25 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

    1. Makes me wonder what the fandeck for gender-compliance looks like!? Ewwwwww … or … Ahhhhhhhh hhh… as the case may be

    2. There is an intern and mentoring program for african american sales people…
      Despite wide publicity there has not been a single response.

  1. How come when this was done under apartheid in South Africa, it was considered evil and immoral, but now, when the races are reversed, it’s considered “justice”?

    1. Because Charter ss. 15(2) says discrimination is A-Okay when it’s against whitey.

      Liberals have never made sense. We made the mistake of letting them out of the mental homes and putting them in charge.

  2. Both myself , my sister and a good friend from Toronto were incensed about this program. Back in the 1980’s, when we all became self-employed (basically because our employers went bankrupt), there were no programs available for those starting out. In fact, both my sister and I faced financial discrimination because we were single, self-employed and female when we tried to purchase our first homes. I had $ 60,000 of the $ 75,000 purchase price for my home and needed to borrow $ 20,000 to pay the balance of the price, the legal fees and the land transfer cost. I had to get very “perky” with the female bank lender and thankfully, I was able to pay off that mortgage within 3 years even at 16% interest. My sister underwent the same problem in 1991 when she had $ 50,000 of the $ 68,000 purchase price as down payment and also needed to borrow $ 20,000 to pay the balance of the purchase price, the legal fees and the land transfer cost. The bank wanted her to have our father co-sign for her. She absolutely refused and eventually received the mortgage and again had that “sucker” paid off within 5 years, her interest rate was 14%.
    In retrospect, we are all glad that there were no lending programs, because the loan always must be re-paid and the government “owns” you until it is. Perhaps if we were black lesbian “cripples” from one of the Maritime provinces we would qualify.

    1. Big Momma, as an old guy who bought a few houses in my life along with an apartment building, I never ever put up even 10% of the value of what was being purchased, several got a zero down straight to mortgage, even if I had the cash, it was always preferable to use someone else’s money. I learned very quickly that the more I owed the more I could borrow. Never ever paid off a mortgage and sold when the equity reached the point where I thought it should be for a reasonable profit. I don’t know if that sort of dealing is possible now as I no longer buy or sell anything other than buying my next new car.

      1. Hi there – just checked back in. Because I was a woman, I “needed” to have a large down payment. My last 3 houses were all purchased for cash, no mortgages. Now, that I don’t need the banks, I am constantly being peppered with offers. I DO have an excellent credit rating though and can sleep well at night.

  3. Can you simply IDENTIFY as being Black? I mean there is a hell of a lot of that kind of nonsense going on. Actually, someone should give that a try and sue the government if they refuse.

    1. It would be worth the effort just to laugh at the contortions they would go through to not be “RACIST”. As long as it did not cost anything financially.

  4. I don’t know why they call us “whitey” – we come in a veritable kaleidoscope of shades.

    1. Doesn’t matter. You are responsible for it. You must atone for it. And you must pay to fix it.
      “It” can be anything “they” say “it” is.
      The Woke Way of Things.

  5. The government was ever thus. I was denied a Canada Council grant for a book because I had the prospect of making a profit. I should have declared myself black or does being left-handed count as a minority?

    1. Did you get the book done? What was it called? — I’ll check it out if its on a topic that interests me. Cheers!

  6. Is there going to be a Tribunal of Colour to determine if you’re dark enough to match the paint fan?
    But who determines if you are black enough to qualify to become an overpaid Tribunal of Colour member.

    I think the Prime Minstrel, Juthtin Weirdo II, is the most qualified to determine who is black enough.

  7. Does anyone recall the real estate crash caused by “affirmative action” by colour lending ?
    The No Job, No Income, No Assets, No Down Payment. qualification: a dark skin colour.
    How did that work out ?

    Chief, the Liberals have a secret plan…(lowering the cone of silence) “They work for CHAOS !”

  8. I’ve said this everytime we burn endless hours musing over just the right shade.
    WTF is Navaho White! (and does it qualify?).

  9. The same Libranos that destroyed tens of thousands of mostly white owned businesses with the lockdown are now giving money to blacks to start a business… the lockdown looks more and more like it is a part of some… oh I don’t know… what’s the phrase… “Cultural Revolution”? Worked great in South Africa and Zimbabwe BTW.

    Diversity is white genocide.

  10. Under Bill C-16 I declare that I identify as a black female lesbian. Where are my three cheques? And unless you address me by my preferred pronoun – ATM, I will haul you in front of a Human rights tribunal.

    Sorry ATM is my white male identifier

  11. Just remember. This is NOT Trudeau that is doing this. This is everyone that voted for Trudeau that is doing this. And Trudeau.
