106 Replies to “Brothers In Arms”

  1. The cross pollination between Islamic Fascism and Leninism is not new. A recently published article on Al Qaeda by Frederick Kagan in The Weekly Standard covers this subject and can be found here. Kagan notes that the incorporation of Leninist thought into Islamic Fascism goes back to the 50’s and 60’s with Sayyid Qutb.
    Kagan emphasizes that Al Qaeda is an Islamic Fascist organization that uses the rhetoric and methods of Leninism, not the other way around.
    Bin Laden is playing to his Islamic Fascist base and to the western atheist left whom he views as (temporarily) useful.

  2. The Left and the jihadists are natural enemies
    Hardly. Galloway is a lefty with ties to terrorism. He’s been nailed on that. Whoever has copyright to OBL’s corpse has hit all the left’s talking-points. Even if this is a prank by college students, and that would be hilarious, they captured the direction of the left/terrorist axis.
    Even if this is some third rate recruited converted jihadi twit as spokesman they know which audience to is more receptive.
    Polls among rabid anti-American Europeans and the campus left probably will shown a rise in his approval ratings.
    A – I wouldn’t get hung up in his appearance or voice in the day and age of digital alterations. We go through this drill by the MSM everytime he surfaces with no factual conclusion.

  3. Hasn’t anyone else noticed the uncanny resemblance of “Osama” to a bearded and spectacled former Tory, now posing as an expert on income trusts, on a whirlwind tour of the West?
    And he talks about low taxes too … 😉

    (1) His nose is too fat and long. (2) His shoulders are narrow and sloped. In previous videos Bin Laden’s were square and wide. (3) His voice is stilted and emotionless, and he sticks closely to a script. In the past, Bin Laden was animated and spontaneous, with very little script. (3) He shows almost no hand gestures, almost none at all, whereas previous videos show Bin Laden gesturing effusively, and using his hand gestures as a nunaced contribution to the message. (4) This person shows no upper body movement, whereas previous videos of Bin Laden show him moving constantly, rocking, swaying, almost jumping up to make a point. (5) The voice is wrong. It is slow, sonorous, uninflected, there is nothing intellectually nimble about it. Bin Laden was quick, charismatic, and his speech constantly changed in volume and pitch as he drove home his many nuanced points. (6) This speaker is clearly not very intelligent, he lacks the smooth and nuanced articulatory apparatus of an intelligent person, whereas Bin Laden was clearly extremely intelligent.
    Honestly, if you compare this sonorous “Speech from the Throne” to the last verified video taken of Bin Laden in October, 2001, it is not the same person.
    I’ve just put together a quick comparison between Osama in Oct 2001, and this one, Sept 2007.
    On there I’ve put 2 pics side by side of OBL. The file is called OBL pics.ppt
    I tell you it’s not the same guy. Look for yourself. The shoulders are obviously different. There is absolutely nothing charismatic about this speaker. OBL was riveting, this guy is fabulously boring.
    OBL is dead.
    Pro Patria

  5. Quite obviously a conservative, doing his gosh-darned-doodley-best to pose as a leftist sympathizer.
    ET, I beg you, please listen to The Chicago Manual of Style.
    By the way, is Fidel also dead?

  6. Penny: A – I wouldn’t get hung up in his appearance or voice in the day and age of digital alterations. We go through this drill by the MSM everytime he surfaces with no factual conclusion.
    This isn’t the MSM talking. This is senior US intelligence officials talking, as reported by the MSM. Huge difference. I’m inclined to think that the intelligence community has enough technological tools at their disposal to assess whether digital alterations or whatnot were made. So far, no suggestions in that direction–quite the opposite, in fact.

  7. That’s a member of the QPP, dressed in the shroud of Turin. (The rock he is carrying, is off-camera.)

  8. “They need a awful-hard-to-get-working-in-a-cave dialysis machine, big bad Western invention that it is.”
    I’m sure if he’s alive he got a kidney in Pakistan. Did so myself in December/06. Pakistan is a corrupt, nation whose national pastime is stealing and corruption. I’ve no doubt that if Bin Laden survived Tora Bora, he would have contacted a hospital like I was in, that was run by a Pashtun, and orgnized a transplant in a cave. The operating theatre I was in in Lahore was just about as clean as my workshop, right up to the grime/dust and filth rubbed into the plywood floor in their operating Theatre. A cave would have been an improvement in cleanliness compared to the room I was operated on. Under diesal power too.
    I survived my transplant in Pakistan because they filled me absolutely full of antibiotics hourly. Bin Laden would have survived a transplant in an open field for the same reason.

  9. It is frowned upon in islam for anyone to dye their hair or beard. The exception is while engaged in jihad. It stems from an early time in islam when all the gray haired warriors dyed their beards and hair black to fool the enemy that all the muslims were young and vigorous and that the muslim veteran contigents had yet to appear and their whereabouts were thus unknown.
    Mo said “all war is deception”.

  10. And so if it comes to pass that the left are successful, who amongst them
    will tie the bell around the cat’s neck?
    Shoot me last, I wanna watch.

  11. The part where he asks Americans to “lend me your ears” is a line right out of Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare. He thinks of himself as some sort of
    Mark Antony, whose friend, Caesar, was betrayed by Brutus.
    Comparing this speech with a 2006 speech delivered by Adam Gadahn, where he invited Americans to embrace Islam, the tone and style are eerily similar.
    Gadahn could very well be the speech writer.

  12. As a sometimes Star Trek geek I’m torn between “The Corbomite Maneuver” and “Patterns of Force” for leader puppetry.

  13. Paul,
    He’s more like Apophis from Stargate: SG-1, what with all his gloomy threats to submit or die. And he’ll end up the same way too — burning up in the atmosphere while replicators crawl all over his personal shield.

  14. *****This is senior US intelligence officials talking*****
    thee guys that screwed up on eyerack????

  15. If I were a fanatical religious zealot who was leading a bunch of other fanatical religious zealots and I was dying, what would I do? Curl up in a corner and cry?
    Well, maybe, I’m a big softie…but I would also do whatever I could to prepare the “troops” for my absence. That would include filming/taping propaganda that could be used later. I’d cover a variety of topics in my speeches and include a bunch of references to things that may happen in hopes that it will make people think I’m still alive. Then, my handlers will edit / adjust the tapes to make them make sense and seem current.
    And A, try thinking about things from this perspective…if you’re a CIA official during a war, are you going to blab out all of the intelligence you have gathered over the international media for all to hear? Well, being a leftie, I wouldn’t put it past YOU, but any sane and wise person is going to put out disinformation so as to not tip his hand to their enemies. It could very well be that those quotes from the CIA et al are just bits of disinformation…they don’t want Al-Qaeda to know they know that Bin Laden is dead, for whatever purpose.
    Or not. This is all just speculation on everyones part.

  16. osama is dead. if he were alive he would have been in our faces 24/7. do you think the msm would not find a way to promote that a**hole if he were still breathing. look at the scant coverage of castro lately.

  17. Noam Chomsky “among one of the most capable of those from your own side,” and mentions global warming and “the Kyoto accord.”
    The left might try to dodge this sloppy wet kiss, but there’s no doubt; he knows his allies and their causes.

  18. I used to think that nonsensical conspiracy theories were the sole property of the Left. But reading the posts here, the “bin Laden is dead” truthers may be as numerous as their intellectual equals in the 9/11-was-an-inside-job movement.
    Bin Laden just issued his first video message in almost 3 years, although he’s released several audio messages. All of these, including the new video, have been confirmed by the relevant experts to be the genuine Osama. In this video he mentions several events that have happened in the last few months, meaning that if he is dead his corpse must still be warm.
    Please don’t embarass yourselves and the conservative movement by spreading unfounded and idiotic rumours that bin Laden is dead. Let’s leave the mush-brained conspiracy mongering where it belongs, in the realm of the reality-challenged Left.

  19. Hey 2.5 % tax sounds pretty damn good. Except for odd beheading or stoning, it sounds like their government wouldn’t be in our face half as much as ours. The Liberals anyway. And no more Sheilas or Carolyns or Giggles.

  20. crabgrass – again, this isn’t a journal article. So kindly forget the Chicago manual of style.
    blackbird – if the point of dying one’s hair and beard is to convince the enemy of your youth, then, since the West already knows exactly how old Bin Laden is – such an action is spurious.
    a- if that’s a pasted-on beard (heh), then, shouldn’t the twits have the sense to make him look like Bin Laden, ie, with a long straggly white beard – and not a cartoon of himself ten years ago?
    He’s dead. That speech was written by a westerner. Whoever did the voice-over – so what.
    Bart F – nice comments on the relation between Islamic fascism and Leninism.

  21. ET,
    While I think Bin Laden is alive, no evidence to say otherwise and besides it really doesnt matter. However that isnt my point
    My point, I agree with you that the speech was written by someone elese. I think the naswer is Adam al Ameriki (or whatever his name is) the Californian convert. You are correct that it lacked the flowery (and florid) Arab rhetoric. Chomsky….wtf?….next he’ll be making references to Juan Cole….
    This was a speech not targetted to the Arab masses/street. It is targetted solely at the West. The question is why and what does it mean. Is it because thats where he gets bang for buck, ie can change things by speaking to them while speaking to Arabs and Muslims gets him nowehere or is it because he has realized that speaking to Arabs and Muslims gets him nowhere.
    It is an odd message. I would speculate that Amerki wrote it. At the end of the day I dont know what it really means.

  22. How about Osama is mummified and animated or someone made an animated Osama doll and put on a black beard to make him look younger? There is no sign of body language!
    How can anyone be so naive to think a voice can’t be mimicked? Any voice can have variables in different media.
    Can’t believe the gullibility of supposedly intelligent people, some of them looking after affairs of state. Scary stuff.

  23. ET’s analysis seems very accurate when you read the transcript – whoever wrote this knows all the important issues for lefties (Chomsky good, capitalism bad, Kyoto good, etc).
    The speech writer does however make it perfectly clear that Islam and the Koran are intellectual property theft:
    “And everyone who believe in them (Allah’s words) and complies with them is a believer from the people of the Garden. Then when the men of knowledge altered the words of Allah, the Most High, and sold them for a paltry price, as the rabbis did with the Torah and the monks with Evangel, Allah sent down His final book, the magnificient Quaran, and safeguarded it from being added to or subracted from by the hands of men, and in it is a complete methodology for the lives of all people.”
    Many of the characters and events of the Old and New Testaments appear in the Koran but they are all jumbled up – Miriam the sister of Moses appears as the mother of the man from Nazareth, Haman from the time of the Persians (book of Esther) appears in the court of the Pharoah (book of Exodus), Abraham takes Ishmael for sacrifice not Isaac, etc. Events and characters separated by 1000 years are mixed together in the Koran. Islam claims that Christians and Jews are perfidious and lied in their books. Thus Islam forbids conversion – if a Muslim reads the other books they may question why their version differs and they may point out these differences to other Muslims.
    When Mohammed came with his Koran to the Jews and Christians of Arabia, they said no thanks. The Koran was recognized as a mishmash of the Torah, the Prophets, Psalms, Proverbs, the New Testament, and the Talmud. The Christians and Jews living at the time of Mohammed did not recognize him as the “seal of the Prophets”. Thus Islam had to posit that the Jews and Christians “changed” the original which Mohammed made available in the Koran,
    Why do we allow this? It would be as if a group arose around an individual who claimed to have the “true” version of Shakespere’s writings – Othello and Hamlet were both in Denmark, King Lear was a Capulet, etc.
    You can’t just take other people’s writings, scramble them up, and then say that you have it right and the other people “lied in their books”. (oh I guess you can – it has been going on since 600 AD)
    (sorry for the -)

  24. If Bin Laden were to appear and say (a would-be paraphrase here) “I am here to announce to the world that I align myself with Republicans and conservatives everywhere.”, what would we conclude?
    He has stated the reverse, non?
    What political climate in the west works best for Al Quaeda’s recruitment program?
    Just thinking aloud, like everyone else.
    ET, I was kinda joking about the CMoS.

  25. R.Ball,at 10:09 p.m. I concur with your makeover of Osama to Bob Louden. Why not take it a little step further.Bob just isn’t edgy enough. I suggest we make it Dick,to appeal to the gays.Then set him up in an inn in Vermont,give him a white wife that looks great in a sweater,and a ditzy debutante housekeeper (a la Paris H.) that we call “cupcake”. A surefire hit.

  26. ex-liberal
    First – why on earth are you apologizing to crabgrass for the use of the ‘dash’? This is a blog not an academic journal, and the commentary does not follow ‘written text’ but ‘oral text’. Speaking and writing are completely different.
    I agree that the Koran is a mish-mash, as it would be, from a people who had heard of previous books (Torah, Bible) orally and from multiple sources.
    I maintain that Islam specifically developed within a pastoral nomadic economy that was seeing its land base drastically eroded due to expanding agricultural settlements of Christians. The Koran in its outline of proper behaviour fits right in with a pastoral tribal economy – not a settled agricultural economy. And it’s a perspective that is advocating fighting to both hold onto its lands and expand them. And keep the Others in dhimmitude – to ensure that the settled agriculturalists don’t retake those lands.
    As for this current speech – I think it’s to help the Democrats in the current American election. The speech is showing that Al Qaeda and the Democrats/Left could get along very well together in this world. They could work together, even convert to Islam! – and be all cozy together against the Big Corporations, against Global Warming, against capitalism blah blah. No need to fight a war; instead – Let’s Get Along in the fight against private enterprise, big business and global warming..etc.
    It’s pure western leftist blather. Geared to the American left who are weary of the War against Terrorism. Instead – this speech is suggesting that they could actually get along, stop the war, and fight The Real Enemy. Vote Democrat!!! That’s what it’s all about.

  27. Greg,
    Osama is not playing for the “war to go on and on” – he’s playing to win. He knows his message sounds good to leftists and he knows that if leftists come to power, he wins – leftists, who do not think there is anything worth fighting for in our way of life, will not fight.
    I was just joking about the apology for the dash.

  28. ex-liberal: “(sorry for the -)”
    No apologies necessary. You used it in correct fashion. Keep calm and carry on.

  29. Greg, he’s losing. That’s why he’s pleading with the Americans to quit. Al Qaeda is putting so much effort into fighting the West in its own territory (Afgh. & Iraq) that they can barely hatch a few muddled bomb plots overseas. Instead of cowering in terror of his fearsome jihadis, most Westerners get mad at Bush for even suggesting they exist, simply because the threat never materializes in a scary way like it did in 9/11.
    That’s not to say that the War against terror should stop — just keep ’em there, away from us, that’s cool by me. It would be wonderful,though, if they would stop torturing and killing their own people so the average Iraqi and Afghani can enjoy life like we can.

  30. Chicago Manual of Style, thank you so much for being here.
    I was only joking about joking on the use of the em dash. I am in fact deadly serious about it. ET, be more discerning henceforth.
    But on a serious note (if the video is to be taken seriously), did reverse psychology work on most of when we were kids?

  31. Eeyore: any sane and wise person is going to put out disinformation so as to not tip his hand to their enemies. It could very well be that those quotes from the CIA et al are just bits of disinformation…they don’t want Al-Qaeda to know they know that Bin Laden is dead, for whatever purpose.
    I thought about that perspective, Eeyore, and came up with these two questions:
    1) Exactly what intelligence value might there be for the US Government, operators of the most sophisticated and comprehensive global intelligence network in history, to public feign ignorance over their knowledge of the death of the world’s most wanted man? The only thing I can think of is to deceive the American public into thinking that this boogeyman still walks among them, and thus justify the continuation of “counter-terrorism” projects at home and abroad. But such duplicity (also, federal offences) isn’t something either the US military or the White House would stoop to, right?
    2) Rather, given that Bush’s approval ratings are tanking, the war is not merely unpopular but increasingly a political liability as well, the long-impotent Democrats are finally catching up, and the Republican Party is in desperate need to come up with demonstrations of progress in the War on Terror, wouldn’t it be a huge coup for the White House to be able to publicly announce that Bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks — the 5th anniversary of which is IN THREE DAYS — is dead, especially given that part of the reason for the growing unpopularity of the war is the ongoing failure to capture or kill this guy?

  32. Bin Laden or, Islamic fascism, may be losing as a military strategy – but- it can be transformed and win as a sociological strategy. How?
    First – there are two aspects of Islamic fascism. The first is strictly internal to the ME – and that is the fact that, as tribal dictatorships, the majority of the people have been excluded from economic, political and social power. The explosive population growth and rise of trillionaire dictators arose after WWII and is funded by one resource – oil.
    The answer to this focus on money, power and an impoverished and angry population, according to the Islamists, the islamic fascists, was to ‘purify’ these nations of their ‘Western industrialism’. The original Al Qaeda agenda was against these ME dictatorships.
    What these ME dictatorships did, to deal with this, was not to change their tribal political structure and develop a strong middle class. Instead, they encouraged massive emigration to the West – to get rid of this burgeoning and angry population. And, SA saw that this population was the ‘rabid’ group by funding Wahhibist mosques and schools in the West. That is, the requirement for change was ‘exported’ to the West. You got rid of your population, you educated them to be angry – not at their own country – but at the West.
    This emigration expulsion of the Al Qaeda agenda was enormously helped by the also post WWII rise of postmodernism and multiculturalism in the west – which enabled these fanatics to live and grow in the West without any restraints, and no need to assimilate.
    So, these ‘westernized fascists attacked the West. The West reacted by pushing them back into the ME – where they belong. That is what is happening now – the fight in Iraq and Afghanistan is not about the West, but about tribalism. Tribes are trying to both retain the old political system of One Tribe In Power – and to fight over which tribe. AND, to move, with great great difficulty – into a civic rather than tribal mode.
    This is the correct fight. This is what should have happened post WWII but didn’t.
    Now – this puts the original agenda of Al Qaeda, the installation of a Pure Islamic State, operating in 7th century mode – out of the picture. It’s no longer viable.And the ME fight now is between tribalism and civic political modes.
    I’m suggesting that Al Qaeda is morphing into two things. First – is the switch from ideological agenda to pure criminality. We’ve seen that with the Korean and other kidnappings-for-ransom. They’ll do more of this, move into drugs, etc, and transform into pure criminals.
    But, the leftists of the world are also using the defunct Al Qaeda ideology – the ideology not the people necessarily. And, they are saying: “the war is not against Islam; it’s not against terror. After all – everything we Islamists have done to you, you have deserved”.
    “No, my fellow brethren, the real war is against the Evil Capitalists, and Big Business. Oh, and global warming- which is caused by Big Business Capitalists’…and blah blah” Pure leftist socialism has aligned itself with Islamic fascists to fight the Real War. Against capitalism, democracy, science, reason, etc.
    By installing ‘dhimmitude’, by engaging the left as your dumb slaves to carry on the war.

  33. A, as I said, ALL OF THIS IS SPECULATION. You may be right, you may be wrong. The one thing that I know for sure is that I won’t believe everything I read in the news during a war.

  34. DemocracyRules says, “The voice is wrong. It is slow, sonorous, uninflected, there is nothing intellectually nimble about it.”
    ET: He’s dead. That speech was written by a westerner. Whoever did the voice-over – so what.
    Liz J: How can anyone be so naive to think a voice can’t be mimicked? Any voice can have variables in different media.
    Hello?! Hasn’t anyone here seen my movies (especially the latest installment, The Bourne Ultimatum, in theaters everywhere)?! This is the US Government! They are crazy good at this stuff. It ain’t just a bunch of guys sitting around a TV set, going, “Gee, I dunno, kinda sounds like him. I’m going with 70, no, 80 percent sure.” They’ve got, like, computers and stuff, with really cool software with wavy voice-tracking thingies! I think they’re even using Linux, man! LINUX!!!
    Now, Osama can’t seduce a cute German babe while killing a man with his bare hands like I can, but he’s still wily for an older guy. I say he’s alive, and–if you’ve seen my movies (especially the latest installment, The Bourne Ultimatum, in theaters everywhere)–you’ll know that I know everything.
    Peace out,

  35. Crabgrass: “Chicago Manual of Style, thank you so much for being here.”
    I’m glad you treating the proper use of the em dash with the sober gravitas it deserves. Fare thee well, my linguistically adept friend, fare thee well. And remember: wherever the poor usage of punctuation marks lurks, The Chicago Manual of Style will be there to fight for truth, justice, and the more correct usage of said punctuation marks.

  36. This comment is so good, it deserves a second helping, in bold!:
    I used to think that nonsensical conspiracy theories were the sole property of the Left. But reading the posts here, the “bin Laden is dead” truthers may be as numerous as their intellectual equals in the 9/11-was-an-inside-job movement.
    Bin Laden just issued his first video message in almost 3 years, although he’s released several audio messages. All of these, including the new video, have been confirmed by the relevant experts to be the genuine Osama. In this video he mentions several events that have happened in the last few months, meaning that if he is dead his corpse must still be warm.
    Please don’t embarass yourselves and the conservative movement by spreading unfounded and idiotic rumours that bin Laden is dead. Let’s leave the mush-brained conspiracy mongering where it belongs, in the realm of the reality-challenged Left.
    Posted by: JP at September 8, 2007 8:31 AM

  37. OBL:
    Yeah, aint’ conspiracy theories fun.
    You could drive your opponent to the brink of insanity by spouting them.
    And, I’ve advocated for a long time that conspiracy theories are living proof that God gave us imaginations.

  38. Sounds like Osma plans on running on the Democratic platform, I would love to see a debate between him and Hillery.

  39. old horsie: “You haven’t grown up yet?”
    Dude, I’m 11 years old. I’m not exactly sure what you expect of me.
    ET: “By installing ‘dhimmitude’, by engaging the left as your dumb slaves to carry on the war.”
    I expect that OBL is grateful for having his profile raised here, too. Myself, I’m putting him on “ignore”. That’ll get his goat.

  40. From the sounds of it, Bin Laden is ticked off Bush was re-elected the second time in America; how dare the American people not vote in those dumbass coward democrats – it is outrageous.
    I guess Bin Laden had to dye his beard because his followers were starting to view him as old and a has been….poor bugger, ageism gets us all.

  41. Dude, I’m 11 years old. I’m not exactly sure what you expect of me.
    Mentally, or physically? Expectations would differ depending on the answer.

  42. Why is no one mentioning the difference in his skin color in the two videos. Why has no one ever done a before and after pic of obl without a beard.
