I, Napoleon

Rapid onset gender dysphoria;

ROGD differs from traditional gender dysphoria, a psychological affliction that begins in early childhood and is characterized by a severe and persistent feeling that one was born the wrong sex. ROGD is a social contagion that comes on suddenly in adolescence, afflicting teens who’d never exhibited any confusion about their sex.

Like other social contagions, such as cutting and bulimia, ROGD overwhelmingly afflicts girls. But unlike other conditions, this one—though not necessarily its sufferers — gets full support from the medical community. The standard for dealing with teens who assert they are transgender is “affirmative care” — immediately granting the patient’s stated identity. There are, to be sure, a few dissenters. “This idea that what we’re supposed to do as therapists is to ‘affirm’? That’s not my job,” said psychotherapist Lisa Marchiano. “If I work with someone who’s really suicidal because his wife left him, I don’t call his wife up and say, ‘Hey, you’ve got to come back.’ . . . We don’t treat suicide by giving people exactly what they want.”

Or as someone once said — “There are people who believe they’re Napoleon. We don’t give them a battalion of French troops and a roadmap of Russia.”

24 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Like other social contagions, such as cutting and bulimia, ROGD overwhelmingly afflicts girls.

    Because all of these things are not independent disorders, they’re symptoms of a deeper psychopathology – almost always suppressed childhood sexual trauma.

      1. Nope. But I’ve worked a great deal with women (and some men) who have a variety of self-destructive behaviour disorders, and increasingly the field is coming to realize that all of the cluster B personality disorders and attendant behaviour disorders are just facets of complex PTSD.

        Your daughter going vegan is a fad. Your daughter starving herself near to death, slicing her own skin open, or mutilating herself in an attempt to reject her female-ness is a self-destructive dysfunctional coping strategy and a cry for help.

  2. It is also a product of feminists demeaning females.
    In calling for young women to take over roles previously adopted by men the feminist is inevitably downgrading the roles previously adopted by women.
    We thus get a few happy women happy to take on male roles, though there always were some and it’s not clear that the number has increased. We also get women unhappily taking on male roles because they’ve been taught to, and women thinking less of themselves because they aren’t performing a male role.
    And we get young women wanting to be male because they’ve been taught that’s better.

    1. Obviously under the fundemental lefty rule of compounding problems, the solution is medicated and surgical transition to male traits for these women. New agencies replete with professional psychosexual therapists, lawyers, staff, buildings…are needed.

    1. Never happen. This is fashionable nonsense, like Phrenology used to be. Phrenology was used to put people in jail, once upon a time. The was a “criminal” type, you see.

      As soon as some new fashion comes along, it will disappear.

  3. I would like to know what happens when these primarily young women leave adolescence and hit their 20’s? Do they grow out of this rapid onset gender dysmorphia? Or have they been permanently “screwed up” by the puberty suppressing drugs and having their identity documents (birth certificates, passports) changed to read “male”. I see a lot of lawsuits coming down the pike, against the school systems (who encourage this nonsense), against the health care system and against the parents who permitted it.

        1. Huh? I thought you were linking me to a story about Michael Jackson? Turns out it is FAR worse. How about this for a phenomenon? … Rapid onset cultural degeneration! Good God ! What are our colleges becoming?

  4. If one needs a new gender at puberty then one should proceed, stat, to the nearest shopping mall and buy suitable attire for a complete transformation to what the opposite gender wears. Going to the medical profession for a gender transformation can be dangerous. Big Pharma has not fessed up to this, neither has the dear Government with the suicidal rate statistics on ‘these’ people.

    1. Trouble is, there isn’t any such thing as “the opposite gender” any more. That idea became nonsense when we went to this rainbow of 57 different genders plus gender fluidity. Part of the desperation felt by ROGD people arises from the fact that they desperately want to be “opposite” in a world where binary gender identities are obsolete . All they can do, as you point out, is switch from traditional feminine to traditional masculine trappings and behavior, or vice versa, and those trappings and behavior are already discredited as social constructs from a bygone age.

  5. According to Jonathan Haidt of NYU, the percentage of teens in the US with anxiety disorders has gone up by 189% compared to the period before the smart phone. This statistic reflects objective signs of these disorders such as cutting and not diagnoses. It sure seems like ROGD has similarly grown in frequency. There is something recent that is seriously impacting the mental health of our youth.

  6. Or as someone once said — “There are people who believe they’re Napoleon. We don’t give them a battalion of French troops and a roadmap of Russia.”

    I’m just “leaning in” to say that a battalion of (useless) French troops and a roadmap of Russia is EXACTLY what someone who thinks they are Napoleon needs. In fact it’s probably the most useful thing you could for these people.

  7. Something else. These “syndromes” only happen among Caucasoid women.

    Negroid and Mongoloid women never wake up in the morning thinking they are men because Negroid and Mongoloid men know better than to put up with such nonsense.

  8. Kids in high school go through phases. One day, they might come down the stairs dressed as a normal high schooler. The next day, they might come down dressed full goth. Or as a rapper. Or punk skateboarder. And while the kids are going through these phases, they FEEL it deeply. It is their identity, who their friends are, and what they like. They see it as a lifetime decision.

    But when you meet them again at the 10 year reunion, you learn they are wearing a suit a tie and working for citibank. They grew out of the phase.

    Imagine if when your child first felt deeply about the skater lifestyle and wanted face tattoos, you took them to get face tattoos. At the time, your kid might think you were the coolest parent ever. But when they were 30, they’d wonder what in the hell you were thinking allowing a child to modify their body so drastically.

    High school phases should be supported UP TO the limit of body modification. I look back in my high school year book at the jackasses and their phases they went through and thanks god nothing was permanent except the stupid picture of your hand on a piece of paper as you twirled your feet in the air breakdancing.

  9. There’s an intense need to be different, to be noticed, to be special, to be unique, but above all to be popular.

    I suggest a study: ask these girls’ peers to rate their popularity on a scale of 1 to 10. I’m guessing the answer would come in below 5.

    ROGD is a means to getting notice and support; in fact, you will be celebrated, and celebration will be mandatory, thanks to society’s extreme leftist element.

    YouTube and social media have greatly expanded the ways for people to get noticed, but that’s not always good. We do children no favors when we don’t teach them that living a boring life is just fine. Just because you won’t be famous or have a million followers doesn’t make your life not a success.
