29 Replies to “CNN Goes Full Babylon Bee”

  1. OMG! Climate creates avalanche conditions? LOL In Kate’s words, “Waiting for the asteroid.”

  2. More like Happy Days than Babylon Bee cuz that station jumped the shark a long freakin time ago. Whoa.

  3. Y’know, this one doesn’t bother me all that much. More people are hitting the back country skiing because of covid restrictions. So more people get caught in avalanches. Pretty straight forward, if a little gaggy. I guess it might be better as “State government power grabs cause more avalanche deaths this year.”

  4. After this it was only a matter of time:


    The National Science Foundation has spent more than $400,000 on a study that published scientific results on the “relationship between gender and glaciers.”

    The paper “Glaciers, gender, and science,” published in January 2016, concluded that “ice is not just ice,” urging scientists to take a “feminist political ecology and feminist postcolonial” approach when they study melting ice caps and climate change.

    1. When you ask for $1.9 trillion to fight covid and less than 10% has anything to do with covid – this is expected.

  5. You mean snow can get sick from the virus? Well, that’s what the headline implies, right?

    1. You see, when you have Wuhan Flu and you urinate in the woods and some UnMe gets a Lemon snow cone then …

  6. Why does everything that happens have to have some one or some thing to blame it on.

    Much of the time, shit just happens. Everything is in flux …it’s a living world.

    Relax and be grateful if you are here to enjoy it.

  7. So how long is Wuhan flu going to be our betters’ excuse for everything that goes wrong (that even they can’t blame on “Zionism” and keep a straight face)?

    1. Well, here in Brisbane, Queensland, we get the occasional flood. There was a decent-sized one in early 1974 that did quite a bit of damage.

      It also provided a decade or more of “excuses” for all manner of things:

      “Nah, those files got lost in the flood”
      ” All those old parts were washed away in the flood”.

      After about a decade, the stories got “bigger” to the point that it was a running joke explaining all manner of “absences” or strange behaviour: “The old bugger must have lost his marbles in THE FLOOD”, sort of thing.

      This also applied somewhat to the devastation of Darwin by Cyclone Tracey, starting on Christmas Eve in the same year. The wind was strong enough to erase hundreds of houses, in many cases leaving just a concrete slab with a toilet pedestal bolted to it, and the rest of the house and contents literally strewn miles away.

      In a related vein, some years ago there was a major fire in a large government stores depot. Tales from insiders indicate the this depot must have been like Doctor Who’s TARDIS. This, of course neatly solved a multitude of “accounting” issues for the relevant people.

      1. Some 40 years ago, the Gang of Four provided similar excuses in the PRC.

        I heard on the news at that time that one restaurant owner, however, couldn’t get away with the GOF excuse when he had a fan that didn’t comply with applicable codes. I don’t recall if he had to have it replaced or was merely fined.

  8. We get it…CNN along with other batshit media types have lost their shit. That’s a given.

    The big story today is how public health officials in Peel region recommended putting children in solitary confinement for 14 days in their own home if they tested positive and then backpedalled after parents complained about child abuse.
    That isn’t the end of it.
    The real story is how some folks at the Ontario Science Table, who the gov’t relies on for health information went after Furey of the Sun to squash his article.

    Just sayin’

    1. burton… I supported Ford last election, but that fool has lost me completely. When he’s not smart enough to not trust lefties, he’s as destructive as a lefty.

      1. So to respond to this the answer is to re-elect Wynn or McGuinty or an NDP Bob Rae clone I guess.

      2. Elections matter.
        (Rachel Notley, Justin Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, both Georgia US Senators, etc….)

  9. I’m surprised they didn’t take it to their logical conclusion and blame Trump directly.

    1. I believe the line of causality goes like this:
      systemic racism -> glowbull wormening -> Wuhan Flu – > avalanches
      All scientists agree.

  10. What…?!

    Glaciers have genders now?!

    Puts “pining for the fjords” in a whole new light!!!

  11. The record of 36 avalanche deaths were due in part to the financial crisis in 2008 and the GOP election results in 2010.

  12. It also seems to turn apparently normal people into rabid snitches, and turns cops into harassers of tobogganing or hockey playing kids and security guards into violent psychopaths assaulting seniors and conservative politicians into rabid tyrants. Its magical.

  13. The big problem in the back country is there is no herd immunity to avalanches.
    Folks see lots of tracks and lots of skiers and figure it is safe. Same thing happens to sledders, this story is about the herd mentality regarding safety.


    A side note to this story, quite a few of sleds were not claimed after the accident because they were stolen which didn’t help trying to figure out who was there.
