61 Replies to “I, Nippleon”

  1. They’re complaining that the propaganda isn’t to their taste?

    Poor babies.

    This is why I don’t media anymore. It makes you dumber and less informed.

  2. If women are allowed to continue breastfeeding unabated, it breaks the entire alphabet narrative. Science is only applicable when it fits the agenda (e.g., SARS-CoV-19 and climate change).

      1. From 2020


        ” Now, the pipeline of alt-food companies includes Biomilq, a North Carolina-based start-up that’s targeting infant nutrition by attempting to reproduce mother’s breast milk in a lab.

        While that may seem like a moon shot, Biomilq has just earned the backing of the world’s top investors, raising $3.5 million in Series A funding from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates’ investment firm focused on climate change.

        Breakthough Ventures’ investing coalition includes Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Masayoshi Son, Jack Ma, Michael Bloomberg and Marc Benioff.”

        1. Brave New World is the goal. They want a world where motherhood is no longer special or desired.

  3. This likely has a “Trans” angle,,, you know, those women with a penis and testicles that can’t “naturally” breast feed.

  4. For millions of years mammals have been going to the supermarket to purchase formula for their offspring. It is only recently that corporations have been pushing breast-feeding, originally invented in 1857 as a by-product of the Bessemer process for steel smelting, as “natural.”

    1. – and it’s only very recently ( – say, since Biden – ) that there’s been a shortage of formula.

      Coincidence, or… something else?

  5. I for one am feeling left out that no one ever wanted to such on my nipples. But then the governments of the day are intent on sucking me dry.

  6. Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on? I suspect it has something to do with the post humanism or transhumanism philosophy or whatever they’re calling it.
    Someone or something is pushing this insanity on the rest of us for a very distinct purpose.

    1. Im the same… This is truly mind boggling…

      More so that there are people who buy these ideas!?!?!

      Time to start selling all those bridges i pretend to own…seems like a sellers market alright!

        1. Maybe i can just identify as a Multi millionaire!!

          Problem solved, and i can keep my bridges

    2. burton
      You need to break down all nomal social behaviour, so you are able to take complete and absolute control of a society, just as the RCC used to do!

  7. Are the people identified in the by-lines, Carina Storrs, Elissa Strauss, Jessica Martucci, even true born women?

    1. One might assume that the daughter of Carina Storrs didn’t get breastfed, because it’s not “natural” in the clownworld of Storrs

  8. It’s called changing the sexes to fit in with any and all freaks of nature. At some point we might want to consider the survival of the human race.

    1. Just wait till they try normalising pedophilia and then on to bestiality.
      Everything goes.
      Guess sex with robots can’t be far off.

  9. I searched the headline and found a CNN article. It’s from 2016 so it’s long before covid19. That being said, the reasons they give for wanting to drop the natural label from breastfeeding does have a vaccine angle:

    ” Invoking nature may be undesirable in breast-feeding messages for other reasons than that they could support parents’ avoidance of vaccines and other manmade inventions, Eidelman said. ”

    Weird reasoning and vague. I don’t know any parents who avoid manmade inventions for infant care – baby monitors, car seats, bottle warmers etc. I have no idea what manmade inventions he’s talking about.

    As for vaccine hesitancy, stopping using the term natural for breastfeeding seems like an incredibly stupid stretch. People who don’t want childhood vaccines aren’t going to be deterred by a superficial adjustment to terminology

    1. If you want people to embrace something unnatural, like a man becoming a woman, you first have to redefine what the word natural means. That is what this is.

  10. Let’s be clear….these people are clinically insane and should be ignored unless they are being laughed at.

    1. Not taking them seriously. Laughing at them.

      At first blush, this seems right. BUT, not taking these crackpots seriously keeps us off guard and allows them to more easily chisel away at the foundations. Eventually that latest crackpot idea is normalized then unto the next perversion. Consider “gay marriage”. Most conservatives have gradually accepted this.

      1. They should be ignored in the sense of not entertaining any of their stupid “suggestions”. Always keep an eye on your enemy….but laugh at them constantly to make sure they get the concept that they are idiots.

  11. Jolene – Art & LC.

    Great commentary.
    That breast feeding should not be considered normal is a comment that needs to be Laughed at…Heartily.

    Truly from the realm of the Clinically & Criminally INSANE

    1. The “experts” might want to investigate the scientific classification of *mammal* and it’s definition before trying to convince people that breastfeeding isn’t natural. Is basic biology and scientific logic no longer taught in the public health field?

      1. You’ve heard of the “new math”? This is the “new science” … it’s like the “new economics” that claims spending MORE money the government doesn’t have will REDUCE inflation

      2. There s a Ricky Gervais monologue along these lines; part of it involves the Platypus.

        Along the lines of: “Platypus? It’s a monotreme. It lays eggs and secretes milk. It should be able to make its own custard”.

        That little gem is from his “Super Nature” gig.

        Check it out Definitely a “woke” night out at the theatre.

    2. Only nature’s dumbest of the dumbest mammals would believe that breast-feeding isn’t natural.

    3. My friends mother, on breast feeding during church service, when told it was a natural thing, the mother said” but this isn’t Africa”. I found her comment hilarious. But communists and religions (all religions) do not like competition, amd naturalism is competition to them.

      1. Unfortunately young babies hunger doesn’t follow routines or schedules. I breastfed in many places. This can be done discreetly and without being a exhibitionist. My SIL was less discreet but that’s personal choice. People just need to relax about public breastfeeding.

        1. LC
          Agreed, I have NO problem with public breast feeding!
          Just I found my friends mother’s comment funny.
          But then she was old school farm wife, who was tough as hell!

          1. I too have elderly relatives that are uncomfortable with breastfeeding in public. Things change and that can be difficult for older folks. I never had any bad experiences or criticism from anyone around me. Rural and small town prairie people tend to like babies. I was once swarmed by a group of seniors in my grandfather’s LTC home when I let an elderly woman see our young baby. Our toddlers thought it was wonderfully fun though.

      2. As a Christian who adores the miracle of the human body … I would never bat an eye at a mother breast feeding in the church pew. Unless she were breastfeeding her 6yo …

  12. Interesting to see these types who worship Mother Gaia and all things “natural,” believing that only organic farming is acceptable, fossil fuels will kill us all, and the ways of Mother Nature are sacrosanct. On those issues they ignore experts and scientists who have different views. They loudly proclaim that we must “follow Mother Nature.”
    But when it comes to Natural Immunity over a very survivable virus, sex differences, or even the most natural feature of all mammals – they want to run to the nearest lab coat and throw Nature under the bus, now loudly proclaiming “follow the science.”

    1. Matt Ridley’s book “The Rational Optimist” has some nice descriptions of life in the early 1800s etc. and compares it with today.

      Bottom line, we’re much better off today.

      Matt also provides a lot of supporting arguments in an easy to read format.

      In my opinion a must read.

    2. BINGO. Something I think about all the time.
      The left — putative nature lovers — are anti-nature on the human front. And the LEFT which turned the phrase BIG PHARMA into a veritable lip spittled curse went all in for big pharma during the scamdemic.

  13. I really don’t understand why every single CNN office or studio hasn’t been burned to the ground.

    1. Weyland
      Because those who complain about this type of stupidity, face opposition from Both sides of the aisle when they speak out about it. Witness the idiots who helped authorities re-erect the the barrier fencing around the church in Alberta. People in here think only the lefties are stupid, proving they are completely without self awareness!

  14. It’s astonishing how extreme progressives have flipped on so many issues in the last decade.

    They used to be for biological women’ rights, for breast feeding, against foreign military adventurism, for the right to sleep with whoever you felt like, against judging people by the color of their skin, and so on.

  15. Strange how all those separate journos just got the same idea at the same time. JournoList, much?

    I really wish I could get into the suggestion box there.

    1. It’s ultimately a war on humanity.
      Remember, you are the carbon THEY wish to flush from this Rock.

  16. Try taking a pup from a nursing Pit Bull mother with dad nearby and it’ll help resolve any misunderstandings you have concerning nature.

    “Oh dear, how did you get those stitches on your face?”
    Elissa Strauss: “Naturally”

  17. Just when I think these bastards can’t get any sicker or slimier or horrible, they prove me wrong. My babies were all breast fed until they weaned themselves and that is the single most thing of many that have made me proud of and love my wife.

  18. Breastfeeding is fine, as long as the mother is healthy and the baby gets enough.
    But “Natural” is a virtue word with endless meanings in practice.
    In the case of breastfeeding doing it “naturally” can mean lowered vigilance,
    but the main concern of such articles is that it can mean avoidance of technology in other areas as “unnatural’

    Here’s one:
    “As a parent, I would rather see my child get a natural illness and contract that
    the way that illnesses have been contracted for at least 200,000 years that homo sapiens have been around.”

    Welcome to polio.

    In the sixties some people would choose drugs that way. Something “natural” couldn’t be harmful.
    Well, all mushrooms are natural, some are psychedelic, some can kill you.

  19. If breastfeeding isn’t natural, then I guess going #1 and #2 aren’t either. Is exhaling still considered natural?

  20. Do Leftist Journalist have a morning conference call?
    “Today we are pushing the breastfeeding is unnatural story.”

  21. How DARE mothers enhance THEIR babies immune system with mothers milk.. That’s big pharma and the governments job.. ??? A bunch of barren government hags?..

  22. Breastfeeding used to be the job of the male. Then the Patriarchy assigned it to women to subjugate them further. So, yes, it is unnatural.
