27 Replies to “Unsustainable”

  1. What is not sustainable without looming disaster is the pace of federal government spending.

    If the half-wits in charge of that can’t do any better than twice as bad as a half-ass job of that, then we can expect them to be smart enough to do worse than nothing about sustainability.

  2. My say?
    We need a “GREAT PURGE” of politically brain damaged people from the banking system on down.
    It certainly seems our politicians are currently doing it to us with this ‘Vaccination Program’ currently in full display.

    1. That purge doesn’t even need to selective. From my perspective it seems required across all political parties both federally and provincially. Would also be nice if federal and provincial administrations, of so called silly servants, be culled significantly.


    2. We have a public sanitation problem. There’s hideous scum floating at the top, and noxious dregs settled at the bottom. We need a great sifting, followed by a purification of what’s left. Contamination is everywhere.

  3. For every idiot I’ve encountered the last 30 years belly-aching about AGW, I asked them to tell me what percentage does CO2 occupy in our atmosphere. Not f***ing one of them answered correctly. None.

    1. That was one of the questions I asked my bimbetta MLA when we had our little phone call last year after The Stool announced his support for the Lieberals climate program. She didn’t have a clew. I asked her if that wasn’t perhaps required information for someone whose party platform included Globull Warming? All I got was sputtering.

  4. “Sustainability” is code for let’s erode the “right to own and enjoy property”.
    A right that is one of the 3 pillars of western economies.

    “”For thousands of years Man lived quite simply. Then like a sleeping giant our world was awakened. In a mere hundred and fifty years of eternal time Man progressed from open hearths, grease lamps and ox carts to television, supersonic speed and atomic power.”

    This amazing history came to pass because of 3 beliefs and principles that the west shared and believed in.
    1. Property rights, which leads to creativity.
    2. Law, protection of “rights and liberty”.
    3. Faith and the respect of faith.
    Like a 3 legged stool the deterioration of any one of these will topple the rest.
    The growing disrespect for those who hold to a faith has been underway for decades.
    As people turn away from Faith there becomes no compelling dynamic to obey law. And law its self is corrupted.
    Property rights has been increasingly under attack.
    Like the frog in the frying pan….things are going to become very uncomfortable.

    1. “Sustainability” is code for let’s erode the “right to own and enjoy property”.

      So true.

  5. He left out a few things but I’ll let it go cuz it’s be nice to a cowboy day.

    1. Steve, He left out a heck of a lot, but it was a good start. If he had included everything, nobody would have had the time to read for ten or twelve hours, just to have a complete list of how bad things have become and why. I’ve never before advocated for burning it all down and restarting from scratch, but I’m beginning to think that might be the only way we get out of this mess. Dark time are unfolding, and evil is skulking the shadows in every nook and cranny!

  6. Globalism is not sustainable, and it’s not in the long-term interest of any human being. It’s a recipe for human extinction.

    I used to think the globalists refused to understand what is self-evident to normal people.

    Now I’m convinced that human extinction is their real goal. They want the Name of the God of the Jews blotted out, no matter what it takes. The only thing guaranteed to do that is to silence every human voice forever.

  7. I, too, am sick of the sustainability goobledygook. As a home sewist, I’ve noticed it infecting the sewing community over the past few years thanks to the woke scolds. Sewing goes woke: sustainability and cultural appropriation. Argh!

    1. The online knitting community utterly self-destructed over a woman innocently exclaiming that she was excited about going to India because it was so different and exotic.

      the middle-class, middle-aged, overwhelmingly female knitters of Instagram have descended into internecine conflict over racism allegations

      It’s almost like there’s a common factor to all these “purity spirals”.

  8. Come now.
    We are Number One.
    For human Stupidity is infinite and sustainable right up till the plagues,famines and bloodbaths.

    Canada,after decades of “Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming” AKA Water Wet or Climate Change, is proven to be a nation of retards.
    This Surrender all your wealth and rights or Necrocom will get you,period of Dread Covid Theatre is just identifying those who want off the sucker list.
    There is no way to deny this.
    Public Education has been a success.
    We have succeeded in becoming too stupid to sustain ourselves.
    This has to be peaking stupid or close too it.

    I wonder if our new masters will have a use for flabby body parts,but the brains..those Progressive Brains are virginal,never fired a syntax in the thinking region..
    Probably burnt right out in the “I FEELZ” segments.

    The coming collision with reality is not going to be pretty.
    Plan accordingly

  9. He pretty much sums up the Liberal War on America!

    It’s too bad the majority of people can’t see it or understand that this war is on ALL Western Nations, and very few seem to care.

  10. Paying functionary government bureaucrats $6-figure salaries and 90% spiked top salary pensions … and then hiring 100’s thousands MORE of those useless bureaucrats … is very, very, unsustainable.

  11. Yup. All those ‘S’ words: sustainability, stewardship, socialism, sociopaths, snot, shit, slavery, stalin ….

  12. Really want to change direction?

    I mean seriously?

    Then all communists must die.

    It’s really that simple.

    1. I agree Doug,but being lazy and a great lover of my peace of mind,I advocate for Banishment.
      Our self identified enemies should be granted the opportunity to live what they preach,free from our cynical interference..
      I figure if they insist Global Warming be real,then they will be most proud to move to the Progressive Utopia of Coats Island..As long as I get the TV rights to the drone footage..
      I am at the point where I believe it is our duty to permit these savages the fruits of their labour.
      It is against their human rights to stop them reaping what they have earned..

      Polar Bears have to eat too,the Arctic Foxes will clean up the scraps and the voles will powder the bones…
      They will all be one with nature..
      Those who brag that they desire to and act accordingly to destroy this luxurious hydrocarbon fuelled society we live in,deserve no better.
      They have contributed nothing to the infrastructure they take for granted,yet they insist other persons shall do without..
      Me Help.
