The Religion of Leftism

Nationally syndicated talkshow host and author, Dennis Prager, often talks about how Leftism is, in essence, a religion into itself. While one may have been raised as a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim, once one’s mind gets infected by Leftist dogma, inundated by repeated sermons propaganda broadcasts on the multitude of Leftist “news” broadcasts, most find it difficult to ever think for themselves again and instead just spew out the approved talking points.

This video is from late last year but illustrates perfectly how a “Progressive” Muslim is not at all different than every other run-of-the-mill Leftist cult member:

35 Replies to “The Religion of Leftism”

  1. I have always had a problem with the notion that someone cannot think for themselves, are they stupid or retarded?

    1. I think Einstein once said that the two commonest substances in the universe are hydrogen and human stupidity, and that he was undecided as to which was tops.

  2. These woke people just can’t bring themselves to admit that the West is the Best. But if they don’t think so, why do they come here in droves? Really cute girl but she only knows the woke dogma.

  3. One must remember that, just like leftism and socialism are, Islam is a variant of collectivism.

    It demands 100% loyalty. Any dissent or even questioning can result in death (e.g., one’s head being removed from one’s shoulders).

    No one is allowed to criticize a Muslim because questioning is, in essence, criticizing the prophet of Islam

    Any refusal to join the collective is met with intimidation, threats of violence, and violence itself because, by refusing to join, one is slandering the prophet of Islam.

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
    – Barack Hussein Obama II, UN, Sept. 2012

  4. all beliefs and all religions are emotionally based bullschitt, this includes kristianity, which also demands total compliance with said emotions. I don’t see why this is so hard to grasp. They have done studies using fMRI that show religion (kristianity) shuts down that part of the brain were logic is processed.

    1. I Agree with your right to believe what you want to believe in but I completely and whole heartedly disagree with you.

      I was an early teenager when a demon attacked me and God saved me, I was floating and in the sign of a cross.

      There is a God and evil.

      I don’t expect anyone to believe me but I know what happened btw no drugs or alcohol I had just turned 13.

      Early 70´s

      1. easy on the mushrooms, jeezus shaves jeezus shaves, with Harry’s of course.

        Just stick to smoking mild weed from now on

        1. You clearly don’t have answers beyond your opinions, so what are you smoking?
          Spiritual people believe there is something bigger than them. You fit the bill perfectly so should be a believer.

          1. shammy, comprehension on short supply today? Try rereading my posts. Religion, every damn one is an emotional construct, and SCIENTIFIC studies support that. Science is not my opinion, it is what I have read. As to something “bigger”, that has nothing to do with what I posted, except that you are proving the point of emotionalism as to beliefs. Logic goes out the window when emotions enter. You bible bangers are just like the lefties you keep denouncing when you discuss your religious beliefs. Try stay on topic if you want the engage the topic being discussed. Recovered memories was also once the thing of the day, just as demons keep slipping in and out of vogue. Because some one says they had a person experience of one sort or another, does not exclude mental issues from being the cause. Religion certainly is a MENTAL issue for many. And all that does not address whether there is a deity or not, that is a totally different discussion. Now try to quit being a fcuking lefty!!!!

          2. There is something in the human get-up that requires membership in a group of like-believers. May be evolution’s answer to outside threats. That is evidenced in the us-vs-them conflict that seems to be the default position in many relationships. So we find something to serve as the linch-pin. Religion. Politics (particularly Communism and its offspring). Atheism, agnosticism. You name it. Even then there are the sects which always develop.

          3. well rev 1318, I suggest you step back and take another very thorough gander at religion.
            they are assuredly NOT created =.
            I detest the actions of centuries of xianity but, BUT attribute it to the opportunistic ways of humahns.
            who commandeered the faith for their own purposes.
            turning it into a cult a la jim jones, whatsisname ‘koresh’ (not his real name, but a media handy pseudonym).

            and thus deliberately and COMPLETELY missing the origin core foundation of the faith which is still there to see in the NT.
            and THAT is what I latched onto.
            do you speak of *organized* religion? if Y I can agree in many ways.
            do you speak of that internal, instinctive sense that there is a God and it is up to each of us to learn more?
            that is what I am suggesting.

    2. Thanks for that comment. You’ve revealed you’re just as brainwashed about Christianity as that person is about Western culture. When somebody uses the ridiculous “they’ve done studies” I know they are desperate. Shutting down logic? How would you be able to judge this? You’re as obsessed and rabid as any fundamentalist I’ve ever heard.
      I’m an atheist, but there are many believing Christians on this site – they write and think circles around you.

  5. Oh it’s a religion all right! The name of that particular religion’s god starts with the letter ‘S’.

  6. Hopefully after the interview Dude banged what little brains she has right out of her.

  7. Behold the trappings of … “Moral equivalency”. It is the central tenet of the Leftist Religion. Everything, everybody, and every place is equal. The Islamic Death Cult is equal to Christianity. The standard line of questioning is … “what about the Crusades?” … “what about American Slavery”. And the whole “inequivalency in female pay” is just so much watered-down statistical jumbo-jumbo.

    If someone can not grasp the reality of good and evil, then they’ve devolved into Satanic beliefs. That is indeed where leftists have gone. Down the deep dark hole of Satanic belief. Because when everything is “permitted” … anything goes. That is Satan’s greatest desire … a human soul which believes itself supreme! Right into Satan’s levels of Hell they descend.

    1. Oh, there are hymns, such as The Internationale and The Red Flag. They are, however, somewhat archaic in that their lyrics are about supporting the labour movement.

        1. ha ha ha !!!
          socialism in a nutshell.
          and agreed, it’s up to those doing all the WORK to crack open the nut to get to the good stuff.

          I like the way ms brainwashed gets yanked away by ms brainwashed#2 when they see the muzzie losing the debate.
          gives us a glimpse into their strategy and collective (pun intended) mindset . . . . .

  8. Individual spiritualism aside, I am always amused when people use the term ‘religion’ as a negative because it best describes a group of brainwashed people who have given up the ability think critically about the steady propaganda they are fed.

  9. You can’t “debate” a Muslim or Progressive. There’s no point. They cannot think, they cannot reason, they cannot learn new information. If you’re enjoying it, that’s cool, but let’s not pretend that there’s any chance of one of these people changing their mind.

    1. hay weeny, perfect description as to all religions, including Christianity. Try making sense with a bible thumper, as I did the other day. He just went into quacking about majic, and thought he had won the debate. I quite when I feel the need to denigrate a friend, as he is.

      1. Yes, all of “them” think the same. You’ve talked to one person about it who proves your view, so you’ll extrapolate to everyone else.

        So it’s co-incidental that a stone aged tribe of jews got the order of creation right (forget the “7 literal days” interpretation, everything came into existence, matter differentiation causing areas of light and dark to develop, cooling of the earth and formation of the seas, evolution of life forms in order with humans being the most recent large-scale development). I don’t have enough faith in chance to think that everything is accidental in the balancing of the fundamental forces (nuclear strong and weak, electromagnetism and gravity) to allow star formation-heavier elements-a liquid medium for organic and inorganic chemistry-complex life, the change of rules to not reverse the Big Bang an instant after it happened, the imbalance in matter and anti-matter in the big bang, so many irreducibly complex biologic systems, and the apparent age and size of the universe meaning that it’s been expanding faster than the speed of light for most of its history.

        There are those who can and will talk politely while disagreeing with you, but since you like to be a practicing vulgarian I don’t expect a response that will lead to productive discussions. The above doesn’t mean “I talk to a big voice in the sky and it tells me what to do”, it means “There is much I don’t know, and the best explanation I’ve heard so far comes with all these other things”.

  10. Too bad she can’t be transported somewhere for a month and experience what she clearly seems to prefer.

  11. If that young woman somehow took that guy’s word for everything on “faith”, she would have no reason to continue her “studies” in women’s inequality, gender liquidity, green theology, Islamic supremacy, or whatever form of nihilism she was majoring in. Most college aged people are already concrete bound in their thinking and walled-in emotionally.
