142 Replies to “March 15, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. Good thing Musk has Spacex and its reliable Falcon 9 Block 5 rockets or we’d be boned.

    1. That is the risk all women wanting to be in the military and close to the action take.
      I’m not being chauvinistic, that is the reality of war.
      And, yes, the Red Army also was known for its brutality with civilian women. Patton was right.

  1. Russian fighters dumped fuel on a US drone and caused it to crash. Love those creative MIG pilots.


    1. Apparently, not how it happened, they tried dumping fuel twice, that achieved nothing (despite your tender feelings towards them), then orcs collided with it.
      Either way US should respond by shooting a few of orc planes down.

        1. Ugh not triggered at all. Just clarifying what happened. Also, they flew a variant of Flanker which is Sukhoi (Su-27 or -30 or -35 or very unlikely -33) not MiG.

        2. Day after day, the same crap. It was interesting, but now he’s devolved into orcs and ethic/tribal battles, the same crap that ruined Canadian society. I don’t care about these losers and their “homeland”. As DeSantis says: if it’s so important, why doesn’t Europe muscle up and do something instead of begging and crying?

          1. Chris, I am not sure what to recommend, since clearly not reading my posts is not an option, perhaps you should try Preparation H or Vagisil or Livia maybe. You just need to try them one at a time and see what works. Also try to keep the sand out.

      1. Thanks for posting the Led Zep video.

        My friend’s hot older sister and her friend went to the concert so my friend’s dad drove them down from Vancouver and took us kids along for the trip.

        I’d never seen such huge crowds before. There was some mayhem but it didn’t seem too bad. My friend’s dad took us to the Space Needle and Pike Place Market, then for dinner at a place where a train delivered the food. He was a brakeman for the railway and was able to buy a nice house and support his family comfortably on that wage, but that’s a different story.

      2. Colon

        The US should shoot down a few Russian MIGS eh..??

        WTF is wrong w/you huh..?.
        Only a Mentally unbalanced imbecile would be agitating & pushing for a 3rd world war.

        1. The moment I read the news I knew there would be schweinie-lovers here fear-mongering about “a 3rd world war”.

          1. So we should send our troops to that meat grinder ?
            Its a European problem, let them figure it out.
            Let the best loser win the Darwin Awards.

          2. No need to send troops and no need for idiotic straw-man arguments either (no plans to send troops currently exist).

          3. And yet we do send ” troops ” in the form of advisors and mercs.
            How is that any different than what was done at the start of Vietnam.
            Tell that to Miss Lindsay and all the Rino War Hawks itching for all out war.
            Maybe your admirable B-2a can drop a few nukes and get the ball rolling, bet you’d love that.

          4. Do you have any source for advisors being on the Ukrainian soil? As for “mercs”, meaning those who went of their own accord, that’s explicitly discouraged by the US government.

          5. “The moment I read the news I knew there would be schweinie-lovers here fear-mongering about “a 3rd world war”.”

            Just as we all knew there would be Nazi-lovers like you downplaying it.

          1. And how would you know, admirer of B-2a’s .
            Another silly and stupid utterance from the piehole of an Nazi schweinie-lover.

          2. You can’t read English, can you? I don’t know, I was just asking. Also, when did I say I loved Ruϟϟischeschweinazis?

          3. I refer to your preferred Ukeϟϟischeschweinazi , after all a schweinie-lover.
            Thought you’d know the difference , it being in English , guess not .

        2. Actually I’d suggest 5th WW or WWV. Here’s how I see that

          WWI 1914-1918
          WWII 1939-1945
          WWIII Cold war 1948-1989
          WWIV the Jihad war, been going on for 1400 years and was temporarily suppressed by the Cold War

        3. “WTF is wrong w/you huh..?.
          Only a Mentally unbalanced imbecile would be agitating & pushing for a 3rd world war.”

          Or denying that anything but NATO “boots on the ground” could possibly end this thing militarily (one way or another).
          I think they are sick, and revel in bloodshed and suffering.

        4. No, no WWIII, bully needs to know its place, it will learn when spanked. A good dose of humiliation is necessary too. They got nothing to retaliate with that isn’t suicide and despite all the rhetoric they are way to cynical to go for that.

    2. That was a Su-27 plane, not MiG, and that plane, apparently, received some damage from the collision, so I doubt the superiors of that pilot were happy.

  2. Found this over at The Chiefio’s, strikes me that the Good Pastor was right,stupidity is contageous and spreads best in urban enclaves.

    “In 1943, the Lutheran pastor and member of the German resistance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was arrested and incarcerated in Tegel Prison. There he meditated on the question of why the German people—in spite of their vast education, culture, and intellectual achievements—had fallen so far from reason and morality. He concluded that they, as a people, had been afflicted with collective stupidity (German: Dummheit).

    He was not being flippant or sarcastic, and he made it clear that stupidity is not the opposite of native intellect. On the contrary, the events in Germany between 1933 and 1943 had shown him that perfectly intelligent people were, under the pressure of political power and propaganda, rendered stupid—that is, incapable of critical reasoning. As he put it:

    Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than wickedness. Evil can be protested against, exposed, and, if necessary, it can be prevented by force. Evil always harbors the germ of self-destruction by inducing at least some uneasiness in people. We are defenseless against stupidity. Nothing can be done to oppose it, neither with protests nor with violence. Reasons cannot prevail. Facts that contradict one’s prejudice simply don’t need to be believed, and when they are inescapable, they can simply be brushed aside as meaningless, isolated cases.

    In contrast to evil, the stupid person is completely satisfied with himself. When irritated, he becomes dangerous and may even go on the attack. More caution is therefore required when dealing with the stupid than with the wicked. Never try to convince the stupid with reasons; it’s pointless and dangerous.

    To understand how to deal with stupidity, we must try to understand its nature. This much is certain: it is not essentially an intellectual, but a human defect. There are people who are intellectually agile who are stupid, while intellectually inept people may be anything but stupid. We discover this to our surprise in certain situations.

    One gets the impression that stupidity is often not an innate defect, but one that emerges under certain circumstances in which people are made stupid or allow themselves to be made stupid. We also observe that isolated and solitary people exhibit this defect less frequently than socializing groups of people. Thus, perhaps stupidity is less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a special manifestation of the influence of historical circumstances on man—a psychological side effect of certain external conditions.

    A closer look reveals that the strong exertion of external power, be it political or religious, strikes a large part of the people with stupidity. Yes, it seems as if this is a sociological-psychological law. The power of some requires the stupidity of others. Under this influence, human abilities suddenly wither or fail, robbing people of their inner independence, which they—more or less unconsciously —renounce to adapt their behavior to the prevailing situation.

    The fact that stupid people are often stubborn should not hide the fact that they are not independent. When talking to him, one feels that one is not dealing with him personally, but with catchphrases, slogans, etc. that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell; he is blinded; he is abused in his own being.

    Having become an instrument without an independent will, the fool will also be capable of all evil, and at the same time, unable to recognize it as evil. Here lies the danger of diabolical abuse. Through this, a people can be ruined forever.

    But it is also quite clear here that it is not an act of instruction, but only an act of liberation that can overcome stupidity. In doing so, one will have to accept the fact that, in most cases, real inner liberation is only possible after outer liberation has taken place. Until then we will have to refrain from all attempts to convince the stupid. In this state of affairs, we try in vain to know what “the people” actually think.”

    The Bible states that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Thus, the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome.

    Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.“Von der Dummheit”: Widerstand und Ergebung. Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft. S. 17–20. Muenchen, Christian Kaiser Verlag, 1951.

    Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.”

    Seems this might be where the writer of “The 5 Basic laws of stupidity” got the idea.
    But “Made Stupid” resonates with me..My old friend TV..
    Whom I abandoned some years ago..
    As Frank Zappa sang “I am the slime”..
    And the reasoning behind the constant theft and ever increasing rules,regulations and levies..To keep the productive constantly stressed out,so that they cannot contemplate the data available..
    Just a thought.

    As for that “Act of Liberation” ??
    Is it going to be an axe thats sets them free?

    1. So stupidity is a contagious social disease. The pandemic we just went through was one of stupidity.

      1. One may want to call it stupidity but it is much more incidious than that.
        It is a combination of apathy, fear of ostrisizement from society at large and an actual physical fear for ones self of punishment if one doesn’t go with ” the flow “.
        Cowardism basically, a big Yellow streak down ones back.
        Going along to get along will be the death of us all , say NO to comprimise.

      1. Realistically, a greater concern is not letting the orcs recover it and ship to Iran for reverse-engineering (the orcs themselves aren’t really capable of that, even).

        It’s funny how a lot of schweinie-lovers here hate the USSR, but admire the Ruϟϟischeschweinen Pediration, while the latter is only significant because of the legacy of the former. E. g. the “robust space program” the chief schweinie-lover here was referring to is 100% Brezhnev’s legacy (1960s). 30+ years of Pootin’s fascist kleptocracy produced nothing but one-word jokes like Armata, Durevestnik, Angara, Pediratsiya, etc. that (in their described form) only exist in the media, but not in real world.

      2. Hey orcCOLON
        Can you blame the Russians for downing a spy plane, or are you too stupid to figure out what’s going on. The Ukes are doing much damage over there, but USA and Nato are.
        Need to redub you the orc ASS

        1. You can almost see the spittle flying from the mouth.
          Maybe you should settle down enough so that you can write coherent diatribes, GYM.

        2. So you don’t know that Russia regularly send its heavy bombers (they don’t have any long-range reccy planes to speak of, so they use the ancient prop-driven Tu-95s) to fly close to the borders of the US, the UK, Japan, etc?

          Well, now that you know would you blame the said countries if they started shooting them down and if yes, why?

    1. Its soooo f’in obvious, like riding a train to the crash site, you can see it all unfold in slowmo but can’t do a frigging thing about it.
      Unless you prepped as best you could before hand , even that probably wont’t save your azz.
      Retribution time is coming and that right fast.

  3. Canada’s military is not just behind the curve, they are not even in the game. Our imprudence will be our undoing.

    “China’s naval expansion has been dramatic. The single largest naval buildup since WWII has been by China.”
    — Jim Fanell, Geneva Centre for Security Policy

    Submarine deal represents how ‘strong’ AUKUS alliance is

    1. Yup and we Westerners supplied them with the tech and financed it all by shipping our industries to them plus our natural resources in return for cheap Chinese Crap.
      Lenin was right , we will sell them the rope with which they will use to hang us with.

      1. Sell them the rope? Hell we donated the money to them so they could buy it in the first place.

        1. “Sell them the rope? Hell we donated the money to them so they could buy it in the first place.”

          Been saying that for years, ever since they started taking all that money they were making and building up their military with it, rather than improving the lives of their people.

          If I had my way, we would do ZERO trade with China. There is nothing we get from them that we can’t source from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam or any of a number of other third-world nations who are currently NOT attempting to make themselves into the undisputed, dominant global hyper-power.

          1. “If I had my way, we would do ZERO trade with China.”

            And we’d be vastly poorer and China far more dangerous. Glad people like you are marginalized. I intend to keep it that way.

          2. ” Glad people like you are marginalized. I intend to keep it that way. ”

            How the f*ck do you propose to do that , I have an idea but I’d like to hear it from a tyrants own lips.

          3. ” By voting and continuing to intellectually dominate the culture at large.”

            I just pissed myself, LMFAO , thanks for the belly laugh.
            You should be in Stand Up comedy.

          4. Freddie, see? You can make sense if you want to. Absolutely correct. Fortunately Chicom window is closing, with 1.0 fertility rate, elderly population, selective sex abortions and thus sex imbalance they are running out of time before their own stupidity will cripple them. Xi being an idiot autocrat will only accelerate the process.
            P.S. Just recently India (not an ally of civilization either) surpassed China in population. And those two are on a collision course that will take Pakistan and what is left of russia with them.

          5. “And we’d be vastly poorer and China far more dangerous.”

            Like them Germans not buying Pootin’s energy? Your constant inability to move beyond simplest free trade dogmas inhaled from Econ 105 (Economics for non specialists) is amusing. You lack any understanding of strategic behavior, zero game theory knowledge, zero knowledge of behavioral economics, zero understanding of importance of culture and thus civilizational allegiance. You continue mentally operating with that schizophrenic benchmark of instant “free” static world that never existed. And you think you’re relevant because you’re a “tolerant” millennial looking forward. I think I’ll still be alive when the dreams and visions of your retarded generation come crashing down. It will be epic.

    1. It is indeed irresponsible authoritarian nonsense and this lawsuit is retarded. It is not the place of government to manage peoples’ choices.

    1. I read reports of BLM recieving $ 83 BILLION US in donations.
      Thats a nice nestegg with which to build a private army with.

        1. Bill O’Reilly discussed the intimidation issue back in ‘08. The screen shot photo in question is the same one he used.

  4. More truckers added to Ottawa Lawsuit.
    I like their logic.
    If every Trucker protestor and their supporters are financially responsible for Ottawa Residents discomfort,then every Ottawa resident must be responsible for Ottawa’s assault upon the tax payers..
    Alright Ottawa,that will be 9 Trillion Dollars you owe the tax payer,plus interest,plus defined damages,undefined damages and so forth.
    For it is impossible to calculate the losses imposed on Canadians by the idiotic rules,regulations and legislation that Ottawa has dumped on us.

    What price,the destruction of a nation?
    Its future?
    Of Children unborn?
    Of businesses untried?

    But ,if that is where Ontario’s Just Us System wants to go… fine..if Truckers can be held accountable,for “hurting the feelings of our parasitic overload”,then let us apply that same “justice” to the parasites..
    First all their assets.
    Their pensions.
    And then their body parts..
    Let no part of our entitled ones,be wasted,reuse,recycle..

    Of course the claimed “Damages” are all BS, that frozen pot of donated funds,has the thieves and bandits working themselves into a frenzy.
    Their lust to have those 10 million dollars,can be felt way out here..
    Must have O.P.M.

    And when these crazed druggies are denied their booster fix,they will demonstrate another low is their stages of depravity..
    Involuntary detox for Ottawa.
    Stop paying tax.

    1. I am disgusted by this lawsuit. It is vindictive and a push to further manipulate people’s views of the Convoy. Those who lost jobs over the tyrannical mandate are far more deserving of compensation than those inconvenienced by the horns, The Truck Convoy was an overdue push back against tyranny, Those wanting to continue to punish the Trucker’s standing up for freedom and human rights have lost their moral compass. The media has ( as always) been negligent in not giving fair attention to the importance of the Truckers’ stand against government oppression.

      1. I certainly missed this, don’t know if anyone else posted anything. PHAC NACI no longer recommending boosters for anyone healthy under the age of 80. So a year after PM dipshit created this fiasco entirely because of his weak ego, there are effectively no more injection mandates. That’s all the protesters were asking for.

    2. May Putin accidentally drop a nuke on that place. Little Kim or the Ayatollah dropping one would be just as welcome.

      1. Repubs holding Demorats to account?

        Cons holding Lieberals to account?

        What kind of upside down bizarro world are we talking about.

        1. Agreed. In the long run, it remains to be seen if anything can actually be done.

  5. Just because we can, doesn’t mean that we should.

    Scientists revive ancient ‘zombie viruses’ from Siberian permafrost that can infect amoeba cells
    Researchers warn that as permafrost melts, viruses capable of infecting humans will emerge


    And this just slays me:

    “Dr. Anthony Fauci speculated on Saturday that a lab leak could still be considered a “natural occurrence” during an appearance on CNN. “

    So, Fauci, if yer hung w/ a sisal rope instead of a nylon one, does that mean you died naturally? Askin’ for a friend…

  6. If this happened to my daughter, it would be dealt with in a forthright manner. There would be no need to call the city or the cops.

    Calgary authorities are siding with the man who undressed in girls’ public pool changing room


    Like I’ve noted before, next council meeting a man should get up in front of the microphone & shuck trou. Hell, hire a male stripper! Anyone that opens their hypocritical mouth in protest should get their ears pinned back. Good enough for the children, good enough for adults.

    1. An adult stealing a 9-year-old’s sammich. How low can you go?

      Hasn’t the dude ever heard of soup kitchens?

      1. But, falsely telling infidels that you’re queer so as to confuse and disgrace them is entirely sharia compliant!

  7. Curiouser and odd , how going on near 25 years , Dear Leaders younger brother Micheal’s mysterious death in that avalanche and a previous near fatal accident not more than 5 months earlier could have been a clearing of ways sorta for the SunKist Boy Turd.
    Much like ancient rulers of Britain would clear the slate of any pesky rivals for the throne.


    What with his ties to the Shermans , nothing suprises me anymore about the Blackie Le Turd.

  8. In which Poilievre goes full metal retard.

    Poilievre says he would launch $44B lawsuit against Big Pharma to fund drug addiction treatment


    This is just the populist right taking hand-me-downs from the populist left and turning the stupid all the way up.

    “He has panned such measures as being part of a “failed experiment.””

    Narrator voice: the failed experiment is drug experiment is drug prohibition.

    1. I gotta agree with you on this one.
      Wonder whos money and resources will he try that gambit with, hint ours.
      Just another Me Too politico.
      If you want to stop drug abuse , you need to go to root of the problem and correct it.
      Namely this society we live in that causes anguish in certain people that they need different venues in which to soothe that torment in their lives via whatever means help, whether they be destructive or pro-active.
      The peddlers of this dope will wither on the vine when there are no willing customers , simple demand and supply.
      With a different society , if that is at all possible, Big Harma would not exist to feed us this crap and neither would the school systems that promote soul destroying learning either.

      Max is getting my vote, for whatever its worth, this go around.

      1. No. People take opioids because they are in pain. They take substitutes like fentanyl because the war on drugs incentivizes it.

      2. “Namely this society we live in that causes anguish in certain people that they need different venues in which to soothe that torment in their lives via whatever means help, whether they be destructive or pro-active.”

        You could say exact the same about the latest pushes for more ‘gun control’ to prevent mass shootings. Why didn’t we have this problem 30 or 40 years ago? What has changed? Certainly not the prevalence or availability of guns…that has gone in the exact opposite direction.

        Look to yourselves, ‘progressives’, for the answer to both questions.

    2. Really, I think this is a very good idea. We have a drug addition problem in Canada, and treatment programs can help address the problem. On its own, it would likely not solve the problem, but could be beneficial. I say get the money from Pharma first — then we can argue about how to spend.

      1. Of course you do, because you’re a lunatic with boundary issues.

        No, Canada does not have a drug addiction issue. Only individuals do, and it’s not the place of government to manage that.
