33 Replies to “An Event Worth Paying For”

  1. And further to that he should promise that the audience will not micro-aggress her by giggling at her answers.

    She isn’t even an NCP – she’s too daft to know all of the rote responses.

  2. Psychological Projection.

    The Liberal Progressive has no grasp on reality, simply a jumble of emotional feelings and a fantastical ugly mirror of themselves reflected back by everyone they encounter.

  3. Heh …

    Must say here that this match would be completely unfair.

    You have a guy that is interested in the truth, knows whereof he speaks and is rather proud of who he is.
    You have a person that knows nothing that spouts demagogy every time she spits the words out of her mouth, is victim of racism, misogyny, white privilege ….. and on, and on.
    You could easily make an argument that she says something sensible when she makes a mistake.
    Remember her famous pronouncement where she would say something to the effect that unemployment is down because people work two jobs.
    The interesting part comes where not one of the talking heads asks how exactly that would work.

    A guy works two jobs, leaving one guy unemployed (theoretically) and the employment is down.
    Socialist logic at its finest.

    Just unfair.

  4. Ben Shapiro is easy to debate. Essentially, you toss his strategy right back in his face. He comes prepared with a massive amount of statistics, then massages them to make his point. It’s easy for him, because I believe he borders on an eidetic memory. It’s impossible to debate that unless you are, also, intimately familiar with the statistics he offers. So, a smart debater will come with their own statistics (the more obscure the better), and make their own points while doing what Ben does. State your point, use you own statistics to back it up. Call it a draw as he is now in the same boat his opponent was put in. If he isn’t familiar with the study/poll/supposition, then he can’t argue against the evidence.

    The dumb debaters are forced to say “that’s not true” as their only response…followed by the “ism” and “phobe” and “ist” words. It doesn’t make a dent. Shapiro has his ego massaged. His groupies cheer. Nothing gets accomplished other than showing the Left as a bunch of in-substantive idiots.

    Here’s a little secret. Ben Shapiro is a self-important jackass in my opinion.

    1. Let me correct that for you, you meant to say: “….in my own self important jacka&& opinion.”

      Ben wins debates because he has logic, facts, and a clear ability to use them to adapt to, and destroy, the arguments of people who don’t use logic and facts. I’ve seen him wreck idiots with small questions of less than 5 words and then sit back and listen to them destroy themselves.

      You can keep your little secret hidden, no-one really cares.

    2. Good. Well Done. Call an intelligent, informed, and sharp tongued debater a jackass. That would work well….(snark)

    3. Orifus, most people project their own personality, or the negative part of said personality, on others they feel inferior to. And you just did that. Calling you an A$$hole would be a disservice to actual A$$holes.

  5. I would PAY to see that “discussion”…..or should I say, total Obliteration.

    Yep…No problem..!! Ocasia is your clasic Example of a shiny eyed little Red Book carrying Maoist. The personification of an NPC Drone spewing all the “correct’ platitudes with supreme arrogance.

    Steeped in Socialist dogma and supreme righteousnous in her belief that SHE is One of Our BETTERS.

  6. None of you would be invited to participate in the studio audience. Because leftists like her always fill the audience with shrieking, cheering girls who will whoop it up after every ridiculous statement spilling out of her vacuous head. SHE has perfected this bit of political theatre by hand selecting audience-actors to loudly fawn over her every soundbyte.

    The audience reaction alone would indicate that she thrashes Shapiro in debate … just as every “Townhall” totally agreed-with and supported HER.

  7. I find Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be a very refreshing Democrat. She does not hide her inexperience, ignorance or idealism. It is on full display, at all times. She even has a dramatic name – hyphenated, so you know she’s from a serious family.

    Part of me would love to see America throw open its borders, fund free health care, free day care, free university and a basic income for anyone not working. I’m just a little worried it would affect me (negatively). I know that sounds selfish and self-serving rather than inexperienced, ignorant and idealistic. But I’ve been paying into the Canadian system for over 40 years and the system gets more expensive every year, but I’m not seeing any benefit from my higher payments. I guess I should feel grateful I am paying into the system and not taking money out of the system. But again it disturbs me that the people who are arguing the strongest for more government stuff are the same people being paid by the government.

    Last night Tucker Carlson made a good point. He said you can throw open your borders and let in the poor or you can improve social spending for the people who already live in your country. But you cannot do both at the same time and for obvious reasons. Why people don’t get that is a mystery.

    1. Last night Tucker Carlson made a good point. He said you can throw open your borders and let in the poor or you can improve social spending for the people who already live in your country. But you cannot do both at the same time and for obvious reasons. Why people don’t get that is a mystery.

      Simple. It hasn’t hit them yet. Nobody THEY know has been slaughtered by an illegal who uniformly ignores the most basic of our laws and rules … such as traffic lights. THEY haven’t been replaced by cheaper workers from abroad. THEY still receive their welfare or social security checks. Not until the MAJORITY of Americans SUFFER the consequences of unchecked legal and illegal immigration … will anything happen. But then, it will be too late.

      1. “Not until the MAJORITY of Americans SUFFER the consequences of unchecked legal and illegal immigration … will anything happen. ”

        The only people suffering are the abject LOSERS who can’t compete: Protip: it’s not the immigrant’s fault that you suck. If an immigrant dun terk yer jerb, it’s because you suck and get what you deserve. WORK HARDER

    2. “He said you can throw open your borders and let in the poor or you can improve social spending for the people who already live in your country.”

      That’s exactly why we need open borders!

      1. It’s hard believe that was a serious remark, but then again Unmind made it, so there you go.

  8. Outside of the progressive bubble and its highly defended perimeter of media, I suspect she would be terrified of having to do what the left has been so diligent at cocooning themselves from – exposure to and interaction with an alternative worldview. The concept of debate likely seems as foreign or as distant to her as the sixties. Truth, morality and historical and economic reality have nothing to do with it. She has succeeded in becoming a US Congresswoman despite her severely limited number of narratives and soundbites. Why would she put that at risk? In today’s thoroughly debauched culture, as little more than an attractive Hispanic female, she is presidential material. She is a female version of the Spawn without the regal genetic inheritance.

    1. once you get past the fact she offers nothing intellectual, all that is left is a good set of tits!!!

  9. Occasional-Cortex is such a hilarious little snowflake. It is shocking to see so many agree with her shallow intellect, reflective of the left in North America. Simplistic yet damaging solutions to complex problems. Much like Trudope and his Virtue Signalling gang

    1. Dangerous is right, as a shallow society looking for utopian promises and solutions will support and vote for stuff like that. As you know, this has happened before, like October 1917.

  10. The smart strategy would be NOT to ruin Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez until after she has been locked in as the 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate.

  11. Everyone knows that she wouldn’t stand a farts chance in a hurricane against Shapiro, so it will never happen.

    The funniest excuses are that “he’s not an elected official” or “the debate for charitable (monetary) donations is against political ethics” crap, despite the fact that Rubin’s offer was a direct response to Ocasio-Cortez’ negative tweet about conservative pundits (and Shapiro is most certainly a conservative pundit). So ultimately she is just another self-important politician slinging twitter feces while hiding behind self-important BS so that she never has to validate any claim she makes.

    Ocasio-Cortez is extremely dangerous because she checks off all of the boxes that the left loves to check off in their politicians (i.e. she is a non-white, female, young, attractive socialist). Along with promising a socialist utopia, much of her schtick is to point fingers of blame at all the right culprits (i.e. white, male, old, ugly capitalists). Do not underestimate the danger that she and others like her present.

  12. I think that Ocasio-Cortez should do a cross country debate with Ben in all 57 states that Barry O has been in.
