Things You’re Going To See At The CBC

This photo was circulating yesterday on Twitter, but no one seemed to be able to verify its authenticity. There was some concern it may be a hoax.

So, I emailed the CBC about it.

Hello Catherine,
Replying to your inquiry about the billboards.
CBC recently launched an awareness campaign using visuals from our archives to demonstrate that despite changing times, CBC News is by your side. This billboard is one piece of the larger project, intended to highlight CBC’s longstanding tradition of covering the news that matters to Canadians, here at home and around the world. To ensure the clarity of our message, we are revisiting this particular element of the campaign.
Kerry Kelly

50 Replies to “Things You’re Going To See At The CBC”

    1. Freedom is loud.

      Freedom is ugly.

      Freedom is scary.

      Freedom is painful.
      “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
      ― Samuel Adams

  1. I guess they don’t understand that the Berlin Wall was to keep people from escaping and the Border Wall is to keep people from getting in illegally.

    1. clueless. The high school sophomore who designed this billboard hasn’t read a book in her life. She just reads Mother Jones mag. … oh, and CBC articles.

  2. Does Schere plan to kill off these crooks? Or does Max?
    I quit contributing to the CPC when they refused to do so and every time they phoned for money, I told them why.
    God, what a bunch of @$$%^&*$. On our dime!!

    1. *
      the only thing andrew sheep is killing, is his
      own reputation as he continues to work on
      his “jussie t” impersonation.


    2. to johnboy andCRB:
      it starts with cutbacks.
      slice slice slice. THEY begin the cut the fat (lots of that!!!)
      then, get leaner and leaner, and start taking more ad money (horror of horrors!!!)
      then cut some more and BOAST about ‘evehbuddy gots ta do dere pawt to reduce da depishit’

      and hack away some more. then some of the cbc parasites see the writing on the wall and leave ahead of their comrades for the LIMITED media jobs elsewhere.
      all part of the plan that ALL CONservatists are too chickenshyt to pursue.
      then an offer to ALL Cdns, if you reaaaaaaaaally want a cbc, NOW is yer chance to buy stock in it ’cause its going PRIVATE or extinct.
      that is the fcukin acid test. aka put yer money where yer leftoid mouth is.

    3. I did the same when Harper lied and broke his word on Gun Control and then let the Corrupted RCMP run the show. All the RCMP is is another make work project for Easterners and Quebec. Everytime they called I explained to them why. I would always ask why Harper was a lying sack of shit.

  3. We need a Mexican President Ronaldo Garcia-Reagan to declare,”Mr. Trump, tear down that wall”.

  4. Sure would be a shame if CBC “journalists” started to die. Yup, sure would be a shame.

  5. Not a hoax. On a digital board at Queensborough Bridge, New Westminster on Tuesday.

    Propaganda central, CBC

  6. The Berlin wall may have fallen, but the communist echo chamber is alive and well at the Ceeb.

  7. This absolutely took my breath away. Nuke the CBC and every living thing associated with this nest of vipers.

  8. For the LAST time…….!
    The Berlin Wall was built by despots to stop people from leaving!
    The Trump wall is meant to preserve the freedoms of democracy.
    Ich bin ein Berliner

    1. You are absolutely right! The Berlin wall was built to keep victims of socialism IN. The Trump wall is being built to keep the illegals OUT.
      Actually, there is one similarity between the two walls, although one was built by socialists and the other is being built by a Capitalist.
      In both cases, people are trying to flee s-holes in order to get to a better (capitalist) country. From a Bernie Saunders, AOC, JT type of country to a more DJT type of country.
      Of course, the CBC journos would not be able to figure that out. They just juxtaposition the two images in the hopes of people drawing parallels that don’t exist.
      One thing lefties never mention…….when the wall came down, people did not flee from the West to the East.
      Wonder why that was…

  9. Just for tits and pickles, if you’re in Toronto, try getting into CBC headquaters without a pass. They’re all for “border enforcement” for themselves.

  10. I am going to be hopeful in this posting. I know making this comment is a “POLLY ANN” type of thinking; but!– just but!– not Just in Butt’s but could it be the CBC is getting nervous about what their specific moves to protect Their Own Pig Trough is what brought the slide of reality and loss of any respect for the Government with putting a weak brain in as P.M.?

    Is it a small step for a Corrupted Broadcasting Crony to try and salvage some semblance of respect when the shite comes Their way?

    Not —Just in thinking —- only mike sr speculation Cheers;

  11. Remember their silly “we go there” slogan from a couple of years ago? I think even CBC realized that they didn’t “go there” at all; especially when it came to investigating anything that ran contrary to their cherished progressive narratives. Pretty hard to claim to stand on your own two feet when you spend most of your time on your knees fluffing dear leader.

    “Right where you are” is a highly suitable slogan for them though as it is absolutely meaningless.

  12. I heard the same analogy this past summer from a lefty UK in-law. It probably originated from the Guardian or BBC. The CBC isn’t that creative in their narratives.

  13. ah kate, does this mean we gotta address you as Catherine from now on? lol !!!
    what’s yer plans for wimmins’ day?

  14. “Revisiting.”

    I hope that means “the offending ad has been pulled effective immediately and the persons responsible for designing it no longer work for the CBC,” but that would be the triumph of hope over experience.

    I’m mostly surprised that the Corpse responded to Kate at all. I don’t doubt they have a list of “far-rightists” whose constructive criticism is automatically directed to recycling.

  15. In further CBC news, the one billion dollar network sure knows who the experts are on the Lavalin scandal. They had everybody’s favourite nutbar Heather Mallick from the Toronto Star on today’s panel. She explained that Trudeau is wonderful, Trudeau is a great feminist, Scheer hates women, and Ford hates women. At least she didn’t talk about her vagina this time.

  16. Remind me again why the Conservatives have never managed to defund the CBC again? I mean I get why the “Liberals” wouldn’t want to but seriously, getting really sick and tired of the Conservative party leaders dancing around this particular subject

  17. From tearing down the wall and opening up the world to building a wall and closing off the world, you can count on CBC to frame the narrative right where you are.

  18. There is a difference between a wall built to keep people in and a wall to keep people out.

    Unless Mexico is actually paying for the wall to keep people on their side of it, the CBC doesn’t have any point of comparison except that they are both walls.

    Oh, and with the Berlin wall, East Germans couldn’t just freely pass through the border points.
    People can freely pass through the U.S./Mexico border points.
    The people who bypass the border points want to stay in the U.S. illegally.

    No, a more accurate comparison would be to the Great Wall of China built to keep the Mongol hordes out.

  19. I think they should have depicted the first panel on the billboard as Paul Martin during Adscam and then done the second one about Trudeau’s current scandal. Then run the caption underneath…

    ” CBC News…. As Corrupt As They Are.”

    I have this thing about truth in advertising.

  20. The CEEB comparing the communist “one party state” to Trump is functionally insane…
    Having visited East Germany in 1977 and again in 1986 the CEEB billboard could not be more dystopian.

    When was the last time border guards were shooting people in the back, for LEAVING IN A HURRY in America?
    The CEEB…propaganda outlet for the the communist party and your tax dollars hard at work providing disinformation?


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  21. I’m a red neck from Saskatchewan when I hear the word cbc These words come to mind Eastern Canada, Puke ,liberals, puke,Trudeau,puke,any university student from the east,puke,ahhhh Phuck the east and any liberal sob that ever drew a breath

    1. Terry
      The cbc has a large audience in Saskatchewan. A lot of them are on this site.

  22. The existing Crack heads don’t have the ability to think critically… The Berlin wall keep People IN (like a jail) and the Southern Border is to keep disease and crime OUT,,,,,…,Quarantine the State of California NOW

    The MSM keeps selling Medicare for everyone, without understanding that everyone (except Unions) are required to PAY for their old Age Medicare, only Collectable after age 65….. Perhaps we can end that money from going into the general fund & spent by existing Stupid/ corrupt Politicians……(36 Trillion in IOU Gov’t Trust Bonds for SS) Steal it… fast

  23. Ask your liberal friends if it is immoral for Canadians to have a border and border security to prevent Americans coming to Canada to use our health care system, to vote in Canadian elections, and to work.
