Noisy, Empty Suits

Murray Wood hosts an afternoon phone in show on Saskatoon’s talk radio station, 650 CKOM (980 CJME in Regina). Today, he had a few choice words for some of our least favorite Liberals. I had been planning to dedicate a few words to Sheila Copps… saved me a lot of typing, Murray Wood did…
I emailed him to see if the piece was available online (it isn’t), but he sent me the raw text.
Heh. Nothing like a good rant to finish off a lazy Monday afternoon.

The Way I See It
If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, then self-righteous outrage is surely the final sanctuary for Liberal hacks and flacks facing their oh-so-deserved comeuppance.
I love the headline “Copps Cries Foul!!!” After losing the Liberal nomination in her Hamilton riding, the queen of the undeclared expense account suddenly wants a full accounting of the vote… and demands to know why some of her supporters were challenged.
Hey Sheila – here’s how the math breaks down; two plus two equals zero when it comes to you. That’s the number of positives you bring to any political party.
From the days of painfully shrill screeching on the opposition benches to her less than stellar time in cabinet, (remember free flags for all?) and unanswered questions about expense accounts, Sheila Copps has been a noisy, empty suit. No substance and not much style. Just sharp political claws and elbows.
Too bad for she doesn’t have better political instincts. Like a paunchy fighter who doesn’t know when to retire, Copps should have grabbed the patronage plum offered to her and ran. Of course, she could always run for the NDP.and aren’t the other parties all hoping she does?

And he was just getting started…

But Sheila Copps whining like the kid who just gave up the big goal complaining someone was in his crease, isn’t half as ludicrous as the article Jean Pelletier wrote on the weekend.
Pelletier–former Quebec City Mayor–former chief of staff for one Jean Chretien–had gotten what to a Liberal, amounts to his just desserts. Not just a seat on the gravy train.the chairmanship of the whole damn gravy rail line!
Pelletier, who knows as much about running a railroad as you or I, was rewarded with a post as Chairman of Via Rail. At least, until he failed to realize he couldn’t let his mouth go like a runaway freight train.
When former VIA employee and Olympic hero Miriam Bedard came forward to reveal shenanigans she claims to have personally witnessed, Pelletier responded in what had been the usual Liberal style. He got out the political knife and went for the guts. He called Bedard a poor girl who deserves pity, who doesn’t have a spouse–rather pointed inference to Bedard’s status as a single mother. In fact, Bedard is married these days.but then, good Chretienites never let facts get in the way of a good smear.
Imagine Pelletier’s surprise when the new boss didn’t back him up the way the old one did. In fact, the new boss.derailed him. Ran him out on the proverbial rail.
The shock..the confusion…the unctuousness. Pelletier, proving he has more nerve than brains, penned an article in the Globe and Mail under the laughter evoking headline, “What Happened to the Right to Fair and Equitable Treatment?”
I’m not kidding. Pelletier says he’s been profoundly shaken by recent events and makes the telling comment that what is being held against him goes against the grain of all the principles that have guided him throughout his forty years of public service. does go against that grain. And that’s the point. That he doesn’t understand it only underlines the point. My favourite part has to be where he says his statements about Bedard were taken out of context.
I’m curious, I’m really, really intrigued to know in which context attacking someone on a personal level as a single mother to be pitied, would be fair and equitable?
Pelletier goes on to moan about how what’s happened to him will cause other noble people to think twice about public service, and how his forty years of service aren’t enough to forgive an unfortunate comment.
Brian Mulroney once said of another classic Liberal trough-licker, Bryce Mackasey and I quote, “There’s no whore like an old whore.”
Crude.but still applicable today.
Which brings me to Alfonso Gagliano, the former public works minister. The auditor general says he was directly involved in some of the management of the sponsorship program.
As the stink first started escaping on this a couple of years ago, Gagliano was dispatched to be ambassador to Denmark, where they have experience with things that are rotten.
Gagliano complains he’s being treated badly..that the language of the auditor general was over-inflated. STOP!!!! Get this straight! The guy whose fingerprints are all over a program that squandered a quarter of a billion dollars, 100 million of which apparently got skimmed; he says the
auditor general’s language is over-inflated?
Do you see the trend? Copps…Pelletier.. Gagliano. They did nothing to deserve their fates. They’re victims!
It sickens the average Canadian, who works, pays taxes, raises their families the best they can. To see how their money is hoovered up by snout-nosed trough gluttons who flout the rules and consider themselves above reproach. To hear those pork-barrelers howl and whine now is less amusing than it is disgusting. At the very least, they should shut-up, take their fat pensions and swollen bank accounts and have the good grace to at least just go away.

What he said.

2 Replies to “Noisy, Empty Suits”

  1. A bewildering number of lawsuits

    June 16 – My question about the libel suit against David Frum has been answered – in spades. Many thanks to Candace for finding this ” href=””>discussion thread on the Frum column and fo…
