity and to raise the standard of living is to institute the economic measures that enable it, which is to say the voluntary trade for mutual benefit that exist within a laissez-faire capitalist economy. No other system has the proper price signals that let economic players know whether their work is valuable or not, whether they are creating wealth or wasting scarce resources.

  3. “says analyst/consultant John Duffy,”, once known as John Duffy,Liberal Party communications director. The CBC and others, continually portrays former liberals as ‘unbiased commentators”. BTW,why is any liberal event,such as this sneaky fundraiser, considered worthy of continual coverage?

  4. Because, Wallyj, the masque must continue, even after the music has stopped and the curtains have dropped.

  5. Thanks Vit!! Rod Sterling had a sense of the “other world” that has never been matched.

  6. The date of 1964 is in error; Serling’s ‘One More Pallbearer’ first aired on January 12, 1962.
    Thanks for posting. TZ has always been one of my favorite shows.
    [ Thanks for the correction, fixed above. ~Vitruvius ]

  7. Re Palm Sunday (today): “We start out acting like angels, singing ‘Hosanna.’ And we end up just being the mob.”
    Speaking of “the mob,” that quote by John Duffy, via nv53, sticks in my craw: “The goal of the conference is to get voters asking which party is watching out for the ‘damaged middle class.'”
    It’s the Librano$ who socked it to the middle class. During their tenure, they created a “victim” class, composed of every individual and group who either made very bad choices in their lives or were members of the visible-minority immigrants the Lib$ brought into Canada en masse for votes, while it was left to the middle class, who worked hard, paid exorbitant taxes, paid their own bills, and never asked for handouts, to underwrite the victims’ (sic) lifestyles.
    The Librano$ NEVER looked out for the middle class and by their policies have been largely responsible for damaging them. John Duffy’s a piece of work, like his party: ‘Wreck the middle class, then jump in, like Mighty Mouse, singing “Here I am to save the day!”
    Stuff it, Mr. Duffy, you fuddle-duddle, puffed up, overstuffed shirt.

  8. In defence of Pope Benedict XVI:
    … We all know that those who are gunning for the Pope are hypocrites. We know that they are in many cases dirty hypocrites whose own lifestyle is unmarked by any evidence of sexual continence. We know that they are bigoted hypocrites who are only marginally, if at all, interested if a rabbi or a humanist gets ‘done’ for pedophilia or if an Anglican diocese is bankrupted by the compensation it has paid out to abused Inuit children.
    There is one organisation that they detest with a loathing curiously like Hitler’s dislike of the Jews. There is one man for whose downfall they have an insatiable bloodlust.
    Nil novi sub sole. Dante described (Purgatorio XX 86-88) how Christ was again made captive and mocked in the person of His Vicar.
    How very, very, appropriate that this malevolent evil should be reaching its climax in Holy Week. Satan has a real sense of liturgy.

  9. Liberals Rock.
    “Well, they’ve been branded now, with a big D for dunce right in the centre of their foreheads.”
    “U of O’s Rock has crawled under one
    After meaningless statement following Coulter fiasco, president leaves town”
    “The university’s public relations people said the president had gone out of town. Presumably someplace where he couldn’t be reached by phone. Maybe he will return once things blow over.”

  10. “Comedian to face Human Rights Tribunal
    VANCOUVER — A comedian who admits to using gay slurs against a woman who he says wouldn’t stop talking while he was on stage is getting ready to appear before B.C.’s Human Rights Tribunal.
    Starting Monday, the tribunal will hear the case of Guy Earle, an Ontario comic who was performing at a Vancouver restaurant in May 2007 when the incident occurred.
    Earle says complainant Lorna Pardy and her same-sex partner were talking loudly, making out and flipping him off while he and other comics tried to work.
    Earle admits he called the women several names and says after Pardy threw two drinks in his face, he responded by breaking her sunglasses.”
    “Nazi scandal engulfs Human Rights Watch
    Human Rights Watch champions the brutally repressed.
    But in the wake of a ‘Nazi’ scandal involving an employee, is all well in its own back yard?”
    “But by night, Garlasco was “Flak88”, an obsessive contributor to internet forums on Third Reich memorabilia and an avid collector of badges and medals emblazoned with swastikas and eagles.
    A lavishly illustrated $100 book he compiled and self-published is dedicated to his grandfather, who served in the Luftwaffe. On members-only sites such as Wehrmachtawards.com he was writing comments like “VERY nice Hitler signature selection”; “That is so cool! The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL!”
    An interest in Nazi memorabilia does not necessarily suggest Nazi sympathies — but it is hardly likely to play well in the salons where Garlasco’s employer might solicit donations.
    Human Rights Watch started small, but there is now a grandness about it, a deep hum of power and connectedness. In Los Angeles, its annual Hollywood dinner is said to raise more than $2m. When he was guest editor of Vanity Fair, Brad Pitt published a profile of the executive director, Kenneth Roth.
    In London, HRW’s board meetings and fundraising parties are held in huge houses in Notting Hill and Hampstead, with wealthy expat Americans — “the Democratic party in exile”, one board member calls it — vying to outdo each other in lavishness. Significant contributors in the UK include Tony Elliott, the owner of Time Out, and Catherine Zennstrom, whose husband, Niklas, created Skype. When the philanthropic London-based banker John Studzinski joined the board it was proof positive that he had “made it”.
    The enthusiasts for Third Reich memorabilia who meet up in cyberspace make up a cosy little community. In one posting Garlasco put up a photograph of himself wearing a sweatshirt with an Iron Cross on the front, sitting next to his daughter. One of his internet buddies comments: “Love the sweatshirt… Not one I could wear here in Germany though — well I could but it would be a lot of hassle.”
    Garlasco certainly seems to have been more open with his online collector friends than he had been with his employer. “Flak88” was more than happy to talk openly about his day job.”

  11. Yes, maz2, ‘lots of questions for AWOL U of Zero President Allan Rock (his meaningless statement posted here: http://www.media.uottawa.ca/mediaroom/news-deta…)
    Cross-posted at Stephen Taylor, March 26:
    I’d love to know what role Allan Rock, former Liberal Cabinet Minister and now the President of the U of Zer0, played in this whole Houle/Coulter fiasco. He issued a statement of real weasel words about the shutdown of Ann Coulter’s talk in which he declares that ” … Freedom of expression is a core value that the University of Ottawa has always promoted …”
    Yeah, right, Al. I’m not convinced after the U of O student shenanigans on your campus the other night: setting off fire alarms, knocking over tables, blocking entries, shouting down those with whom they disagree, rather than allowing a debate. …

  12. Government gamb1ing parlors staffed by union city employees … a billion a year in bets … what could possibly go wrong?
    “New York City’s Off-Track Bett!ng Corp. has given layoff notices to 1,300 employees.”
    “Long criticized as a bloated, wasteful bureaucracy, OTB has come close to being sold off in recent years.”
    Anyone want to place a bet on socialized medicine?

  13. “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority,
    but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

    — Marcus Aurelius
    Uh, oh!
    Wow, Vitruvius, glad you kept up the box quotes. You have a gift for supplying the apt and timely quote.

  14. Al’s Global Warming (AGW) :
    AGW’s Juicy Suzicide Note:
    Killed by Reality.
    >>> “The thermometer read 10 degrees colder than in 2009, which meant more juice to heat homes, says the provincial Independent Electricity System Operator.”
    Translation: Canada has a cold climate.
    “Toronto stays bright for Earth Hour
    When Earth Hour came to Toronto this year, many of the lights stayed on.
    Most of the downtown skyline was still ablaze, many of the bank buildings and the Rogers Centre. The CN Tower extinguished its colourful lights display, but safety lighting remained on.
    According to Toronto Hydro, fewer people participated this year —”

  15. PM Harper has succumbed/gone over to the AGW Fraud.
    “Candlelight vigil on the darkened Hill
    A few blocks away from the engagement dinner, Parliament Hill also powered down, joining landmarks around the world including the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building.
    “There are so much beautiful things in this world,” said nine-year-old Christina Meloche, taking in the dark building with her mother. “If we don’t do these kinds of things, we may not see them anymore.”

  16. Great comments all, today batb!
    @8:27- re: John Duffy, that Liberal blowhard. I still chuckle when I think how Mike Duffy ripped him a new one after he tried to strongarm The Duff about media coverage of election attack ads a few years back. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
    @8:41- re: The Pope- I agree with you that we’re likely to see a concerted attack by the leftist special interest groups, the late-nite talkshow titans, Hollywood’s pretty people and the media at large. This is predicted, after all, and there is an agenda to be followed.
    @9:29- re: Allan Rock- He is sleaze personified. His implementation of the phoney and wasteful gun registry and his social engineering experiments have done this country great harm. I’m with you that he probably has his fingerprints all over the Coulter/ U of Zero fiasco too.

  17. Hey, Ken, you’re welcome to post my comment/s at the Globe and Mail today, if you want to! You can preface the remark by “as posted by batb at Small Dead Animals today,” or something to that effect!
    I don’t comment on newspapers’ or the CBC’s blogs, because you have to register and my Luddite insecurity isn’t quite up to it!! 😉

  18. Brief article by MSM. No snark.
    >>> “Government to reintroduce Senate reform
    The government is expected to reintroduce Senate reform for the fourth time on Monday.
    The legislation aimed at limiting the number of years a Senator could serve was defeated first by a Liberal-dominated Senate.
    It later died when an election was called and again most recently because of prorogation.
    The Tories are hopeful the fourth time will be a charm as recent Conservative appointments to the upper chamber have tipped the scale 51-49 in their favour.”
