50 Replies to “The Thrill Of Giving”

    1. Don’t let crazy Nancy Pelosi anywhere near those plant byproducts, masquerading as sausages. We were not born yesterday.

    2. “Looks perfectly horrid.
      Pass the scissors….”
      You mean like for a Bris? Would that make them Kosher?

  1. Accuracy in labeling please: Beneath Meat, Beneath Sausage.
    Yes, plants come from beneath the pig. It’s a fact.

  2. I am a second tier vegan, I let the animal process the roughage, then eat the animal.
    If that Great Reset that sock puppet is referring to goes through, then this plant based overly processed crap will be the new normal.
    Meat will be outlawed because of greenhouse gasses and water usage.
    Another thing about greeners and water usage, where do they think the water goes? Out into space or evaporates forever? It should not matter how much water is used in a process, it’s just recycled.

    1. (then this plant based overly processed crap will be the new normal.
      Meat will be outlawed because of greenhouse gasses and water usage.)
      Only outlawed and banned for the masses, the poor… Our rich, moral, intellectual betters will have plenty for themselves.

      Here’s a look into the future..
      In this scene Chuck the cop found fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and a slab of beef in the refrigerator of a murder victim
      and decided to bring it home..
      The feast.. Soylent Green 1973
      Oh and some wine.

    2. Absolutely! Green crazies think you can “use” water, or that salt water is salty forever (evaporation anyone?). The cost of actually using water, that is removing it from the planet, is so expensive almost none has been used, ever. Just sayin’.

  3. I had surgery to reduce the size of my prostate gland (no worries about cancer) on November 19. I really didn’t need to see that picture.
    For those who are concerned, I’m doing fine – still a few inconveniences, but nothing big, and getting better every day.

    1. Congratulations. I’ve been through the same thing myself. (No cancer, either.) It’ll take a while for things to work properly again.

  4. Ever look at the sodium content in “Beyond Meat”? It’s junk food levels. I eat some meals vegetarian for my health, just like I eat meat and eggs for my health, Beyond Meat has no place in a healthy diet.

  5. Filed under shit We’ll never EVER eat.
    Our household is also a 2nd Tier Vegan establishment….combo Dutch-Italian Style.
    Foods great and the offspring Genetics awesome…!

    1. Steakman, I saw a picture a year or so back, where there had been panic buying, every shelf in the supermarket had been cleared out. The ONLY shelves that were still untouched, were….yup, you guessed it, the beyond meat shelves. People won’t even eat that crap in a panic situation. However, the thoughts I am left with is, with that reality, how come they are still making that shit? My other thought is, they must intend for it to be in future continued use, even if no one buys it. Hmmmmm!

  6. PossibIe headIines for the picture:

    “And I thought Joe Biden just soId his souI to be President”


    “Where Trannie parts go when they are no Ionger needed”

  7. The thought of real ground up snouts and hoofs is actually more appetizing. You could load particle board up with that much msg and it would taste kinda like meat too.

  8. Eat the bugs. At least at this stage our betters are trying to trick us into eating this crap. In the future when we own nothing and rent that which we want (from owners?), they’ll put a gun to our head and tell us to the eat bugs.

  9. Maybe a touch of Viagra sauce would firm things up. I’m a vegan by proxy. I eat grass fed beef.

