14 Replies to “This Is Your Power Grid On Windoze”

    1. @BCCC
      FFS, don’t dismiss the Russian hacking as fake news.
      What I don’t understand is why the Mercans don’t hack the Russians right back.
      Tit for tat.
      Never hear anything about that.

      1. … why the Mercans don’t hack the Russians right back. … Never hear anything about that.”

        You won’t hear anything about it if they aren’t doing it. And if they are doing it right, you won’tl hear anything about it until they decide to actually do some damage.

      2. Russians are smart enough to avoid Windows and Adobe; the two most successful virus delivery vehicles in history.

        Their power grid also likely avoids password like “password”.

        1. Ha!

          Circa 1990 I was in an official IBM store and i decided to explore one the computers. The first thing I typed into the Screen saver password was IBMstore and it worked! I felt so clever.

        2. Ah, that’s possibly where I’ve been going slightly wrong: I treat Windoze AS a virus, not just a delivery vehicle.

  1. The same Russians that Obama and Susan Rice told their staff to STAND DOWN about and let them – Russians – do what the hell they wanted to do?

    The same Russians Obama knew had been doing not so legal things in the USA since about 2015?

    wow…Obama is really the worse President ever.

    Of course the media will blame Trump for Obama’s stupid ( or un-american/traitorous ) decisions.

  2. I would only note that the CIA and the NSA, and most likely the FBI as well, have the ability to fake hacking by “Russians”.
    Especially when Windoze is involved, because Microslop has given the FedPigs backdoors into their operating systems, which let said FedPigs read any file on the computer and write any file to the computer WITHOUT the computer’s owner or operator detecting said activity.

  3. Funny thing, that the Democraps ONLY want to talk about Russians “hacking” … of the paper ballot I mark with a big fat Sharpee every election. But NEVER mention the REAL hacking, that could do some REAL damage to America. They seem ONLY interested in discussing their own “victimhood” of a stupid phishing scheme that 99% of the world would never fall-for. As IF we want that level of stupidity running our country.

  4. The article doesn’t reflect their own referenced links written by Symantec. From those you learn this had been going on since 2011, stopped in 2014 after Symantec and others reported on them, then started again in 2015. Small European energy companies had already been hacked – their PLCs. The primary target is the energy sector.

    None of it is related to the election of 2016.

  5. Most utilities can operate all their gear manually, which is how its designed to be, at least in Australia anyway . The ruskies can hack as much as they want, we can still run.

    Mnd you, we have a champgne socialist prime monster, Turncoat, who with his globalist zombie friends from all political parties pwned by the globalists, is trying to turn us into Zimbabwe by killing off all our economy via killing of coal based power stations and implementing UN Agenda 21 by crippling our ability to actually have a reliable electrical grid.

  6. I must say these Russians have become very skillful and seem to be head and shoulders above their counterparts in the US and the rest of the world. Can we please stop with the BS and get on with fixing the lies and fraud that is being perpetrated by our own governments.

  7. Windoze? I am disappointed. Have you moved to the left coast? Kate and I see eye to eye on so many things. So much so that when Lance is writing I lose interest.
    I hope the next thing I hear is NOT that you have traded your Yamaha for a Harley. The Harley is a good beginners bike, low to the ground, slow, enough trail to be good in a parade at 10 kph. Overall an intimidating image hiding a sheep in wolf’s clothing.
    The Mac is a good matchup for the average Harley rider (or BMW rider).

  8. What is of interest in Mueller’s indictment of the Russians hackers,,,is what is NOT alleged.. Big problem for Brennan

