Butts Testimony Live

Sorry, I got distracted and forgot this joker was testifying this morning — live feed at CPAC.

POLLSPOTTING: Who do you believe more on the SNC-Lavalin affair? (CTV Ottawa)

Question round: Basically, his strategy is to call JWR a liar. And, can’t remember.

Random reactions from various Twitter feeds.

Update: I’ve been busy with work and life, so couldn’t pull a full round up. Suffice it to say that the op-eds will be flying tomorrow after Wenrick’s second round of sanctimony before the committee.

149 Replies to “Butts Testimony Live”

    1. Gerry refused to testify under oath.

      The same ‘honest’ Gerry who charged tax payers $126,669 for a move from Toronto to Ottawa. He later had to return $41,618. Honest Gerry indeed.

      I don’t trust him. He is as reliable as a windmill (they work 2 to 30% of the time).

      1. On the CTV Pollspotting 73% were on Jody’s side as of 4:35pm.
        So basically 27% of the population are hard core A-holes who need to be jap-slapped repeatedly.

      2. The great awakening is here and it begins with the demise of the dishonest corrupt and bought off mainstream media.

        Even the most intellectual and educated of us will swear they think freely, but you still have no idea how much their false paradigm has impacted all of us by decades of deliberately false programming that we had come to accept as normal.

        You will not know freedom until you TRULY think for yourself.

        Question everything do your own research…

        Stop accepting the false leaing of the presstitute reporters and media companies who have all out sold out for money and power over Canadians…

        1. LifeLog was a program designed to collect every minute detail of a person’s life. Facebook does just that to the extent people volunteer the information most of the time. Other times they collect information without consent.

          I have long heard rumors, watched videos and read articles about the government being behind and engaged with Facebook. Maybe I should qualify it with the specific ongoing theme is that it was established in part by the CIA or as we are coming to understand, the deep state in general.

          This may be a coincidence but if it is, it is a very thought provoking one with all that is coming out about Facebook spying, their AI mind control developments, and data sharing with candidates.

          It’s just a gut feeling more than information I can share as evidence for my belief that we will find Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, basically all of the giant data collectors, work together to push globalism partnered with our deep state and their globalist cohorts around the world.

          I would quit them all if I didn’t know how much they loathe me being there. For now, I stay with a voice they would rather not hear or support with their platforms. Yes, it irks me that they spy and make money. I am deeply offended by their mind manipulation techniques, but it is because of the danger of their plotting that I stay. For as long as we the people who support freedom and the sovereignty of the United States according to its constitution can remain on these leftist data pimping mind control sites, we need to in order to keep our ideas alive. They would crush us completely if they could. The way they are going with so much censorship and left leaning moderation, it might not be long until they do.


    2. It looks as though Gerald Butt’s is using the tried and true African-American defenses ….
      “Dindo nuffins”
      “Done member shit”

    3. I am starting to wonder if JWR has kept copies of emails, phone recordings, documents. Something is telling me she may be getting ready to absolutely skewer someone with hard evidence!

      Which she then turns over to the RCMP. This could be about to get really ugly for Butty-man and sock-boy shampoo-man

  1. Well well, doubling down on Trudy’s nonsense. Why, Gerald is just a knight in shining armour.

    Bryson resigning excuse makes no sense whatsoever. She was dumped due to SNC clearly.

    Typical LIEBrawl LIARS. His own resignation doesn’t wash. If he did nothing wrong………why did he leave HIS dream job? Lying sack of bovine product

  2. He’s really sorting the whole thing out…to cover their asses. I think we will require a rebuttal from Raybould!
    He’s also saying if Brison hadn’t resigned she would not have been shifted..

  3. Did I mention how virtuous Buttsy sees himself and his cabal? Sickening…….Tone deaf asshole that has no clue the damage he is causing. Same old 9,000 jobs BS……..Qbec is clearly more important than hellberta, as Libby’s see it…….

    1. This company doesn’t initiate the work, they just bid on work that will be done whether they exist or not. Someone will do the work, and probably hire the people laid off from Lavelin, heck some of their less corrupt and smarter ones might start their own operations.

      1. Bingo! But the idea that individuals might make their own way, and build their own business is the spirit of a bygone age. What a pity.

        Government by the insider, for the insider, is the spirit of this one. And everyone is happy to be part of a collective. Sheeple, indeed.

      2. Greg

        Exactly. Engineers don’t create the project. They build it. You have a project, you need an engineer, you hire one.

    2. 9000?
      Why just the other night a liberal MP was on CTV Powerplay expounding on 10000 jobs.

  4. About Mr. Butts’s opening statement:

    1. He knows enough to follow the axiom, that “when in trouble, tilt left”. So Butts spent time bragging about his support for aboriginal rights, etc. They more left wing he sounds, he more sympathy he gets from the power elites and the corporate media;

    2. repeatedly stressed the need to “protect 9,000 jobs” of SNC Lavelin, repeating Justin Trudeau’s line;

    3. He mentioned some legal rationales within the PMO that govetnment officials had every right to overturn the DPP’s decision, up until the moment of a corporation’s conviction;

    4. He said that JWR was at fault my to conveying her concerns in writing. This last allegation is important, for if true, it would weaken JWR’s assertions.

    My complaint is that the House Justice Committee is rigged, and that they are rigging the invitations to include only Justin Trudeau Liberal cronies. The pro-Liberal media today will give Butts credit for rebutting JWR, and the Justice Committee will not invite JWR back to rebut Butts. And she cannot speak beyond her cabinet firing. This is the problem the pro-democracy forces face here.

    1. “…She cannot speak beyond her cabinet firing. …”

      But she could respond to everything with “I am not allowed to tell the truth about that.” A constant reminder that there is something there that the government is keeping secret from the voters, who should wonder why. Meanwhile, we can keep reminding everyone, she is not allowed to tell the truth about that, and voters should wonder why the government wants to keep it secret from us.

  5. I love the way Butts “buttered up” Lisa Raitt before answering her questions,and he did the same with Murray Rankin. Raitt almost purred under Butts verbal stroking. Then he congratulated Rankin on his upcoming retirement, just to show everyone on the panel that HE is “one of us”. By the time he’s finished “the panel” will be eating out of his hand like so many trained birds.

    Butts is en evil sonofabitch but highly intelligent, no Trudeau style bafflegab in the short time I watched him, more like Ted Bundy being interrogated.

    1. Excellent observations, Don.
      His obviously attempts at reducing his statement to a love-in and ingratiation of just about the entire panel were so obvious, and more than a little cloying. His occasional little smile and air of familiarity were, in my view, a ploy to reduce the gravity of the proceedings…too cute by half.
      The made up job-losses-in-QC excuse was not credible, and if he believes that Canadians will buy into this nonsense, given the evidence of the decimation of jobs caused, and dismissed, by Liberal energy and environmental policy impacting the West, then he is delusional.
      He is indeed intelligent, but his ego and personal biases appear to have warped his judgement.

  6. In spite of what testimony (not under oath) is given, the odds of the two sides entrenching increase as the committee hearings continue.
    Butts is being predictable which means they have a predetermined outcome in mind.
    My guess is to establish cover for the current AG to get that DPA for SNC hell or high water.
    Unfortunately, they either still haven’t read the law, or are playing ignorance about the limitations.
    Notice has been filed, its too late.

  7. My only hope is that Trudeau’s people are good enough to keep Trudeau as Liberal leader but bad enough that voters still think their SNC story is complete BS. A weak leader like Scheer and ineffective communications team in the CPC need all the help they can get.

    Trudeau and the Liberals are not in a strong position going into the election and not just this SNC/obstruction of justice corruption. Broken promises on major 2015 election planks : electoral reform, small deficits then a surplus, pipelines to tide water. Then there’s his war with the premiers of several provinces over carbon taxes. Add in Jason Kenney leading an Alberta revolt against Ottawa and its anti-energy policies. Women voters are abandoning Trudeau. Environmentalists are more likely to vote Green after the TMX purchase. His treatment of JWR will lose many indigenous votes. Regional resentment about blantant Quebec favoritism. Trudeau is damaged goods and, as Liberal leader, he is the CPC’s best case scenario.

    I want Trudeau to survive this scandal and lead Liberals into the election. We should be cheering for Butts and Team Trudeau right now. Gaia forbid they replace him with a competent, intelligent Liberal leader.

    1. “…Gaia forbid they replace him with a competent, intelligent Liberal leader.”

      An intelligent leader will want him to stay on and lose the election, so the replacement can take over in opposition and have time to rebuild the party and build his/her own brand and fight his/her first election against the record of a CPC government. Worst thing would be to take over and lose the next election or get a minority and lose government on a no-confidence vote.

      1. Perhaps but they really, really want that carbon tax and they know it is gone with a CPC government. Besides, I’m hoping they have a Brian Mulroney, Dion and Ignatieff magnitude loss. Just a few MPs in Quebec, Toronto and a few other strongholds. They’ll go bankrupt if they can’t sell access to power.

        I think the Liberals were on probation after Adscam so this new scandal, which reeks of corruption, could put them back in the slammer. Liberals have revealed themselves as the same grubby, slimy leaders and seal-clapping caucus MPs as last time they were in government….after only one term in power. Can you imagine how dirty and corrupt they’ll get in a second term?

        Then there’s the damage they’ve already done to national unity. Another Liberal government might very well have Canada looking at an Alberta separation vote.

        1. Correction: Brian Mulroney left Kim Campbell with the big election loss. He took a paper bag full of cash and ran away back to Quebec.

          1. Mulroney was a scumbag. French PowerCorp plaything used to control English Canada.

      2. What possibly “intelligent” leader do they have? I can think of none. Neither can they, so likely they will stick with Trudeau. They are nothing without Butts.

        1. I can’t actually think of one. Goodale, being Deputy Leader will succeed a deposed Trudeau in the interim, and if the party couldn’t get it’s faeces co-located in time he would stay on to lose the election because he wouldn’t really care, he can retire anyway. And if against all expectations they won, he’d be able to retire as PM, in any case not staying longer than it took to choose a successor. He’d retire as undefeated PM with his undeserved pension further enhanced by the last boost to his salary.

    2. CPC same as Liberals

      Same political party system

      Two sided coin

      Nothing will change when Sheer wins…

      The voting game has always been rigged against us.

      We are only allowed to vote for the approved parties….

      Not Strong

      Definitely Not Free

      We are a joke and the laughing stock as a peoples of a once great nation….

      1. You’re more likely the one who’s never going to change. One person, one vote. Whatever.

        1. Have you ever worked a polling station???

          They bus in non Canadians they all vote and then off to the next polling station…

          They vote all day and get paid.

          Canadians are as dumb as fools…

          1. As the entire Third World is being emptied into the West at the invitation of Liberal governments and Multilateral political entities, the financial, cultural, and existential costs are fast-becoming untenable. Without organized political push back, European and North American ethnic groups will be eradicated within 100 years…


          2. That trip that Justin took to see David Axelrod – 12 months ago was to ensure what you just wrote, will happen. I’ve been saying that all along.

            Trudeau will come out smelling like a rose. Wait and see. Butts, the husband, will become an esteemed Senator and Trudeau, the wife, will ensure it.

            They can meet under the stairs for their early morning ……”pick-me-upper!” Sissfff,…. inhale,…. hold it in ……….exhale, repeat, repeat, repeat.

            They are laughing at everyone because they ‘got’ this. Everything is rigged.

            Just send the money to Revenue Canada. All will be well.

          3. They’re wasting their money. The non-Canadians would vote anyway. I have overheard non-citizens laughing about how easy it was for them to vote. Nobody dared ask them for proof of citizenship.

            The non-citizen’s apparently Canadian boyfriend was not amused, and insisted his squeeze never do such a thing again.

            He needn’t have bothered. Even I said nothing because I had no proof and I knew nothing would be done even if I had.

          4. I have, over many elections, both provincial and federal. I have never experienced such a thing, nor do I think it is possible.
            Where in this country and in what capacity, did you work a polling station?
            You sound like a Liberal.

          5. Alberta


            16 buses loads at my polling station for the entire day.

            They don’t do it in small polling stations this is For large populated polling stations…

            We don’t have sanctuary cities for nothing bud…

            Sanctuary City of Edmonton is not as liberal as the polls tell…

          6. 80 People per bus load

            Saw many change scarfs aka hijabs outside and go back in.

            Found that out cause I was smoking back then.

            Otherwise I would if never known…

    3. the average canadian voter has the I.Q. of a gnat, so the spawn will get re-elected in the fall. A liberal voter will only change his vote when everything is taken away from him, but by then it is too late.

  8. The committee is rigged they voted 5 to 4 against Butts having to take an oath swearing to tell the truth.

    He is in love with Trudeau. In love, in love, ahhhhh! How nice!

    This recent past has been the, sniff,
    l-o-n–g-e-s-t period in 30 years that he hasn’t spoken with Trudeau.
    Sniff, sniff!

    He is acting like a humble, innocent man who is friends with everyone.
    Why would anyone dare refuse to serve at the pleasure of the P.M?
    Is he ever friendly so far, expressing admiration for Mr Rankin and other Nova Scotians like Miss Raitt…such a nice guy.

    Having JWR over at his home for dinner and all…such a nice guy…

    He has a smirk on his face at times, that is disturbing. He can choke anyone with this smile.

    10 years FOR OBSTRUCTION- nothing less.

      1. As I used to tell my platoon, “Bullets cost money and are only to be used when the enemy is beyond bayonet range.” (It was a joke, but not only a joke. )

      1. It was the committee that voted 5 to 4 against it.

        In the afternoon session they explained that it is not usually done because when ‘called’ to testify one MUST tell the truth.
        It hadn’t been a necessity in years.

        1. He is hiding the fact that the PMO was obstructing Justice, where SNC-L is concerned.

  9. Butts said the decision was JWR’s to make. But here is the point, she did not make the right decision.

    And as for taking outside legal advice, what they mean is a Quebec Liberal lawyer who will say you can do it. JWR already new she could do it, but she didn’t want to let off another corrupt Quebec company.

    1. Yep. What they mean is a Liberal friendly, Quebec friendly judge already had a finished report that supported a DPA for SNC was sitting in the PMO waiting. Remember, they repeatedly told AG JWR that they must have a “solution”. Obviously, the DPA recommendation from a retired Supreme Court justice was that solution.

      This makes me have less faith in the government and our justice system. More and more, Canada looks like a banana republic where favourable government laws/amendments to laws and court decisions can be “arranged” if you have enough money and VIP connections. That may be old news in Ottawa and Quebec but it’s a shockingly new revelations to many honest Canadians who cling to high-minded ideals like judicial integrity, equal justice for all, etc.

      1. They’d get a judge like Frank Iacobucci, the retired Supreme Court Justice who is now working as legal counsel for SNC. Hum the Liberal fix was in.

      2. LC….”This makes me have less faith in the government and our justice system”


        you really are naïve, and have NO street smarts:-))))

        1. No, I’m very cynical about anything related to politicians and government bureacracy -but- it still offends me. I know these people are inmoral weasels . I worry about the trend regarding the integrity of our justice system and voting system, kickbacks, payoffs and all other corruption. We’re nearing the cliff edge of banana republic status. This is partly what drives my belief in AB-Sask separation. Canada, under the influence of the Quebec Way, may already have passed the point of no return – a failed democracy. I think AB-Sask would have a more effective, fairer democracy than Canada.

          My parents and their generation, OTOH, are much more idealistic and, yes, naive about the state of Canadian democracy. Many younger voters may also have had more idealistic expectations of Mr.Sunnyways.Trudeau will lose these voters to the CPC and NDP/Green Party.

    2. Yes, Joe, she made the decision, then they fired her for it and continued to try to get their crony off the hook.
      This is reading like a low budget Godfather movie.
      Butts and Trudeau are defending their corruption on the false premise of saving jobs.

  10. Again, why is such a limited amount of time given to Weasel Butts to make statements and be open to questions from the Justice Committee? Weasel Butts has given no reason for his sneaky sudden resignation. The people have a right to know. In contrast,
    Jody Wilson Rayboult was grilled for much longer and answered questions openly and CLEARLY. She even agreed to come back the next day. Yet Weasel Butts has no time for inquiry. He runs out the clock with praising his colleagues and talking about nothing.

    Different impressions!

  11. An observation, apropos of nothing, but what’s with lefties and their annoying vocal fry? I listened for five minutes to Butts’ opening statement and had to shut it off for fear of his voice ruining what’s left of my hearing.
    I swear, all that’s preventing Jussie from this affectation is his lisp.
    Now, back to more reasoned observations on Butts’s testimony from far more intelligent readers of SDA…

  12. “This joker…” – pretty much sums it up.

    I hope he does just well enough to save Trudeau’s singed hide. There is nothing more important to conservatives than having Trudeau lead the Liberals into the Oct election. That’s a win for us. If he doesn’t it’s a full on crapshoot.

  13. Don’t worry, by the end of today, at the very least, by the end of the week, the MSM in Canada will be telling you;
    – the ship has been righted,
    – the Liberals are getting back on track,
    – Justin is as wonderful as we always thought,
    – Butts testimony was serious and clarifying, but not offensive to Raybould,
    – J.W. Raybould misinterpreted the amount of pressure that was put on her,
    – the polls are correcting for Justin as leader/PM
    – Liberals have done plenty for Firsties, and plan to do so much more,
    – Raybould over reacted and didn’t do her job as Justice Minister,
    – Raybould wasn’t a team player,
    – Philpott was just too good of friend of Raybould,
    – Celina Caesar-Chavannes resignation has nothing to do with Justin’s leadership,
    – Michael Jackson
    – Trump
    – North Korea
    – Democrats
    – Lizzy May and Brexit

  14. Couldn’t you just post the text of Trudeau’s boilerplate “Liberals care about Canadian jobs”, and assume Butts just parroted that? Why waste the time paying attention.

  15. JWR is going to have to speak after this dissing. She may not get the opportunity to speak to the committee but she will have many different ways to get her story out. So it may come down to her said she said.

    Buttsy is covering his ass. According to him he was hardly engaged in the entire sordid mess. Is that his defense if criminal charges are forthcoming?

    This performance may enrage others on the backbench who see things differently.

  16. He’s politically toast now anyway. Unless there’s some diversity workshop supervisor’s job in Iqaluit – but, oh, what am I thinking? That job is no doubt occupied by an indigenous woman!

    I do like Mark Steyn’s line from 21 February, about the “mysterious decision of Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau’s Rasputin, to pump himself full of cyanide and bullets and throw himself off the Petrovsky Bridge”.

    1. Fool

      He will be taken care of

      He knows to much

      He’s an insider (Corrupted Governments, Welfare Businesses and Paid Off Presstitute Media Whores…)

      We are all not…

      Don’t forget to vote for only the approved media political parties…

    2. If Gerry had had the balls to toss himself into the Ottawa River, eat rat poison or blow his brains out, frankly, I might have gained some respect for him finally.

      Gerry was not assassinated. He kicked Justin out of his bed and out of his life. Justin needed Gerry a lot more than the reverse.

          1. You never know.
            However, if that were to be the case, she would live a little too closely to the Prime Minister. Remember 24 Sussex is kaput and this PM lives in the GG’s cottage.

        1. Butts is a UN stooge and has all the “climate change” propaganda down pat. I’m sure they have some kind of cushy job there for him. The guy is a parasite and would fit right in with that disgusting organization.

  17. “It would benefit a man nothing if he should gain the world but lose his soul. But for Lavalin”. The most odious bunch ever to have infested Ottawa. It was about jobs don`t you know. Screw Alberta. Screw Canada. The Dauphin would not deign to even appear on the palace balcony to wave at the peasant truck drivers but Lavalin ah yes, Lavalin that pillar of virtuosity with too many “priors” to get off this time. 1st and 2nd rule of holes Mr. Butts.

  18. Oh look, another version of “the truth” from another crony corrupted, climate change rent seeking activist. JWR wins again.

    JWR’s former chief of staff Jessica Prince should testify and rejig the hook back in the LPC’s mouth. Will she?

  19. Butts not required, nor volunteering to take an oath to tell the truth, makes his answers as believable as the bought and paid for media, that bases their “stories”, on anonymous sources. Total B.S. Liberals are pathological liars. The smarmy, arrogant prick thinks he is the smartest person in room, by far, which makes him even less believable.

  20. Wow!

    What a Press Conference!

    We’re an hour ahead here on the East Coast so we’ve already seen what you are about to:

    After a boring(as expected) Justice Committee faux interrogation ended, the real fireworks began at the presser afterwards.

    As the assembled Media faced The Butt, it began with the usual genuflection by Neil Macdonald of the CBC, the always appreciated oil massage by Chantal Hebert of the Star, silly Johnny Ivison of the Globe wanting autographs and of course the obligatory Media Butt Team selfie.

    Then the Rebel took the floor and the questioning took a decidedly different tone.

    But it’s the answers that are gobsmacking!

    Did you know that:

    -The Trudeau Foundation had $112 in Canadian Tire money before Justin’s election. Today it has a value of $64 Billion including a second mortgage on the State of Illinois

    – Canadian taxpayers have paid for seven sex changes for Peter Mansbridge? From Peter to Wendy to Peter to Wendy … does figure he would marry himself

    – There are lot more jobs at stake in LavScam then you know. It seems the Liberals have hidden another corporate friendly law in their recent Bhanga Dancing Omnibus Bill. It appears that SNC Lavalin now owns the Maritimes in addition to Quebec. Lower BC is somewhat in dispute as neither side wants them due to the language barriers.

    – Canadians are still paying millions in support for the 113 illegitimate children from the previous Trudeau administration. Margaret apologized,used the Eric Clapton missing decade excuse, and claimed she was still after the Jagger Estate.

    – That the Trudeau Family owns every MacDonalds in Canada through their tiny cottage firewood Family Trust and pay zero tax due to the climate benefits of wood.

    – But the feculence really hit the fan when Butts decided to play the gender card in an obvious declaration of war. He neighed that there hadn’t been a competent woman leader since Catherine the Great and that if they couldn’t stand the heat they should get back in the kitchen. Things really deterioriated when Butts lamented the fake feminist gender balancing act and insinuated that Midol costs were out of control. Then he…

    OOps sorry. Got to go.

    Sheila Copps just showed up with a bottle of rum in one hand and a frying pan in the other…….this is getting good!

  21. When both Justin and Gerry are sentenced to long prison terms and the Librano crime family is consigned to the dustbin of Canadian history, with its leaders in jail or deported to Third World cesspit of origin, then, maybe, we’ll get to learn the whole truth about this.

    For now expect everything Gerry to say to be a lie or a distortion intended to keep himself out of prison.

    Rest assured he kicked Justin out of his bed and out of his life on February 18. Justin’s on his own.

    The only gay divorces are of men rich enough to afford lawyers who can cut their clients’ female overseers out of their lives for good.

    Queer breakups are just hilarious—for the rest of us.

  22. Don’t worry about Honest Gerald,once this fiasco is over he will land on his feet.If nothing else, I’m sure the WWF would welcome him back at a six figure income.

    And please,please, no more talk of “jail”. I know it’s just venting your frustration, but the Biggies never go to jail, they just find a low level minion to take the fall and reward him substantially after it’s all over.

    I can’t wait to see the media’s spin on the Butts testimony on the evening news.

    1. True enough. Traitors, communists and globalist dupes and collaborators don’t often go to jail in civilized countries, except in Israel and Russia.

  23. It’s no surprise that this arrogant son-of-a-b!#ch would not only lie but would do so not under oath.

    If anything, it further demonstrates how he and his Liberal cohorts have a lot to hide.

    This needs to haunt him and his worthless frat-boy friend.

  24. His resignation was a formality … he is still Trudeau’s brain. These people are criminals. We want them gone.

  25. “Butts not required, nor volunteering to take an oath to tell the truth,” Truth what truth?

    But Jody had yellow legal pad notes (Memorandum) and Butts only had his own skid marked Toilet paper….
    He soiled himself trying to discredit Jody…Nope! Fail! Fail!


  26. I will agree with one thing he said, this whole affair has become a distraction, distracting from their plot, stopped it in it’s tracks. He’s not fooling anyone with his smooth talking way of implying Jody Wilson Raybould’s testimony did not jive with his truth, well, what he can recall anyway. There should be a contest to find the truth with the Keystone Cops presiding, it all seems amateurish from people taking care of the affairs of this country.
    It highlights one fact, we are not in good hands,

  27. I’m disappointed that my prognostication did not come to fruition, that being said his testimony was typical of the Liberal party. It reminded me of Martin’s mea culpa a few years ago. The interesting thing in the whole testimony was the “she may have experienced it differently” thingy. I’ve heard that song and dance before somewhere. Also evidently when a woman says “No!” well it doesn’t necessarily mean ‘no’ to a Liberal. It just means that a little more force is required because she doesn’t understand what is at stake here. As for the swearing in well do you really expect Liberals to take an oath!

  28. Sorry, can’t watch such dribble; it’s more akin to torture than information for me. For those who have stronger stomachs, has anyone asked him, if this was a nothing burger and just simple a difference of opinion about what happened, why did he resign?

    Others have said they lost confidence in the integrity of the government, so what say he on his resignation? Surely he was asked?

    1. ” But Henein — who has previously accused the Trudeau government of trying to delay Norman’s politically charged trial, which is scheduled to begin in August and run through the fall election — said the timeline for the abuse-of-process hearing is now in jeopardy.

      “We will not be in a position to proceed with the March dates,” Henein told Judge Heather Perkins-McVey. “It’s impossible because we just don’t have the documents produced even for Your Honour to review.”

      It was at that point that Henein suggested pausing the case until March 18. If the records aren’t ready then, she said, she would ask that Butts, Wernick and senior government officials be called to court.

      “If we don’t have this brought to conclusion, I’m going to be seeking subpoenas for Mr. Butts, Mr. Wernick, all these individuals from the (Privy Council Office) … to come before Your Honour and explain precisely what searches have gone on and where these documents are.”

      L- Butts, Wernick, Trudeau, et al will soon appear when you type “the usual suspects” into a Google search.

      Fall 2019 election meme: “Indict the Crime Minister and his minions”

      *(a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one)

    2. You are right. The beer and popcorn bill would be horrendous too, but all worth it to see Marie Henein flay Butts’ butt.

  29. I thought I was watching a Liberal Party rally instead of a hearing. Quite the love in for Butts. Even Elizabeth May explained what good friends she is with Butts and posed for a picture with him at the end of the hearing. And of course the CBC has now decided that Butts is a hero and the two ex ministers are liars. Nothing to see hear folks, now us honest media folks can get back to attacking Hitler Ford.

    1. He’s a climate change scammer, or is it vanguard, or rent seeker, or economy wrecker (just ask ON). All of the above.

  30. Why doesn’t anyone realize that JWR probably has recordings and is waiting until all the liars speak? I need more popcorn.

    1. I’ve been wondering if she has tapes as well !
      Maybe that’s why the Turd won’t let her discuss anything, from that later time frame. Hence preventing her from revealing testimony and tapes.

  31. Butts is the most accomplished green in Canada. He had (still has?) the exclusive ear of the vacuous PM and from listening to him it’s easy to see that his greasy and manipulative manner is matched by his intelligence and skill at communication and obfuscation. He is obviously admired by Rankin (founding director of Western Canada Wilderness Committee) and May for his accomplishments such as killing pipelines, carbon taxes etc. He is Canada’s foremost green theocrat and he never even had to get elected. He could easily go on to head up one of many institutions of green indoctrination masquerading as universities.

    Hey if nothing else shows up, maybe Red Rachel, in keeping with her record, could put him on a board related to the Oil sector in Alberta.

  32. WRT voting in elections, they do not ask for proof of citizenship. They assume that everyone who votes is a citizen. Basically the honour system. So yes, I completely believe they could have buses of people voting in multiple locations. All you need is a bill with your address.

    1. “All you need is a bill with your address.”
      And your name and address on a voters list which is crossed off by the returning officer or his staff.

      Lots of buses rolling up to polls I’ve covered, as well.
      These have transported special needs and infirm voters to the polling station(s) accompanied by their care givers.

      None of the other commenters on this topic have stated in which capacity they monitored the polls.
      I cannot speak for every province or jurisdiction across this land however, we do have honest elections. To suggest otherwise on hearsay or subjective speculation is irresponsible.

  33. PCO Clerk Michael Wernick has just come on, and I must say what a vain, egocentric person is he. First off, he reads into the public record photocopies of statements made in the social media against him, saying that these messages intimidates him! The, he boasts about himself, using “me”, “myself” and “I” frequently. Then he launches into attacking JWR in many ways, crammed into a short time. Extraordinary. What makes this interesting is that the conventional wisdom from the media is that Justin Trudeau and his gang would be contrite and apologetic, and to treat JWR defferentially. But Mr. Wernick is anything but. He is one nasty, arrogant guy.

    1. He’s a pompous twit imho.

      “His main concern was “the rising tides of incitements to violence when people use terms like ‘treason’ and ‘traitor’,” directed at public figures such as the prime minister. Wernick added, “Those are the words that lead to assassination.”


      Excuse me, somebody blogged something. That’s a danger?
      He apparently was fine with Harper being called Hitler and a traitor.
      This duplicitous “civil servant” fraud artist must go. Drain the swamp, Canada.

  34. The Liberals voted down the request to have Butts testify under oath.

    The Liberals voted down the request to have JWR testify again. They muzzled JWR by allowing her to speak only about her time as Justice Minister. Meanwhile Butts and Warnick are allowed to talk about what happened after JWR was fired.

    What are they hiding?

    It makes me wonder why is Turdeau willing to ‘die on the beach’ for SNC?

    1. Joe,imo, Trudeau is willing to go to the wall for SNC because if he ever lets a big Quebec company go down, he will lose almost all the 78 seats in Quebec, AND he will never see another big donation to his Foundation by any big Quebec company. He can also forget ever getting a seat on the Board of one of the Bigs after politics if he does anything less than he is to protect one of The Brotherhood.

      Turd knows with 78 seats up for grabs in Quebec,another 32 in the Maritimes, all he has to do is take half the seats in Ontario and B.C. to hold another majority government.

      If the CPC has the ability,they should be able to ride this bs to victory, but October is along long way off.

      1. Don, good points, and I agree with them, but I am still wondering if there isn’t something else.

  35. Mickey is afraid of his shadow, social network, and being an intimidated witness by this committee. Reality is not his strong suit. Big ego.

  36. So how is Butts able to check his emails and texts after resigning?? does he have a secret server in his home washroom?

  37. I’d love to see the look on the face of Trudeau, if any Media person were to ask him, if J.W.Raybould might have audio recordings with any or all, of the meetings she had with the people that were pressuring her, including himself.

  38. The blond with her DPP and Devvv-loppp…pd….là là all the time already……dis, dat, dees and dos….

    Mickey: “if you’re interested in listening,”… doesn’t like his own medicine. His arrogance is showing.

    Clerk of the Privy Council needs to retire.

    1. “Clerk of the Privy Council needs to retire.”

      Oh, I think his public service career is now pretty much over.

  39. Grit endgame is to, under public pressure of course and to facilitate transparency, call a public inquiry and put the whole matter on the shelf (can’t comment on ongoing inquiry) until after the federal election, then it all goes away.

    Think of as the Hillary-North gambit. Don’t fall for it CPC, don’t push for a useless inquiry that lets Trudeau et al off the hook.

    In keeping with their US statist cousins, if Scheer complains, Grits call him a racist and “investigate” him for obstruction of justice.

    Or perhaps mental illness. Even if he wins, again a/p Alinskyism, double down to get him out.

    Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime; the Soviet axiom, unless they’re in power then democracy reigns in Gritland.

  40. Sorry if this was mentioned previous….

    How can Butts get away with testimony stating what was said in conversation between Trudope and JWR? Hearsay?

    Kangaroo court.

    RCMP please.

    1. It’s not a court and it’s not sworn testimony. If the Committee had opted to require sworn testimony (they voted on whether to do that, Liberal majority on the committee voted against) anything found to be false would be perjury. Since they didn’t, telling them anything that is untrue is not a crime, just lies.
