It’s Probably Nothing

And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.

You heard me right.


Untraceable clusters alarm US officials.

Infections surge in South Korea.

Italy – Tens of thousands of Italians prepared for a weeks-long quarantine…

8 dead in Iran, which seems to have a abnormally high death rate or an abnormally low detection rate.

2 more young doctors die from coronavirus in China

20 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Ok why is 4chan always right about everything. Well except for flat earth and all the false flag conspiracy theories.

  2. Soooo;
    Now we are back at square one.. BAT Soup with the chest hair singed on the side of the yellow bowl. Ugh.

    It sounded better to have been made in a Biological Chemical Warfare Lab.

    1. “Now we are back at square one.. BAT Soup”

      Yes. It was always a good hypothesis. This has been my theory from the start.

      1. No Ooz, batschitt doesn’t cut it, sold lab animals is more like it, and monkeys and rats are not BATS, I know , because I used to have pet rats, and they are NOT bats

  3. now were Ooz to link to another bullschitt theory and help the Chinese propaganda machine out???

  4. Coming to a theater near you.
    I watched a doctor on the CBC yesterday say with Iran’s 5-6 deaths, a 2% mortality rate and the fact that this disease takes weeks to kill you means that there needed to be about 300 cases 3 weeks ago … so they now “have many thousands of cases.”
    But officially they have 28 cases.
    Remember, the government will say anything but the truth until they have too.

  5. I still say hysteria but why are the CHinese so worried? Mind you, hysteria can just as easily affect the Communist Party of China.

  6. I do not buy for a second the BS with Bats-Rats-Cats Soup cooked in gutter oil – They’ve been doing that for millenia….& may eat em in whatever manner they like, but this outbreak or jailbreak had its origins in that Level 4 Lab. The only question remaining in my O is how.?

    I also think this is AEROSOL delivered. No other way to explain instant hot spots popping up without a Person Null.

    Yea, sold food stock – accidental release of some kind.
    The Chinese may at some time come “clean” with some BS story, but it’s the one they don’t tell that is most likely the truth.

    RD I totally concur with what Potus has pushed for re: Reducing the US Dependance on China. Not that it would happen in Trudopia …

    1. We have 54 “self quarantined” just up the road in Redmonton. What, they’re eating take out? “Got change for a twenty?” (koff, koff)
      Want my take? Planned. Period. Seeya in two weeks with updates.
      Friggin’ retards run this country. Oh, watch this:

      From earlier in February. Feeling confident? She sure is.

    1. And when the train stops, they get sent up the smoke stack!


      Officially, the Chinese government claims the COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than 75,000 people and killed more than 2,000.

      On February 9th, 2020, Chinese ex-pat Guo Wengui told the world that the actual numbers are more than 1-million infected and more than 100,000 dead, in Hubei Province alone.

      With a documented combined 2,700 cubic meters of incinerator space (97,000 cubic feet) only a minimum of logical deduction is required to understand which version of present events is more likely to be true.


      Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
      Army Group “True North”
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  7. The Chinese have been desperately trying to keep a lid on this pressurized pot, and their lies and deceptions are about to be fully exposed. The SARS-COV2 virus is loose around the world and it won’t be long before we know what the real R0 numbers and death risk numbers are. With the multiple routes of transmission and infection, long survivablity of the virus on inert surfaces, long incubation periods, and asymptomatic victims actively shedding the virus, it is an epidemiologist’s nightmare bug.

    Whether this was an engineered virus or an unfortunate natural mutation isn’t all that important right now. That question can perhaps be sorted out in a couple of years. In the meantime, we are probably past the point of effective containment and are watching a global pandemic that no one is really prepared for. Global business patterns are being shattered. Open borders will cease to be a political cause. Public health (e.g. the streets of San Francisco, and the casual acceptance of homeless-camps) will suddenly become important. All we can hope for is for the damage to be mitigated.

    Our lives are going to become all too interesting over the next 3 months, and the aftermath is likely to profoundly change our world. We are riding a whirlwind that we cannot accurately predict, let alone control.

  8. Go to the John Hopkins site.

    Expand the graph, and remove the data for the Mainland China and Recovered Cases. All that is left is the Infections in Other Locations. The trend line is EXPONENTIAL. The number of cases in the rest of the world are where China was in late January. Covid-2019 will go Pandemic. Follow the (fairly honest, but uninformed) reporting in South Korea, Japan, and Italy. They all look to go Epidemic inside regions of their country. Who even knows what is happening in Iran and North Korea?

    Expect more countries to be put on the US Quarantine list. Will we be able to keep it under control in the US? So far, we have. Quarantines work.

  9. this is getting a bit scary.
    Im not one to leap for the fire alarm, buuuut what has to happen for the spread to halt in its tracks?

  10. I wonder if any of the religious nuts are parading around with their signs “Repent! The End is Coming”
    They may be right this time.

    1. Ask St. Greta. The end is always nigh to the nutters and delusional.

      The question is whether you’re willing to do whatever Dear Leader asks to avoid the catastrophe.
