We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

And we don’t need to buy them for Quebec.

Quebec said on Monday it will ban the sale of new gasoline-powered passenger cars as of 2035, joining California and others in announcing moves to shift to electric vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Canada’s second-most populous province announced the ban as part of a $5.1 billion plan over five years to help Quebec meet a target of reducing its greenhouses gases by 37.5% by 2030, in comparison with 1990 levels, Premier Francois Legault told reporters in Montreal.

The “joining California” part however, I completely endorse.

h/t Robert

56 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

    1. Bicycling is real hard to do during an ice storm. And don’t even THINK about turning on your Tesla’s heater … you’d get stranded and freeze to death in your shiny new ecobox of death

    2. I was in Cornwall when that hit…..no electricity for at least 6 days. – and house got broken into to boot.

      For Quebec..?? I am 100% with ya on that one Bob….bring it on..!! right around 2040 or so.
      On the other hand….gonna be a Massive uptick in those wishing to elongate their ICE vehicles lifetime. And no word on diesel eh.?? Just Gasoline.

  1. We know WHO will be paying for it , THE WEST!
    Just another reason to blow this pop stand!

      1. I see that every time I fly to and from my house in B. C. I’d swear that absolutely everyone I see at either the Edmonton or Calgary airports wears a face diaper. Nobody else is willing to take a stand or think for themselves any more.

  2. Quebec: TROC must pay up so we can live in a subsidized utopia!

    TROC: TROC must pay up so Quebec can live in a subsidized utopia!

    I leave it to the reader to determine who the real retards are.

    1. True capitalism: charging what the market will bear. They may be the best capitalists in Canada these days. They certainly don’t seem to be doing much kow-towing to anyone…at least between the seas.

      Problem is that TROC keeps buying into the value proposition that Quebec keeps selling to us, which is hugely stupid. I was young enough to buy into the “My Canada includes Quebec” propaganda back in the day, no less b/c my heritage goes back a LONG way in La Belle Province–which I’ve never visited except in transit by air–before it came west. I’ve never examined their energy resource plays, but I think they could be self-sufficient if they wanted to be: shale gas, abundant hydro, free ocean access for trade, a lot of unskilled labour with an educated (of a sort) over-class…. What TROC needs to do is just stop buying into the ransom demands and just treat them like another province. Their sense of entitlement is entirely unjustified, and it needs a good smack in the face from reality.

      Something wishes something horses…

      1. “Their sense of entitlement is entirely unjustified, and it needs a good smack in the face from reality.”
        I agree. The way to do that is to treat the feds with the same utter disdain and contempt that Quebec does. The feds fear Quebec, they should fear TROC even more.

      2. And that right there is their problem.
        Generations of Quebecers since the battle on the Plains of Abraham have been fed the orthodoxy of the two solitudes 50-50 power sharing agreement. They don’t see an equivalent relationship to every other province they see a Quebec to the other relationship. There is no concept in their mind that they are jurisdictionally equal to all provinces mostly because electoral success federally depends on maintaining the myth. Any suggestion to change one iota from trade, to senate representation is greeted with scorn.
        Nope, it will never change until the golden goose expires.
        Now for the silver lining.
        At the rate that the sock monkey is borrowing and spending that world view may soon reach its expiration date.

        1. Its not their problem. Its TROC’s problem. Quebec knows how to handle the feds, TROC only knows how to ineffectually stamp their feet while pitifully whining “Its not fair!! Wah!!” Its like they bought the BS line the feds have been selling since Turd I, hook, line and sinker, and as they flap around on the line, they point in envy at those who never went for the bait, but still lack the cajones to do anything.

    1. And try this one on for size, you buncha smarmy Fwench Persons: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/09/28/scientists-just-found-yet-another-way-that-humans-are-creating-greenhouse-gases/

      No more Equalization, paid from Alberta. Even Gretchen hates you (and us): https://www.heraldextra.com/business/michigan-governor-seeks-shutdown-of-great-lakes-oil-pipeline/article_8204fbc1-0d87-5e7c-bd21-2470aa250e81.html?block_id=1682681
      Ha! Hope it happens, ’cause 100% of the fuels that feed Tahrawnna flow down that pipe.
      A2A forevah!

    2. Reading the article you cited, I noticed two things: the presence of the word “may” in a lot of places, and the word “scaling” (akin to modelling) effects based upon other studies. Not that I am disagreeing with the concepts, BUT where is the hard evidence of all this CO2 and how would it be measured? It becomes a game. For example, how do we know how much greenhouse CO2 Bananada put out last year? It is always an estimate. OK, how is the estimate derived? No one seems to be able to answer that question yet everyone accepts the estimate as fact as it is cited repeatedly without challenge. I appreciate the article and the ideas of the article, but as soon as I see the weasel word “may” (allowing the writer to skate away without damage), and modelling (GIGO), I become instantly skeptical which is my personal issue, not yours or the authors.

      1. Well, the whole argument of GHG gases is moot, anyway. You breath out CO2, so do pigs, cows, sheep, goats and even fish. Without CO2 to make plant matter/material (what makes up a tree?), what do you eat, or use to shelter yourself with? Cement, limestone blocks, cinder blocks. Hmmmm…CO2. I’m a retired Geologist. Even school kids are taught the CARBON CYCLE, or at least I hope they still teach that stuff. CO2. One can’t leave home without it, or live. There’s 40,000 feet of CO2 just west of me, called the Rocky Mountains, CaCO3 or Ca(Mg)CO3 makes up most of them.

  3. Electric cars in Quebec use up their battery charge in half the time of a California electric cars. Why … because Quebec has a long frigid winter. Batteries don’t do well in the cold.

    Further …. what happens to the thousands of Quebeckers who work in the oil and gas industry and who run local gas stations with convenience stores attached … who sell auto parts and service … what about those people? … and don’t say learn to code.

    Welfare state where everyone has a tiny electric car to get them down the welfare office.

    1. I suspect you will see well maintained ICE vehicles for decades after this ASSININE stoopidity emanating from Quebec.

      Repair shops will flourish BIG TIME.
      Seems to me diesel would be the way to go….no.?

    2. Think Cuba with 63 year old vehicles everywhere only modern ICE vehicles are way more efficient.

      Quebec just had to out-do BC by 5 years for “green” virtue signaling although BC has ordered that in five years 10% of vehicles on the road must be emission-free. I wonder how that will be enforced.

      Any poseur that insists that E-cars are more economical should be reminded that if that were the case, why must ICE vehicles be legislated off the road.

  4. I expect the racist bastards in the rest of Canada shell out the funding for all those replacement electrical cars.

    The transfer payments will also include free ‘charging electricity’ from the rest of the anglo shitholes.

  5. Since Quebec is the first to do this in Canada, it will be seen as a model for the rest of the country and you better believe it won’t be allowed to fail. Oceans of federal money – our money – will be poured into Quebec to make sure this hare-brained scheme gives the appearance of success.

    1. Yup. If Quebec can “build back better”, you can be assured that the rest of the country will be forced to do the same. Mind you, Lotusland wouldn’t require much persuasion.

    2. There isn’t enough money to fund this white elephant vanity project.
      Hopefully it crashes and burns taking down as many of the pretentious with it as possible.

      Those reserves in Quebec will make millions of untaxed profit when they open car lots selling gas powdered automobiles.
      More power to them if they do

  6. Has there been some huge breakthrough in battery technology that I didn’t hear about? Or is this more a scam to buy rare-earth metals from China? Lithium ion tech is still king of the hill, last I heard.

    2035 is 15 years from now. Let’s compare a 2005 Ford F-250 to a 2020 Ford F-250. Is there -any- difference between them besides styling and more computers in the radio? No, not really. New 6.7 diesel engine in 2011, which gets better mileage than the 6.4 but only by maybe 5 miles per gallon. Gas engine is exactly the same, gets the same mileage, has the same power.

    15 years, no changes. Because the technology is mature, and all the easy, large changes have already been made.

    The Quebec legislature is proposing that they can -force- technology to radically advance in 15 years simply by passing a law. That will not be happening, and they know it won’t, but they’re going to pretend anyway.

    So what will happen? Fashion will move on, and in 15 years the law will be quietly circumvented by some means. Or, if the greenies are still calling the shots, still gung-ho, people will be driving golf carts. Because that’s the mature electric vehicle technology that there is available that can be mass produced at a reasonable price.

    Good luck with your golf carts in February, Quebec.

  7. In the short term, this will be great for Ontario car dealers.
    Of course the globalist goal is to limit your free movement. And Canada will be forced to toe the globalist line. Electric cars will do much of this for them. And eventually autonomous cars will finish the job.

  8. “The Coalition Avenir Québec is a conservative, Quebec nationalist and autonomist provincial political party”
    Well, thank god for that. A government led by non-conservatives like Liberals or Greens might do something really stupid.

    1. Good one! Very funny!

      The province’s politicians have always been communist. The pure French Canadians are bigots and hate everyone except when they’re on vacation. Then, they suddenly can and will speak English.

      When they get back home they will speak English, if they are forced to, to American tourists who may become prospective clients.

      If I sound harsh. Good. I left that place in the late 70s and never looked back.

      PS: they aren’t stupid. They won’t buy cars that explode or don’t start in winter.

  9. The idea is moot. Canada won’t make it to the year 2030 as a country, Chinese or Fwench speaking. And have any of you lived in Kaybec in winter? A Kaybecer wrote a song a long time ago….Mon Pays, c’est l’ Hiver (my country is winter – Gilles Vigneault ). And the song is not about the weather, in case you’re wondering. The weather is better in Calgary, by a long shot. Chinooks. Days of winter sunshine. We’re entering a Maunder Minimum. Batteries die in the cold. Kaybec gets 6-7 months of snow, slush and cold at the best of times. Enjoy it, Froggies.

  10. Will Bombardier now start building electric vehicles?

    Undoubtedly they’ll demand and get government ‘investments’ to manufacture the electric vehicles in Quebec.

    1. “Will Bombardier now start building electric vehicles?”

      The first model is rumored to be called La Trabant.

  11. Quebec used 8.6 billion litres gasoline and 3.3 billion litres of diesel in 2019 (Stats Canada).

    Total tax in Quebec was $0.51 per litre for gasoline and $0.47 per litre for diesel (Canadian Taxpayers Federation – May 2019)

    Thus we have approximately $5.9 billion tax revenue from gas and diesel sales for all three levels of government.

    With a move to electric vehicles what will replace this tax revenue?

    We will pay subsidies to manufacturers to build them.

    We will pay subsidies to people who buy them.

    They will still cost more than an internal combustion vehicle.

    We will now have to pay tax on our electricity. So even if you don’t drive, your electricity bills will go up due to taxes.

    Your electric bills will also go up to pay for the additional distribution infrastructure needed to accommodate the addional electric demand.

    Plus you’ll eventually have to pay a battery disposal fee.

    Oh, I almost forgot; we’ll “need” lots more civil servents to administer these programs and taxes

    1. Someone should tell Albertans that their federal tax will be used to move Quebec’s new agenda of all electric vehicles forward.

      And then have a referendum on leaving Old Canada.

    2. The wake up will happen after the first massive power failure in -20C weather conditions that last for several days or more.
      Followed by restrictions on the use of EV charging stations right after.

      1. You haven’t lived in a real Kaybec winter. They’ve been spoiled the last 50 years. Try daytime highs of -20, night lows down to -30 or -35. And that is in Montreal. North of town, in the Laurentians it’s colder. Believe me on that. They get a lot of snow, too. Try weekly dumps of 30-40 cm. I’ve shoveled them. The street I lived on downtown was buried….literally in snow for a week in 1974. You walked over the car tops, sidewalks were impassable, you could not find them. Getting out your front door was a challenge. I lived on second floor. Easier to exit via the balcony and climb down the lattice work.

  12. So uh….hey quebec.
    Where ya gonna get all that extra Generation from hmm??
    Can’t come from Nat Gas right.?? (god forbid)
    I don’t think y’all got more rivers to damn.??

    Oh yea, wind n solar eh…?? well good luck on that front.

    14 captchas.?? Seriously.? WTF.??

  13. Unless some wise guy comes up with E = mc square engine or a contraption, the petroleum powered engine is going to be around for a long time.
    Q’bec can wish on anything they want, there can be only so much power in a battery and you can’t go to a pump to pump up the battery, the charging station does not count, it takes a long time as opposed to a few minutes of fill-up. In Canadian winter, the battery lasts even less and one expects that electric car will not start left in the, lets say -10 C temperature, for few hours.

    This is what happens, the idiot politicians are completely unwilling to solve problems of today, not that they have any brain power to do it, so they talk about future far enough that they are not going to be held responsible for their idiocy. They will blame it on the “other guy”.

    Hey, maybe the aliens are gonna come and help out.

  14. NY Post no longer has it. Here is another source.

    These assholes like to compare this to going from horse and buggy to the automobile. That is a blatant lie. People were not legislated to make the move. The automobile was found more economical and efficient than the horse. That is not the case with EV’s. They are much more expensive and extremely inefficient. To force people to go backwards bureaucrats get laws made to do that.

    1. It is a completely blatant lie. They were also found to be overall far cleaner (think “tailpipe emissions,” as it were, and what do you do with that much manure in a large city?) Would also like to point out, petroleum products were largely used as a replacement for whale oil in the first place. So yes, save the whales, use oil.

      But I hope Quebec and their shiny new lithium mine give up ICE vehicles tomorrow. I do enjoy a good helping of schadenfreude, after all.

      1. “…what do you do with that much manure in a large city?”

        Give them welfare checks and tell them to vote Librano?

  15. We Canadians are already paying for “luxury cars” for BC. Check out the price of subsidized EV cars in BC. Only recently, has the BC government said that luxury cars over 55K do not get the federal/provincial subsidy:



    My new-to-me 45KM 2016 Kia Rio with leather seats, bought for 13K will be perfect for grocery store and BC interior runs, as long as I can find a gas station on expensive Vancouver land.

  16. Quebec makes its announcement and NE B. C. gets buried under yet more snow. The estimation is 15 cm before it stops.

  17. We pay for Quebec’s cheap child care, might as well for the cars that get the kiddos there as well! I’m sure we pay for things there that we aren’t even aware of, all for the privilege of being annoyed when the grocery clerk puts the cereal boxes on the shelves with the French side exposed so you can’t understand the damn thing. But Quebec is valuable to Canada in what it provides the rest of the country which is
    (insert sound of crickets here).

  18. It no longer is bothersome as I now realize that no one has a freaking clue anymore.

  19. Joe has it right. What’s going to happen when all of the “carbon-based” tax revenues go away?

    Where is the electricity to power all these vehicles supposed to come from? Especially since electric vehicle performance sucks in low-temperature climates? (Not to say that Canada is particularly cool or anything, but….)

    1. Well politicians will just legislate that batteries have to be better, the climate has to be better and that EVs should go farter on the current battery technology. They will also legislate more rare metals into existance. It’s easy when you are a politician. And that’s why all the smart people are politicians instead of engineers.

  20. The only thing today’s politicians are capable of is legislating the growth of future poverty. Expansion of pseudo-green energy will yield energy poverty. The fiscal and monetary zombie-state is bringing only diminishing returns on vast expenditures of borrowed money guaranteed to be monetized rather than repaid, destroying all wealth so denominated. Green theocracy will achieve its goals only by impoverishing the masses to where the personal automobile will be a perk only affordable by the ruling class. Cheap energy is the key to Canada’s competitive advantage in the resource sector, manufacturing, and transportation. The war on cheap energy is a war on competitive advantage and prosperity.

  21. Well hell that is a really good idea,we shall call them the Trudeau series of Wonderous Electrifying Vehicles,WEV for short.
    So the first Model will be the TURD 1 and by the time Can Ahh Duh is abandoned by us westerners,they might even have one out the assembly line doors..
    I wonder what the final cost to taxpayer/unit will turn out to be.
    Or even more comedic imagine the tax dollars per Km travelled by these Magic Machines.

    There is a bright side,I am quite confident that while the battery remains functional,I can modify these lead sleds into a socially redeeming unit.
    Mobile Electric Chairs.

    Of course with the fine union help out of Corruption Central,they may leave the factory already that way.

    1. And the “Soapie” model would be for rainy days where one could get it lathered and rinsed and never have to go to La Car Wash.
