The Chinese Installed Government Of Justin Trudeau


This is our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posing with Dr. (Morgan) Gongbo Li.

Dr. Li was the former overseas chair of Zijin Mining – the Chinese state-owned company that has been permitted to acquire four Canadian mining assets without national security reviews since 2018.

He questions your patriotism: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today says giving Canadians reasons to distrust the results of the 2021 election is playing into the hands of foreign governments.

29 Replies to “The Chinese Installed Government Of Justin Trudeau”

    1. For the love of God in heaven what is wrong with these incompetent, unwordly,simpleton, effing POS liberals?
      They need our milk.

      They want our milk.

      You sell them our milk.

      You don’t sell them the cow!

  1. Almost as if…maybe…if Justine’s bought and paid for CANADIAN media wasn’t all in on how “Russia stole the American election for Trump in 2016″…they’d look into, I dunno, stories that are: a) actually true, and b) relevant to Canada.

    1. The Media pillar in our society is continuing to be exposed as to how compromised and fake they truly are. They are nothing but a tool/whore who have their sugar daddy feeding them their opiots so they can continue to spread the messages to stear the masses away from Truth and bring confusion. We all can see the destabilization of people, they are confused as to which gender they are, which race is now on top of the pecking order, which climate emergency requires our immediate attention and donations, what gadget we must buy to make our life more easy and fulfilling, etc.

      The wise and prudent thing to do is turn off the MSM (most here have done that, some decades ago) and do the exact opposite of what their woke neighbours are talking about.

      Wise men and women seek God, re-centre on what is pure, lovely and true. Love yourself and love your neighbour. (Rant done)

      The only thing the media is actually good for is to hear and discern the evil plans which are being set to enslave and kill us.

    2. The “we get to lie and you don’t” template of the gaslighting Left is very relevant to Canada as they’d like it to be. If conservatives don’t have iron-clad proof beyond any doubt here this will end badly for them, and they’ll be branded as racist election deniers.

  2. The Chinese installed Spawn-Fuhrer qualifies for African Banana Republic level of corruption and leadership. The only thing he’s missing is an army of abducted teenage boys armed with AK-47s.

    1. The CCP considers every native born Chinese a “Chinese National” regardless where they live or whatever “passport/citizen” they have.
      There’s your army.

      Im too old care.
      Wore my share of green.
      It meant nothing.

  3. Btw, re Chinese interference and our good ole msmedia, I heard this morning at GTA’s 640AM that the general vibe now is that Yes, there was Chinese influence in 2021 elections. But everyone debates to what extent 🙂
    Meaning that msmedia didn’t get all the details from Ottawa as to what to report aka misinform. The answer/elephant in the room is “to the desired extent”, desired by Xi&co. But if Castro Jr will come and say that there was no such thing, of course they will go along with this lie.
    Don’t know if it’s justme but 640AM dumbed down a lot lately, they’re more-and-more like 1010AM.

    1. Only one there at 640 that has a head on her shoulders and asks the right questions is Ms. Alex Pierson.
      Even Oakley stays mute most of the time but I see him chopping at the bit to speak out, unfortunately he knows who signs his paycheques.

    1. CSIS is feeding the G&M, that is why the Bong is attacking them.
      Somebody in CSIS has decided the country is worth something.

    1. Heh, check out those facial expressions.
      This isn’t sword crossing, it’s primary digital penetration.
      “The primary movements of the metacarpophalangeal joints are flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction and limited rotation.

    1. And exactly to where did the lovely Maurice Strong decamp when faced with accusers. You remember the guy, Power Corp ( Desmarais God Father) UN coruptacrat, IPCC creator, RIO conference organiser. Oil for Fraud organiser. Librano Bag Man. CHINA that`s where. The Librano connections run deep, very deep. And I wish someone would ask Justin Turdwater if by any chance his Non Disclosure Agreement involved a child of Asian nationality.

      1. As I’ve said a million times, we know what has to be done but we lack an organizer.

        Revolutions aren’t won by a disorganized mob acting individually.

        We might despise the 20th century revolutionaries, but they knew how to get past the bitching stage,didn’t they.

  4. canadians do not think and are unable to think. Our little vacuum of intelligent thought here at SDA is a complete abnormality, as the rest of the people are morons.
