61 Replies to “Safe And Effective ®”

  1. The brainwashing science is one thing that seems to be working well. How else do parents get incentivized to bring their kids to the leftist altar of sacrifice?

    I think my 10 year old is the only lad on his hockey team not getting the vax. It’s absolutely dumbfounding.

    1. Same thing with my children – they’re 10, 8, 6, and 4 and they’ll get the shot OVER MY DEAD BODY

      I would’ve thought that more parents would be opposed to giving this to their kids. My two oldest boys play little league baseball and are missing a trip to a tournament in the US as a result of not having a shot. I thought they’d have trouble fielding a team, but alas we’re the only ones!


    2. Our kids are old enough that we could talk about the vaccines, answer questions and let them decide. They did their own research and then they all said no. It’s cost them in many ways because of the discrimination and segregation policies of Chairman Moe and the Saskatchewan Segregation Party. Definitely a character builder for the kids. And…witnessing this gross abuse of government power, I doubt they’ll ever trust politicians, public health and other government officials for the rest of their lives. Tough but important lessons for 14-20 years olds.

  2. It’s really a curiosity as to how much modern western society is willing to take from these evil f*cks before they stand up to it.

    Never? That’s a real possibility considering how far it’s gone already.

  3. Either these parents letting their kids be guinea pigs are getting paid……or they are the type of virtue signalling morons who watch their 3 year old get a shot……and then put it on facebook to show how “progressive” they are.

    1. That’s the kind, and they are typically infantilized Canadians, trusting mommy with the hard choices, just like in the rest of their lives.

    2. Lets hope they aren’t burying their children like the fool on twitter after her baby died.

  4. How do you even test that? The chances of a 2-5 year old dying of Covid are statistically identical to your chance of being struck by lightning while holding a winning $100,000,000 lottery ticket while riding a cybernetically engineered landshark across the highways to devour the bodies of your enemies.

    How do you underperform from there?

    1. The 5-11 year old double blind placebo controlled trial showed NO benefit to the vaccine. They got around this by showing the antibody count in 5-11 year olds was similar to 12-17 year olds so while they didn’t show the vaccine to be effective in the actual sense, they claimed it was theoretically possible in mass distribution.

      What this doctor is revealing is they couldn’t even generate suitable antibody levels.

    1. Vaccination is temporary — just like the temporary income tax.

      Be patient komrades. Utopia is just one more pandemic away. Be prepared for Pandemic 2.0.

      Bill Gates Says We Aren’t Ready for the Next Pandemic
      Bill Gates warned six years ago that the biggest potential killer the world faced was a pandemic.
      Now, he says, not enough is being done to prepare for the next one.

    1. Those morons won’t know communism until they go up against the wall. That would require knowing history, and contemplating it enough to have a working theory on “why”. When you lack interest, and critical thinking skills and your only concern is having more stuff than your neighbour, you will be perfect fodder for for those who know better.

  5. Those must be some crazy, daredevil parents letting Pfizer use their babies as pincushions.

    Once you’ve let yourself be used as a pincushion it’s all downhill.

  6. I don’t get it myself. Your kids have nothing to gain from being vaccinated. Are parents doing it so they can travel? Would parents actually risk kids health for that?

  7. If we start inducing myocarditis in 2-year-olds, there must be heavy consequences for the executives at Pfizer, and for every medical officer of health, national, state, and municipal politician who has promoted vaccinating children for a disease that doesn’t pose any kind of significant risk to them. Justice requires this. The institution of medicine requires this.

    1. I have theorized that children will NOT be receiving any meaningful amounts of these pharmaceuticals – if at all – for the reasons you state. Indeed, the cynic in me also theorizes that only giving saline to children – and therefore having zero chances of adverse reactions – will be a great propaganda tool to further force everyone to get the jab. I know, conspiracies… but “yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s news”, right?

    2. Although this relates to AstraZeneca, hopefully the same will happen to Pfizer, Moderna, etc.

      World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court. [Kiran Yadav Vs. State and ors.Criminal Writ Petition (St.) 18017 of 2021]

      Petitioner has sought prosecution of AstraZeneca’s (Covishield) manufacturer Bill Gates, his partner Adar Poonawalla and other Government officials and leaders involved in the murder of a 23 year old man, who lost his life because of vaccination. The deceased took the Covishield vaccine by believing in the false narrative that the vaccine is completely safe and also owing to the compliance requirement set by the Railways that only double vaccinated people would be allowed to travel.

      The Government of India’s AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) Committee has recently admitted that the death of Dr.SnehalLunawat,was due to side effects of the Covishield vaccine. The said report has exposed the falsity of the claim made by vaccine syndicate that vaccines are totally safe.”


  8. PFIZER PHILTH….those that would even consider doing this, are truly un-thinking un-curious non-skeptical vacuous MORONS. EXPERIMENTING on your own children is akin to asking Dr Mengele to babysit for a month, with Heinrich Himmler/Adolf Eichmaan as a seconds.

    UTTER UTTER Madness with far too much of that perpetuated by the NAZI MSM.
    These “people” are literally destroying 3-4 Generations of children.

    I suspect a massive increase in Parental SUICIDES in (Maybe)….. wait for it…..4-5.?? Months as a wave of child deaths, still births and Super Severe Adverse reactions come to the fore….if not, they should be Shot….Killing your kids..?? That’s a well deserved DEATH PENALTY IMO

    Both of my girls are vaxxed…but they decided that’s it – no more. I am not a super religious one…but do I pray for them.

    1. I’d much sooner trust Mengele/Himmler/Hitler than any major player in the Big Pharma world…

  9. It’s parental rights but I do not think these parents are getting true informed consent about the risks and benefits of the mRNA vaccines. The absolute risk reduction for the vaccines for adults hovers around 1%…and only for a few months. Meanwhile the risks of the vaccines for young people are quite well documented.

    A parent’s justification for vaccinating kids with virtually zero risk of severe covid must be a combination of an immense fear of covid and blind trust in authority?

    1. Meanwhile the risks of the vaccines for young people are quite well documented.

      Except, of course, for the long-term effects of any of these vaccines, anywhere in the world. Not a single one of them completed Phase III trials demonstrating long-term safety and efficacy, and the judgment of Pfizer’s CEO (or any other pharmaco’s CEO) on their long-term safety/efficacy is not a substitute.

      My generation (the Boomers, who’ve become a de facto gerontocracy) with their fear of death have a lot to answer for.

      1. Very true. Long term effects are completely unknown. It is unnecessary experimentation on kids simply because they can get away with it during a “pandemic emergency”. Of course, there is zero emergency for kids and other young, healthy people. It is unethical, immoral and evil (I don’t normally use that word but it fits, unfortunately)

    2. “A parent’s justification for vaccinating kids with virtually zero risk of severe covid must be a combination of an immense fear of covid and blind trust in authority?”

      Yes. Plus what somebody else commented: the ability to travel. I have neighbours who are terrified of being in the presence of the unclean; terrified of the Moronic variant; and who only accept the government narrative and corresponding measures.

  10. “I would’ve thought that more parents would be opposed to giving this to their kids”
    Most parents ,in fact most people, are oblivious to what is going on.They hear the scary messages day after day about it and nothing else.Its all censored. The media, govt and medical associations put out lies day after day.

  11. My gay daughter and her wife got both their kids 9&6 with the vax.

    All I can do is hope and pray all you posters aren’t right.

      1. All of mine but me. My daughters were forced by their universities. If this shit comes to pass, I will have nothing left to live for, and the people who did this, and a comensurate number of their kids will have their lives forfeit, should they be surviving at the time.

    1. Yes, sadly, there are people in this world who hate their children; or else must believe that they should be sacrificed for the ‘greater good’ – in much the same way that Dr. Faustus is a dog person.

    2. It’s hard to imagine just how FRIGHTENED these people are about LIFE … and how POORLY educated they are about science … and REAL vaccines. That they cede everything they own … their jobs, their own lives, their CHILDREN’S lives to The State.

      State of Fear … Michael Crighton was right … frighteningly right.

  12. ” … crazy, daredevil parents letting Pfizer use their babies as pincushions.”

    Well, maybe. But at least they don’t spank their kids, eh?

  13. horny toad, that is exactly right. The parents are oblivious.
    But that’s no excuse.
    Parents have an obligation to do the research which today is easy as pie. My gawd, 15 minutes on the internet will be enough to cause second thoughts even with all the censorship.
    As we all know an important legal concept is “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. Something akin to this should apply to parental ignorance.

    1. ” … 15 minutes on the internet will be enough to cause second thoughts … ”

      True. But that’s 14 minutes and 45 seconds longer than the curiosity period of your typical adult.

  14. Keep in mind that in most families, there is more than one parent. My wife pretty much lost her mind when I told her I didn’t want the kids vaccinated. We fought for probably two full weeks. Her entire family piled on, it was… unendurable. The vaccines for our kids were a placebo for her/them. I basically came to the conclusion that our kids surely don’t need the vaccine, but also getting the vaccine won’t have any effect on them either. Incident rates of things like anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barré, and myocarditis are in the tens per million. And my kids are fine. I hate what is happening, but the only way I can see to fight this would be to move to Florida, which is a long term project. Maybe there are some other alternative states as well.

  15. On another note, anyone who has gone to their doctor for a medical exemption and was turned down by the doctor and who then suffers adverse effects from the “vaccine” should sue the doctor for malpractice. Go into the office and record the conversation. The “College of Physicians and Surgeons” who force doctors to not provide medical exemptions should also be sued for malpractice as they have never seen the patient to who they are essentially “treating”. It’s time to sue those pricks off the planet.

  16. “Life is wasted on the living” Douglas Adams.
    The irony of our age.
    We used to mock the Aztec and the Maya,over their bloody theatre,the human sacrifice ,the rituals ,the horror..
    Now we throw the children between us and the Grim Reaper.
    Take them Dread Covid,save us!
    As we spend billions each year on surgeries,creams,cosmetics all to look younger.
    And the very same people who brought us unlimited abortion,safe drug use areas and euthanasia for the old,tell us that we must all be vaccinated,”If it saves one life”..the number killed to save that life apparently does not count.
    It is your “social responsibility”.

    Funnily enough,the same author brought you the concept of “Believing 6 impossible things before breakfast”,as a great way to identify the “Highly educated Gullible”.

  17. You may die, which is normal…
    ” mild and resolved quickly.” and “Fewer than 20 percent were admitted to the ICU.”

    “Teens recover quickly from rare post-vaccine heart inflammation, study says”

    “(CNN) – A new study found most cases of heart inflammation in young people after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine was mild and resolved quickly.

    Researchers studied 139 cases of myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation. Nearly all the patients started showing symptoms after the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
    The most common symptom was chest pain, followed by fever and shortness of breath.
    Researchers said most of the symptoms were mild, and patients recovered quickly. Fewer than 20 percent were admitted to the ICU.”


  18. I’ve been trying to figure out how any mother could offer her 9 year old daughter to a CNN producer for sexual training, and somehow we end up here.

  19. Here in the heavily woke, left leaning, Karen rich, risk averse, mask loving, vax happy state of NJ, the kiddie vaccination program has fallen flat on it’s face.
    Children in the 5-11 yo bracket are 7% of the population, yet as a part of the overall population only 2.1% of them have had the jabs. That’s less than 1 in 3. the 12-15 yo program isn’t much better. Kiddie vax started Oct 29, and NJ was ready to roll it out ahead of time. After the 2 week initial pulse, it’s been 2.1% for about 5 weeks now. No one is dragging their kids to Needle City. No one.

    Even the dullest people have looked at the graphs by now, seen the numbers, and realized that pre-adolescents rarely get this disease, fewer suffer severely from it, and very very few of them die from it (nearly none who are healthy and well cared for). Of the nearly 29,000 Covid-associated deaths in NJ, 8 have been kids under 18. 4 of those were very little kids – babies – who died in the beginning of the very first wave. 1 was a girl who had just turned 12, and was diagnosed with diabetes the same day she got the covid test results. She died a couple days after that. 2 of the deaths were “with” more than they were “from”, and I know that 1 of the deaths is an “unknown age” case that got thrown in, as I’m the one that pointed out their graph error to them that that they hadn’t noticed in over a year.

    Bottom line: even here in one of the worst and earliest states hit, 4 waves so far, 2 years into it and childhood deaths are still less than 3 one hundredths of a percent of all the deaths. 0.02448%. And NJ still comingles “with” and “from”. The side effect risks far outweigh the small benefit that the jabs can give the kids, so most aren’t bothering.

  20. Here in the heavily woke, left leaning, Karen rich, risk averse, mask loving, vax happy state of NJ, the kiddie vaccination program has fallen flat on it’s face.
    Children in the 5-11 yo bracket are 7% of the population, yet as a part of the overall population only 2.1% of them have had the jabs. That’s less than 1 in 3. the 12-15 yo program isn’t much better. Kiddie vax started Oct 29, and NJ was ready to roll it out ahead of time. After the 2 week initial pulse, it’s been 2.1% for about 5 weeks now. No one is dragging their kids to Needle City. No one.

    Even the dullest people have looked at the graphs by now, seen the numbers, and realized that pre-adolescents rarely get this disease, fewer suffer severely from it, and very very few of them die from it (nearly none who are healthy and well cared for). Of the nearly 29,000 Covid-associated deaths in NJ, 8 have been kids under 18. 4 of those were very little kids – babies – who died in the beginning of the very first wave. 1 was a girl who had just turned 12, and was diagnosed with diabetes the same day she got the covid test results. She died a couple days after that. 2 of the deaths were “with” more than they were “from”, age brackets unknowns, and I know that another 1 of the deaths is an “unknown age” case that got thrown in, as I’m the one that pointed out their graph error to them that that they hadn’t noticed in over a year. So just 3 actual deaths in the 5-17 bracket and one was 12, thus not in the 5-11 bracket. Healthy children do not die of this disease, and almost never wind up in the ICU from it. Healthy children almost never even get this to the level of having symptoms.

    Bottom line: even here in one of the worst and earliest states hit, 4 waves so far, 2 years into it and childhood deaths are still less than 3 one hundredths of a percent of all the deaths. 0.02448%. And NJ still comingles “with” and “from”. The side effect risks far outweigh the small benefit that the jabs can give the kids, so most aren’t bothering.
