49 Replies to “Your Government Is Here For You”

  1. A while back, I saw a documentary (sorry can’t find it), about how one state banned foreign workers. The fruit growers couldn’t find enough Americans who wanted to, or had the temperament / stamina to harvest fruit. In the documentary, the ones who tried lasted less than a week.

    I believe that asparagus ranching is hard back-breaking labour when it comes time to do the final picking. Are they jobs that 99% of Canadians would do? Dunno.

    I would rather see the growers supported than the food rot. (and us starve in our luxurious, non-calloused handed, lives).

    1. If you pay people too much money to not work, don’t be surprised when they decide not working is an option. We could get rid of our unemployment problem in a heart beat it not working wasn’t so lucrative. Back in the old days a lot of the harvest work was done by school kids, which is why we have school summer breaks like we do. A lot of it was also done by city industrial workers. Doing harvest work on farms was their “summer vacation”.

      1. Strawberry & BlueBerry picking…right through hi School in Richmond back in the day…
        I did it, as did my sisters…and Mom when she wasn’t working at a regular job. It wasn’t till 1969 that I got on with MCDonalds at one of their First Stores in Canada on # 5 Rd….for the Princely SUM of. $0.50/hr.

        them were the days….LOL

      2. But then the union stepped in and said child labour is evil. Meaning: non-union, non-dues paying kids looking for spending money and helping out the family farm cannot be allowed.

    2. Gee, no benefit, hard, temp, dirty, soul busting work. Huh, who would think you got to pay..I dont know…compensation.
      God forbid for a bit, a few months, you get paid the same as the deputy assistant vice provost for transgender affairs at state subsidized Atlantic Collage of Paper Mill.
      Anyways, import Chinese to work Chinese farms by buying off a nation’s ‘elite’ . Why its as if Canada is some broke butt African colony of China.

  2. He is probing everyone – how much abuse will this country put up with.
    The only important question is for how long C.A.N.A.D.A. will continue to tolerate the bullying.

  3. I guess the mental midgets that voted for this band of thieves are getting what THEY voted for.
    FREE SASKABERTA 51 !!!!!!!! COMMUNISM is a KILLER, for those of you who failed History 10 in high school.

    1. Old timer….what passes for History in Hi School these days is of the REVISIONIST Style….Nothing of value whatsoever – but social justice BS.

      1. Steak, that is EXACTLY the best way to repeat the atrocities of the 20th Century. Best to be prepared.

      2. Somewhere today a I read a comment that said justice with any qualifier in front of it, is not justice.

    2. OT64. Unfortunately so is every single man and woman who created the wealth that allowed this idiocy to perpetuate itself. I did not vote for it. If it were possible I would hold every single voter to a test, fail the test you go to Cuba forever. It would be a simple test, did you vote liberal or socialist, yes gets you gone.

  4. Now there’s a farm subsidy for ya.
    The guys that hire them love this as they only pay them $8.00/hr vs $15.00/hr minimum wage . As far as nobody here wants to do that type of work….bollocks . The employers are using that as an excuse to hire cheaper labour .

    1. Get rid of the minimum wage and make it piece work. That’s how it was when I was a kid. Pick a quart of strawberries and get paid for picking a quart of strawberries.

      1. Rusty, exactly as it was when I was a teenager picking asparagus and tomatoes during spring and summer. Pick a basket and get paid by the basket. It was hard back breaking and dusty work but it gave me some summer spending money.


    1. Which is why the unemployment rate before this Wuhan Virus erupted was at a record low. It’s seasonal work and most people rightly prefer a permanent job and even unskilled work in retail pays well compared to seasonal farm labour. Years ago I did meet a small berry grower who complained he couldn’t hire summer students (he was too small an operation to hire and house foreign workers). I also expect the students preferred a retail summer job to the mundane labour of berry picking.

  5. Try and find able bodied Canadians lining up to do farm labour and I will eat my shirt.
    A sad but necessary state of affairs.
    Those jobs are there every year yet every year migrants come in to do the work because no Canadian with their “non-calloused hands” will (ref alecincgy above).
    No shot at Trudeau on this one.

    1. If you want people to work, stop paying them not to. Only a fool would go out of their way to do back breaking work if there is an equally lucrative option that involves not getting off the couch.

    2. Beg to differ, but many people do the farm labour thingee, lots of school kids and younger people work the tender fruit industry in Niagara and I suspect BC.

      In many cases they are more desirable that foreign labour, because you don’t have to house and feed them. They frequently are better workers too.

  6. The core issue here is that other countries sub-standard rules, lower labour costs, make producing the same product here much less competitive. We can’t pay the appropriate pay scales to have people from Canada do that work, and not be forcing the food market to go an buy the cheaper product from another country.
    We also need to retain our own food supply or be at the bidding of these nations.
    So unless we are willing to place huge duties on countries that don’t produce food at the same environmental, labour standards and costs as we do here, and then pay the higher prices at the market, this is the only viable solution.
    I would prefer we didn’t have to do this, but any imported labour will need to be isolated before they can be allowed to transport throughout the country.

  7. Canadians prefer turning off their only means of rational thought, allowing looters and thugs to advance the eventual financial collapse rather than be considered mean spirited by the looters and thugs who have attained cultural dominance. Who is John Galt?

  8. A lot of potato farms around where I live. Every year workers from primarily Mexico come up for a few months. They live on the farms in trailers etc, and only go into town on weekends. I don’t understand why extra money is needed. The work is not hard although your hands get dirty. I guess that would deter most Canadians.

  9. This is the truth and it’s the way it is:

    City people don’t know how to do farm work. You can’t expect to teach them when they are young adults. It’s too late. One has to learn the work ethic as a preteen youngster. Unfortunately child labour is politically incorrect. That’s pure propaganda. Ask anybody who was raised on a farm or ranch. Kids from that scenario who would’ve been exempt from work would have had to have been handicapped or asthmatic.

    When the farm kids become adults they become outstanding adults. They are the people who employers like to hire. They are the responsible, sensible people who show up for work and get the job done.

    I think it was Woody Allen who once said, “80% of life is showing up”– how true.

    1. I think it was Woody Allen who once said, “80% of life is showing up”– how true.

      While I was teaching, I became acquainted with the work ethic of the younger generation. Many of them expected a passing grade simply because they bothered to put their lazy, shiftless backsides into a lecture room seat.

      Get them to work at the same level I did when I was their age and a university undergraduate? Fuhgeddaboudit. Why should they even try when I didn’t “make the learning easy” for them or make it “fun”?

      Unfortunately, the institution only encouraged and rewarded such an attitude.

      1. Today, every willing to learn, proactive student will be put down by bundling them with lazy azzholez into group projects. You may be super genius and hardest working, but those 3 lazy azzholez will drown themselves and take you with them. The lesson is if it is too hard, just give up. Who is paying for this? China and India. They want outsourcing for themselves, and then are not going to put up with the competition by Canadians. Of course, I am a fearmonger. Of course!

        1. Today, every willing to learn, proactive student will be put down by bundling them with lazy azzholez into group projects.

          It was that way when I was an undergrad more than 40 years ago. That was one reason I never liked group work. Unfortunately, I got more of that in industry. (“How come you don’t like working in teams?” “Because I don’t like doing a lot of the work and some brown-nosing, glory-hunting, know-nothing takes all the credit.”)

  10. Our country is broken and there is not one single individual capable of fixing it.

  11. As a young man, I came out west and picked fruit in the valley and planted trees in the hills. It was hard and dirty work but it built character and resilience. I am grateful to have done that hard work for a number of years. It also spurred me to aspire to doing better in working life, wherein I found that the fortitude I developed during my hard labour days was of benefit in other forms of work.
    Some of these millennials would grow up if they got out of the basement and off of their play stations. And, to be fair, there are many young folks who know this. I see them on construction sites, for example….until they shut down the sites that is.

    1. I spent my undergrad summers at an oil refinery close to where my parents lived. During my second one there, I worked with the maintenance crews. The work was dirty, often back-breaking, and frequently dangerous. I hated it, but I was determined to tough it out.

      By the end of that summer, it wasn’t so bad. I learned a lot of things that would prove useful to me after I finished my B. Sc. and returning for my junior undergrad year with a lot of that overtime money that I earned didn’t hurt, either. That cash paid for a lot of books and I could afford to go for pizza and beer or a movie with my mates once in a while.

  12. You can get Canadians to do any kind of work. You just need to pay enough money.
    The corporation that is farming does not want to pay enough to Canadians. They want more profit so import 3rd world slave labour.
    They think they have a God given right to farm whatever it is they CHOOSE to farm. They should not get to import 3rd world slave labour: pay Canadians, pay to mechanize or grow something else.
    I use machines to harvest crops on my farm. I have no right to hire labour instead of buying machines and be assured a profit.
    There is nothing in the national interest that a particular plot of farmland grows a particular fruit rather than some other fruit, vegetable or other produce that can be mechanically harvested. Canadians can get all their nutrients from mechanically harvested foods.
    Corporate welfare bums.

  13. Raise wages, charge higher prices, impose tariffs on imports to balance competitiveness.

    Good food is very cheap, has been for years thanks to the exploration of imported workers.

    Bigots say Canadians won’t do certain kinds of work, but the only people I have ever seen driving human waste removal trucks, sucking sh!t from portable toilets, have been fairly average Canadians, men and women. To me, and probably a lot of people, that has to be one of the worst jobs in the world, but it pays.

    Liberals are cheap, if they can exploit people to save a few bucks, they will, they have no conscience.

  14. “So Trudeau unveils a $50,000,000 scheme to fly in 30,000+ cheap foreign farm labourers. He will pay them each $1,500 to quarantine in hotels for 14 days, instead of hiring Canadians”

    Here is the Liberal reasoning.

    Working Canadians are harder to control than unemployed Canadians.

  15. Ezra’s right.
    I know lots of people that would do this job again because their jobs are most likely gone.

  16. This virus has shown how really sick Canada has become.
    How many Canadians will notice?

  17. Be realistic. Typical Canadian thought process:

    Work picking berries or tomatoes at minimum wage?


    Collect free money from the government?

    Hmm? Hmm? hmmmmm!

    C’mon Billy. Let’s spend it.

  18. From The University of Waterloo 15 minutes ago.

    Dear richfisher
    In these unprecedented times, the tenacity and generosity of our Waterloo community shines through, carrying the promise that we will get through this together.
    And right now, our students need our community’s help. They are trying to cope with the loss of part-time jobs, or having their co-op work term cancelled. Some can’t afford a flight to go home – or to get back home from overseas. Some don’t have Internet to access online courses. Many are struggling to buy groceries and pay rent.
    All of this means they are choosing between making ends meet and staying in school.
    That’s why last week, in addition to many changes we are making internally, the University announced the creation of a special Student Emergency Support Fund to help students with unanticipated expenses related to COVID-19.
    More than 1,100 people from across Canada and beyond have already opened their hearts to our students! But there are thousands of students who require help, and we need to raise even more.

    I recognize you may be facing challenges of your own right now, and know we are concerned about you too. We understand that charitable giving may not be an option at this time. However, if your circumstances allow, I hope you will consider making a special gift to help these Waterloo students who represent our future. Your gift will let them know you want them to continue their important studies so they can help solve the complexities of our world.
    Blah blah blah

  19. I had a young nephew work on one of these farms . He had to fight and it took about three years to get paid. I don’t know if this is the norm.

  20. Over 8000 will eventually end up in Leamington Ont where they will work in greenhouses. A good portion of those greenhouses grow pot.

    What the story doesn’t tell is that the farmers receive ‘gov’t assistance’ for each worker hired. The farmers put out a small ad somewhere knowing the locals won’t work there for minimum wage and zero benefits. Not getting enough hires to run their operation, the farmers go to the gov’t and say. ‘hey, we can’t get workers so we need to bring in foreigners and it’s expensive!’. So the gov’t gives them an incentive to hire them.

    So, my friends who own restaurants are all going under while we pay to import foreigners… to grow pot.

    Fk this country.

  21. My first job was farm work. I used to bike down to the farm labour pool office and wait for the bus to take us out to the farm. Got paid the end of each day. Then I moved to Ottawa. When my son was old enough to work I started looking around for the labour pool office to send him to. There isn’t one. Next I looked around the area to see what kind of farm work he could get. For him to work on a farm I would have to drive him out of town then pick him up again in the evening. I get paid by the hour and I would have been money ahead to simply pay him to sit at home. He ended up getting odd jobs around the neighbourhood, working in one neighbour’s garden watering and pull weeds, took over another neighbour’s paper route when they went away for a month to visit family.

    My point is that most of Canada lives in cities now and so the source of labour is no longer near the demand.

    BTW, my son now has a job unloading truck trailers by hand. He is putting the money aside for university.
