Where’s The Beef?

I’ll have a side of ribeye with my striploin please. Medium

National Library of Medicine- Meat and mental health: a systematic review of meat abstention and depression, anxiety, and related phenomena

The majority of studies, and especially the higher quality studies, showed that those who avoided meat consumption had significantly higher rates or risk of depression, anxiety, and/or self-harm behaviors. There was mixed evidence for temporal relations, but study designs and a lack of rigor precluded inferences of causal relations. Our study does not support meat avoidance as a strategy to benefit psychological health.

33 Replies to “Where’s The Beef?”

  1. I worked the very first real job in my profession for an older Japanese man who owned a successful business. Whenever the news reported a man or woman doing something unhinged … he’d say; “they need to eat more meat”. I always thought it was kinda weird … but he explained how much the human brain needed the animal fats, vitamins, and protein to function properly. He was right.

    1. Yes. It turns out the “bad” cholesterol is very important to neural function, especially myelin.

  2. Western vegans are generally left of left liberals with an inherent mental disorder. Depression and anxiety are symptoms of their personalities and lifestyle, that they don’t eat meat is simply another social condition of their mental disorder not the cause.

    Case and point is that vegans in third world/ developing countries like India do not share these western liberal maladies.

  3. It is said that after seeing a fellow nun depressed, Saint Teresa of Avila ordered someone to fry up a steak for her.

    The redeeming power of beef and God.

  4. Bryan Kohberger who slayed 4 Idaho university students to: another vegan psycho. Not sure if being a vegan made him a psycho or the other way around.

  5. Hard to say which came first, the meat avoidance or the weirdness. Vicious circle, maybe? Eat wrong because you’re weird, then the more you eat wrong the weirder you get.

    Certainly supported by observation. So many fruitbat crazy vegans…

  6. About six months ago I was having difficulty with my short term memory and my cognitive ability. I also had things like “dead spots” with reduced feeling in certain areas of my legs and I was suffering from depression and anxiety. It was not nice. After a series of tests/lab work, the doctor discovered that my liver function was reduced and I had become Vitamin B12 deficient. Up until this time, I did not realize how much a vitamin deficiency could cause all these problems in my life. B12 creates a substance called Myalin (sp?) which coats your nerves and protects them. It takes about 4 or 5 years for this deficiency to become apparent, but it is mostly a dietary problem, coupled with a few other factors such as aging (I’m now 52yrs old). If not corrected it can cause permanent damage to the nervous system.

    My problem was that A). I’m single and living alone, so don’t fuss much over proper eating habits, and B). I woke up at 3am each day to get to work at 4am, and thus skipped breakfast and often ended up eating crap food for lunch. Well, it caught up to me.

    Turns out that Vitamin B12 mostly comes from meat. Salmon, trout, tuna are the best sources. Next is beef and chicken, and way up there is beef and chicken liver (yech!), but also plenty enough from just regular beef and chicken. Pork does not do much. There is some present in milk and eggs, but not enough to replenish your body. It also turns out that vegetarians and vegans are recommended to regularly take B12 supplements, since their diets obviously do not replenish B12 levels in the liver.

    I don’t know the B12 levels in WEF foods like ants, locusts and wriggling larvae. Not interested in finding out. I did some B12 supplemental pills under my doctor’s supervision, and now make sure there is plenty of meat in my diet. It’s important!

    1. Its spelled “myelin”, and the myelinated neurons in the brain make up the grey matter, basically the brain’s turbo neurons. Myelin acts as an insulating sheath, allowing the signals to go about 10x faster than in unmyelinated neurons.
      They are generally located at a layer on surface of the brain, that’s why advanced brains have all those convolutions and wrinkles: More surface area = more myelinated neurons.

      1. Myelin is predominantly in the white matter. Not much in the cortex (grey matter). The fats in it are the reason it looks white.

    2. People with methylation issues or elevated users of B12 (genetic) will need to supplement with the hydroxy form either orally or via injection or both. You won’t get much help on that issue with conventional physicians I’m afraid.

    3. As regards to your last question, my first reaction was to wonder, will activists next tout the health benefits of eating insects in lieu of meat?

      Rhetorical question, of course they will. They already have (soon to be debunked, I’m sure).

  7. I have been avoiding beef lately and have been noticing I seem to be suffering depression and anxiety over it. I just put that down to the fact that my grocery bills have ballooned over the last year or so and I can’t afford good cuts of beef anymore. Hamburger at $3.25 a pound is about it, strip steak at $10 a pound not so much.

  8. Well, considering a vast majority of those who don’t eat meat have assigned an anthropomorphic basis to their reasoning is enough for me to suggest that a significant number of vegans/ vegetarians are baseline mentally ill. They fortify their own choices by associating graze animals with an embellished contribution of “Climate Change.”

    So…which came first…chicken of the egg? I’d argue that non-consumption of meat doesn’t contribute to anxiety, depression or potential self-arm. I’d argue that a significant number of non-meat eaters are already subject to those “afflictions” before choosing to abstain.

    1. Unto every man and woman (i.e., the 2 biological facts of nature), mete out the needed and God blessed measure of meat.
      Make mine well done, old chap!
      Oh, by the way, despite the inflated cost, my wife and I are making a nice pot roast tonight with all the vegan trimmings.

  9. I would argue that the decision not to eat meat is the first sign of mental illness and the rest follows naturally.

  10. I have a good friend whose wife decided that red meat was bad for you,so eliminated from their diets. He now has Parkinson’s disease. I asked her if he was getting enough B12 and she asked me how he could do that. I told her to serve lots of red meat. She said ” we don’t eat red meat.”
    She quickly changed the subject. Go figure

    1. In my searching through Dr. Google’s knowledge, I found several references to studies showing that dementia and alzheimers were associated with B12 deficiencies. They kept saying they didn’t know the relation (ie., a cause or a result), but it was there. I’m expecting Fauci to chime in at any moment with a reminder to “Follow the Science ™”

      Mom still knew best: “Eat that damn liver and onions, or there’ll be hell to pay!”

      1. A “Fauci Chime” like this?

        Remember that American expert on all things Peking Pox named Dr Tony Fauci – who was known to proclaim himself as “The Science”?

        Now here is a paper that anyone vaccinated hoped that they would never get to hear about – and note the authors.

        “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses
        David M. Morens
        Jeffery K. Taubenberger
        Anthony S. Fauci ”


        And a critique of it –

        “Fauci KNEW The Jabs Were Unlikely To Work”

        “Let’s get to the punchline: Fauci had every reason to believe Covid, being a beta coronavirus, could not be controlled by vaccination. He knew why too; it was not, by any stretch of the imagination, expected to work. To the contrary he never expected it to work.

        As such he knew that that the CDC’s and Biden’s statements that you won’t get Covid if you get vaccinated were almost-certainly false and yet he said nothing. The CDC knew everything he did so all the CDC’s statements were intentionally false and fraudulent.

        Let’s go through it, because while the other folks who have written on this have made hay about it I want to highlight the actual reasons that he knew, which are laid out in this paper.”

        More at


  11. A question, does meat avoidance cause psychological problems, or is meat avoidance a sign you already have sever “psychological problems” (moral failings)?

    And the fact that this question was not asked shows this to be a poor study, bad science, if it can even be called science at all, which is typical of “social scientists” , who practice things like confirmation bias and looking for the answer that they want to find while carefully avoiding the answer they do not want to find.

    The key to propaganda is not what you say, it’s what you don’t say, or in this case, the question you carefully avoid asking.

  12. Tell me, would you follow around a carnivorous animal, say a tiger, to assure it does not get meat? No, it would kill it, it is natural for it to eat meat. I am an omnivore, it is natural for me to eat meat, as well as plants, like the tiger, it is how I am designed.

    To deny nature in this way is to not accept reality. If you cannot accept reality, you are, by definition, insane.

    Oh, and all those Disney programs that have intelligent, thinking, sentient animals? That is called fiction. Do you know the difference between fiction and reality? If not, you are a spoiled child who has decided that whatever they want to be true must be true because they want it. Grow up.

    And we are now ruled by spoiled children who not only cannot accept reality, but want to force their madness on the rest of us. After all, if they do so, they can tell themselves that we are the insane (morally deficient) ones. To cowardly to face their own moral failings. To cowardly to admit that they are moral failings, and so label it “psychological illness” as if it is just something that can be fixed by drugs or expensive “mental health practitioners” (con men). “It’s not my fault!” Yes it is. And too cowardly to face yourself and even admit that, or call it what it is.

    And what are they really doing here? Eschewing meat because they can then say that they are superior morally. Actual tests have shown that people who do such things to falsely say they are superior are actually more abusive to other people because they think they have earned it. Plain old moral failings, in this case, pride, lying (to themselves and you), cowardice for not facing up to their own failings, and mental laziness (deliberate) for not thinking it through. And that latter is applying the truth about propaganda, that it is not what you say, it’s what you don’t say, to yourself. If you cannot even face yourself, as well as being unable to face reality, you are nothing but a sniveling, yellow bellied, gutless coward. Run home to yer mama.

    And how do you fix these moral failings? Start by admitting they are moral failings, don’t cover them up by calling them “mental illness” and saying it is not your fault, you simply do not have access to the proper “mental health professionals” (con men). But how do you change yourself? You can start by bucking up, and eating meat. Why, “you are what you habitually do”.

  13. Folks who abstain from meat for ethical reasons have some degree of self loathing. I would say that vegetarianism is more a symptom than a cause of depression or mental illness.

  14. A coupla times a year I get together with a buddy and we grid some beef and do steak tartare. Carpaccio is another favorite.

  15. I see a convergence.

    Lack of meat exacerbates the initial issue.

    What kind of person agonizes over their food sources to the point of an outright ban on an entire food group? A worrier. A scold. A smug moralizer. A catastrophist. None of these states of mind are good for you and they are red flags for major underlying issues.
