The Tolerant #Left

I’d delete my Twitter account, but for that saying that advises” keep your enemies closer”;

This argument for one party rule, with overt references to an actual civil war while claiming to be only about a theoretical or non-physical one, is awful popular right now among leftists. You know, the ones who put Democracy on all the signs they use to protest in favor of government’s fist turning a little more iron.


Democrats, who even when out of the political majority can still get Laura Ingraham on the verge of fired and Kevin Williamson from even getting hired, who while out of power in D.C. still decide how bathrooms work in your state and whether or not you’re allowed to use a particular word, who control the mainstream media so entirely and so thoroughly that you never hear a word from any survivor of a mass shooting who dares even praise the guns that saved them (because guns always do) much less the idea of the right to bear arms … THOSE Democrats don’t have ENOUGH power, says this guy who Twitter’s CEO thinks is the bees knees.


Social media matters, y’all. You can be old and out of it and pretend it doesn’t and turn your nose up at it, but it was instrumental in electing Trump and you know it. And the Democrats know it too, that’s why they are always ranting about Russian “bots”. And Twitter is the most immediate way to communicate in social media. It is, in fact, the platform our President has chosen to be his direct line to the people.


For a lot of bloggers and journalists and right wing activists, it’s the same. A direct line of communication. Considering conservatives are shut out of the mainstream press about 99 percent of the time, it’s one of the ONLY lines of communication to the public.


And the guy who runs it thinks that cutting Republican values out of society by force if necessary is a pretty neato idea. And a great read.

Case in point

35 Replies to “The Tolerant #Left”

  1. Hillary was supposed to be the president that was to have cemented the leftist takeover of the US government. Trump and the Deplorables thwarted that momentarily and now there is hell to pay. I’ll be surprised if Trump survives the four years.

    Canada is already lost to the left. Scheer is retreating to the Crimea as did General Wrangel in 1920. Oh, the odd local battle will still be won, but the war is lost.

    Tell me I am wrong?

    1. To the left, it’s not enough to win. The right wing has to lose and lose big.

      1. They aren’t in it win, it’s just incidental to what they are in it for which is to make someone else lose. Someone they hate for being better. The left isn’t going ever to build a better world. The notion of building a perfect or at least better society is really just an excuse to wreck everything good that has already been created by human endeavour and conserved by the right.

        1. You mean, to tell me: Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
          Read more at:

          Nah, you must be wrong. Look at the wordwide, 100% success rate! You have the stunning recent victories in Venezuela. The epic wins of the Holodomor and great leap forward. The unquestionable success of Idi “soylent green” Amin. The definitive human rights record holder Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. You have the most popular dead guy in the world, Che Guevara (if Charles Manson really wanted to be popular, should have taken notes from this guy). The utopia, the heaven on earth, that was Jonestown. People are still voting for Jim Jones bestie Jerry Brown.

    2. I try to look on the bright side. Canada is not “lost” as long as there are people like us in it. What I do see is a political breakdown that may occur, maybe a few years or a decade or two down the line, once they overplay their hand once too often. And it’s the local battles that can flare up into wildfires. Pray for a Canadian Spring. I do, every day.

    3. You’re not wrong … at least not until the faux-con influence is removed from the CPC and it can become a real opposition to the progressive ideology instead of a go-slow with tax breaks alternative.

      The one thing that gives me some optimism is that these things tend to run in cycles as generations discover for themselves that what they learned in skule was leftist spin and what happens in the real world is far different.

      Scheer seems like a decent sort of guy but I don’t read him as being anything like what we need to lead a fight against the leftist mindset in Canada, and only Max Bernier gave me much hope that was even possible (among the leading contenders, Trost obviously had some potential in that regard).

      Sadly, most party activists are only in it for their own interests and not those of the country. They manage to con a good percentage of real conservatives into voting for their fraudulent enterprise every four or five years, but what do we see in return? Not much when they are in power, and nothing when in “opposition.”

      We need to come to terms with this and the only solution is for a mass overturning of the power structure of the CPC which is a very difficult challenge since the entrenched faux-cons have most of the high cards. Meanwhile, would recommend parking your vote with the Libertarians, they can’t elect anybody but at least they have one good idea which is one more than the CPC.

      1. just get the “church” out of politics and the conservative party, job done, problem fixed
        Trost is an idiot

        1. Those will work only with perfect tools will do no work at all. That’s you. For you everything is an excuse to make no contribution.

          Brad Trost is a lot more intelligent and knowledgeable than you have ever managed to show yourself to be. Not a perfect person of course, but in every aspect a better man than you are. He has been an exemplary constituency MP who represents his electors to his party even when they disagree with his party. He is a conservative and the Conservative Party has replaced him as candidate so they won’t have to hear those inconvenient voices. I’ll have to use his replacement as the carrier of my next vote against the Liberals, unless he runs as an independent. I don’t expect he’ll do that because I suspect he’s more loyal to the Party than I am but I will vote for him if he runs.

          1. Brad Trost is a fundie fossil with no place in the 21st century. Good riddance to him. They need to get rid of Cheryl Gallant and her embarrassing emails.

      2. The most frustrating part is when conservatives eat their own, with blue tories selling out to progressivism, or red tories insisting on vote killing social conservative policies.

        Just enough for the easy way out tax laundering and poor depleting wankers to wedge their way into power.

        Yes, progressives are on the run, but Harper stopped them too; they regrouped and now they’re back, into power over us.

        All it took was a fraudulent 4th estate. No biggie there. No lasting implications.

        The gong show against Trump won’t happen here. Of course it will.

        The upcoming ON election will no doubt provide evidence.

        Progressive politicians don’t know anything about business, they are financially dependent on statism, that’s reality.

    4. Ken,
      I optimistically think you are wrong.
      We are getting to the point where the public are going to demand guillotines be set up.
      The Marxists are over reaching, they see posts like your and think the war is won.
      We need to support and elect people who will cut the size of the government in half at all levels
      If a service can be provided in the private sector, it should not be provided by a bureaucrat.
      That includes education and health care.
      Where they are going to fail is on climate change, they are now talking about taxing food because of more bs about agriculture’s “carbon footprint” harming the planet.
      Trudeau, McKenna and the Dipper governments are doing a great service to Canada, exposing carbon taxes for the fraud they are. Taking more money out of my wallet is not going to do anything about climate globally but it will raise the temperature in Ottawa if enough Canadians say enough is enough.
      Impose term limits on politician and senior bureaucrats. They are colluding around the world with each other and the UN – not in our interests either.
      Fire them all.

      1. “cut in half”? More like 99.9%. There should in fact be a hard limit on the number of government employees; something like 1% of the adult population. Even that is a huge number of people.

        We are at 36,878,650, so 1% of that is about 37,000 people. And I am talking all levels of government. Local, provincial, federal, school boards, add them all together, and there should be no more than 37,000 people running this place. Sadly, I think just the government of Saskatoon numbers 37,000 employees.

        After you get government shrunk, you need to disenfranchise most of the people in the country; anyone who has tax free status, gets no say. Welfare? No say. Treaty status? No say. Allowing people with no skin in the game to make decisions, is by far the most corrosive thing we could possibly be doing.

        Also, I think government employees do not need to be paid; there should be government housing, and government restaurants that provide for their basic needs, AND THAT IS IT. Since they will no longer be doing the kabuki theatre of taking money from Peter, then giving some to Paul, they don’t get any vote or say in elections either.

    5. I think Stephen Harper was right when he said that Canada is becoming more conservative. Over and above the periodic movement from left to right, the pendulum, there is a distinct shift going on. It’s a cultural shift. In Canada, AB, SK, MB and ONT will soon have conservative governments in power at the same time. A thing that I have not seen in my 40 some odd years. I believe it has to do with the fact that the mainstream media companies have lost their monopoly on public opinion, forever. The old adage, don’t pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel is a fantastic example. The people who used to buy ink by the barrel are all bankrupt now, or soon will be. Look at the reach of this blog. It doesn’t have multi-millionaire deep pockets behind it. Something as simple as comments at the end of a news article. Do you think that 25 years ago people could even imagine being able to tell the “journalists” they were full of shit right at the end of their column in what amounts to a crowded public forum? And with the media landscape being levelled, there will no longer be a gigantic tilt to the left. The CBC will be privatized one day and that will be the last major step in removing the perpetual advantage the left has in Canadian elections.

      One thing to watch out for is the left wing “boots on the ground” type organizations being funded by Soros types. If that isn’t squashed, it’ll take longer.

      I believe that Scheer is going to win the next election and the Liberals will probably be down and out for a few generations at least when that happens. When their Trudeau scion is no more and there will be no more instances of it.

  2. I see morality is almost gone in Canada and the US. I don’t see how we can keep our freedom when freedom is abhorrent to the left. I could run down a list of all the intolerable things we now tolerate but I am sure most know them. We will never turn this beast around until we start to understand that truth does not come from the left. As long as we are willing to vote for fools we will be subjected to whim of such fools. I do not hold out any hope that Canada will survive the onslaught of left wing fools.

  3. Har.
    Human Nature is.
    Once we reach Had Enough Status,all bets are off.
    The fantasies of our Progressive Comrades will always end in mass death.
    So says history to date.And so says our nature.
    Pulling the wings off of flies,is fine sport,but pales in the joy we glean from giving an eggregious parasite its come-upance.
    Our present Liberals of Canada are exposing their ugliness and unthinking evil every day.
    Unfortunately those other self selected “leaders” are nearly as bad.
    The great cull is coming,brought on by the same idiots who believe “somebody should do something about IT”.
    Never realizing they are that somebody and usually the problem is themselves.
    Cycles run nature, we have been fat and lazy.Soon we will be hungry and resentful.
    Those who can follow these cycles are already resentful.
    Resentful of the fools and bandits who seek to destroy the living conditions we enjoy.
    Those calling for the suppression of the tool users by those who “speak well” are demonstrating their idiocy.
    In the ways of destruction,none are as skilled as those who make.
    The question for thinking Canadians;”Had Enough Yet?”
    When your time and property are not your own.
    When government feels the right to tell you what you may say.
    When your right to live,via self defence is not automaticly respected.
    What are you?
    Citizen or Subject?
    Slavery is back.
    If you chose to be productive,you are now living it.

  4. Great comments above and I wish I could be that optimistic. My extended a family knows what is happening. Lev knows what I am talking about.

    “The one thing that gives me some optimism is that these things tend to run in cycles as generations discover for themselves that what they learned in skule was leftist spin and what happens in the real world is far different. ”

    The cycles? Sadly it took members of my extended family and their peer neighbours in Russia three generations, to first of all try and survive, then to accept and cope with, and finally to overthrow the lie. Now they seem to going into the fire of a different sort again under Putin.

    Oh to be sure, we have a few Cheryl Gallants, Max Berniers, Dr. Jordan Petersons, Lindsey Sheppards, Rex Murphys and others here and there trying to stem the flow, but the vast majority of our media, educational system, and politicians seem to want to tear down the legacy of centuries western liberal democracy development and take us into a Marxist darkness with all of its attendant lies of utopia.

    The barbarians are banging and breaking the windows of our halls, as at Queens the other day.

    1. It’s been like this for at least 50 years. All the Liberals have to do is dangle a few pretty baubles in front of the voters in key regions of the country (e. g., southern Ontario and southern Quebec), and they remain in power and can do whatever they please.

      The rest of us, the deplorables in flyover country, are deliberately ignored.

      1. And we have gotten really good at taking it and keeping our mouths shut …. right? It’s on us to do something about it, but we won’t. It’s too uncomfortable. We got very soft over the past few decades … we aren’t who we used to be.

  5. I admit I don’t know that much about either of them, but I watched a few videos of Andrew Scheer and Michele Rempel, and I think Rempel would make a great Prime Minister of Canada…I know she is not running but she should.

  6. “Democrats, who even when out of the political majority can still get Laura Ingraham on the verge of fired and Kevin Williamson from even getting hired, who while out of power in D.C. still decide how bathrooms work in your state and whether or not you’re allowed to use a particular word, who control the mainstream media so entirely and so thoroughly that you never hear a word from any survivor of a mass shooting who dares even praise the guns that saved them (because guns always do) much less the idea of the right to bear arms … THOSE Democrats don’t have ENOUGH power, says this guy who Twitter’s CEO thinks is the bees knees.”

    Oh please stop with the victim complex. ‘The Democrats’ are not some all-controlling monolith. Those who are responsible for Ingraham and Williamson are different sets of people. Further, conservatives get media exposure Fox news panders to them as relentlessly as MSNBC pandered to the left in 2010. Conservatives would get more media traction if they didn’t totally suck at media-look at all of their ‘alternatives’ to main-stream media like Sun News and Breitbart et alia: they’re all horrible. Rare was the rare exception and it’s shutting down. I used to sympathize with the conservative complaints about media but no more you did this to yourselves.

    Social media is also not what got Trump elected. Running against the worst Dem nominee in the modern era was.

    The article that guy links to is right in at least one regard: buy getting stupider and stupider since the turn of the century and going whole hog for Orange Peron, the GOP and likely the political right has indeed positioned itself for extermination. Social media, particularly the ‘alternatives’ built by conservatives are key to this-young people have seen the worst caricatures of conservatives validated by conservatives themselves. Once again, you did it to yourselves. I’m sure you’ll learn nothing except how to victim complex harder.

    1. Victim complex? Really. That’s the lefts mantra and hence their attack on free speech that hurts feelings. The right’s media sucks because there is no money for it because the powers that control the MSM could give a small dead animal’s arse about content. They just want profit and that comes from neurotic, tuned-in, control freaks who need constant validation that their “liberalism” is not a disease and that the neanderthalic Nazis are being called out; and for every one nut-job conservative that gets called out for hypocrisy or stupidity there are nine Neo-Marxists who get a free pass. Sorry Unme, its the truth that is getting victimized by bully-groups who attack with their labels and force everyone to declare that 2+2 = 5.

      1. “The right’s media sucks because there is no money for it ”

        LOLWUT? Fox news has no money?

        Again, your entire post is just victim complex. “It’s all the Bad Guy’s fault!” They didn’t force Trump on the America ya know.

        1. After Fox there is … and in Canada there is … sorry the victim-card is the breath of life for all you Neo-Marxists. Name call all you like but at least don’t use one of your very own and shiniest traits. Besides, we’re the “Bad Guys”, lefty. Remember? Or did you fire up another bong?

          1. There was Sun News. It sucked (and the newspapers are awful). Then there’s an assortment of online BS-mongers from Breitbart and beyond. Gosh, I wonder why people won’t give you money?

    2. Laura Ingram got herself in trouble. WTF was she thinking?

      Beating up on a dumb kid should get you fired. Your 50 years old and haven’t figured that out?

      Faux News is entertainment just like all the other cable networks. It’s all spin and talking to ‘their’ audience. In order to have an audience you have to sell advertising. You piss off the advertisers and you aren’t going to have an audience, simple. She’s stupid.

  7. When you stop negotiating with the other side and instead seek to impose your political will without regard for large portions of the populations and then suppress all opposing views…first you get out migration, then you get secession movements, then you get a significantly increasing risk of violence.

    If you alienate the class of citizens that keeps society functioning via maintenance, repair of essential services and machinery you get decay and collapse. Ditto for demonizing workers who maintain law and order. Also, the destruction of agricultural industries and production never goes well.

    I’m not sure a progressive revolution backed by silicon valley, personal service providers and liberal arts grievance study majors has great long term prospects but I could be wrong.

    1. It amuses me when progressives pretend to be champions of the working class but in the same breath express seething resentment and bigotry towards the politics, the culture and the morals of the working class. It’s the same mind boggling twist of how the left loves humanity but hates actual people.

  8. Peering at a bit of human history tells that humans go through periods of terrible violent unrest and then mind-numbing boredom and misery … rinse and repeat. That’s us. We are just coming out of a period of mind-numbing boredom disguised as advances in technology to amuse us so we stop paying attention.

    We are about to enter a world of pain and misery courtesy of the evil left and the no-longer-vigilant-right, many of whom have taken to various levels of obesity for fun and frolic and a growing lack of concern for much beyond the new F150 and the old Smoker Grill.

    We need a revolution to toss the garbage out of leadership roles and start fresh … but … But we aren’t going to get one. We waited too long … and … well … my feet are sore anyway …

  9. I wonder what would happen to Twitter share price if Trump threatened to jump to another platform.

  10. migawd.
    I wish I had the tech prowess of ‘anonymous’ and the financials of one of these leftoid digital bigwigs.
    I would have my people lock onto some of the most egregious examples of their visceral hate and leave ONLY that stuff on the various web sites. then hunt down their privacy, financials, links, cloud documents , etc and do a ‘wikileak’ on them.
    topped up by a huge amount of the vast catalogue of history’s examples what happens when leftism plays itself out:
    mao, chavez, castro, pol pot, n korea, too many to list.

    then put hellary and the clinton (clanton?) gang in the cross hairs. that would be the fun part. kinda like shackling a 30 pound lead weight onto their leg as they struggle to get to shore in the freezing water . . . .
