Have the Democrats No Shame?

Is it possible that folks on the Left are genetically predisposed to not be capable of shame for any of their actions? In this fascinating podcast on John Batchelor’s show last night, it seems quite ludicrous how readily Democrats are to so easily throw America down the drain.

10 Replies to “Have the Democrats No Shame?”

  1. The coin says Heads(honor) or Tails(shame). Since they’ve never been honorable they can’t have shame either.
    Never forget that Progs are bad faith actors in all things. For them there are no truths, there are only goals.
    There is no threshold they will not stoop beneath to get their goals. To be a Prog is to be a rank materialist.

  2. Regan had them pegged long ago.

    “A liberal is someone that knows a lot of things that are not necessarily true”.

    Ignorance doesn’t require wisdom, but malice does.

  3. For Demarxists, it’s always a means to their end.

    Any lie, any distortion, any misdirection to justify their fantasy world view, is justified.

    No apologies required, it’s always the fault of the knuckle draggers getting in the way, being deniers and old fashioned, stodgy old coots

    They play by Alinskys rules, no exceptions

  4. Progressives play to win always and when they lose, they work to damage their enemies and the Evil Party is no exception. The Stupid Party, well, it’s just stupid.

    Speaking of the Stupid Party (in Canada), the msm is already playing up McKay for CPC leadership. They like Red Tories because they know they won’t last long in power even if they somehow get into power with their base at home on election day and even then will be harmless to the great long march of statism because they’re red to begin with.

  5. Shame requires self awareness and reflection.
    Such doubts do not make a good progressive.
    Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    Human history is awash in dangerous do-gooders,all who absolutely knew that they should be in charge.
    Only with their help can the rest of humanity live full and productive lives.
    The best evidence of a madman is their certainty and conviction,for doubt is the chastity of the soul.
    And doubt ,reason,empathy all weaken the desire to rule all and control everything.

    Like toddlers,our progressive comrades never get past the illusion of power and onward to the crush of responsibility.
    This is why they rush to seek power,our councils,parliaments and courts are full of them.
    This is why the old saw;”Those who want the job,are unfit to perform it”.

    Our current crop of troughers are about to learn something the USA Framers of the Constitution understood in their bones, that being people do not need them or their “help”.
    Society will bumble along just fine without those who are so frightened of their neighbours that they must seek power over them.
    Most adults realize they are not able and not willing to control anyone else’s lives.
    Our clueless and useless cannot be deterred from trying to do so.

    History is littered with the ruins of societies that allowed them to seize and hold power.
    As normal humans will either vote with their feet,frustrate and destroy the demented fools.

    Look at the current “leaders”,they cannot grasp how President trump could possibly be elected.
    It is impossible that the voters could hate them for their “Public service”.
    Can’t cure stupid.

  6. There’s little evidence shame exists to any extent anywhere in politics any more. It’s definitely non-existent in the sham called the Democratic Party in the USA.

  7. Shame, read the Bible you morons. We are going down the rabbit hole. Revelation should scare the sh-t out of anyone with even a modest intellect.
