47 Replies to “All Kneel Before The Awesome Power Of 4Chan”

  1. Granny = aiding and abetting. Throw some charges at her too. Make her grandson testify against her.

    These people are pure evil. This is nazi level stuff.

  2. Is he in jail? Why not? Who do they have to kill? A US Marshall? A judge? Put the “protesters” under the jail. They are terrorists.

    1. That wasn’t a firecracker or other pyrotechnic he threw, it looked and sounded like a pipebomb. Where’s ATF?

  3. Just ask Shia Labouef. He’ll tell you what a pain in the a$$ they are. “Weaponized Autism”…never a good idea to get on 4 Chan’s bad side.

    And it looks like Granny won’t be picking up a Nobel Prize anytime soon.
    That there was some weapons grade stupidity.

  4. Aaawwwwww, isn’t that sweet? Granny loves her grandbrat so much that she wants to help him start his career as a professional a**hole…. Now, doesn’t that restore your faith in grandparents?

    And here we thought Ma Barker died several decades ago.

  5. Granny was involved in the 1968 riots. Her brain was destroyed by LSD. This is why Liberals must be banned from procreating.

    1. In Canada, you can’t buy tactical armor of any grade without some kind of dispensation for the government. It’s exclusively for the police, (though “journalists” are allowed to buy it, provided they work for a “recognized” media company). I saw some great outfits at CANSEC, but as an ordinary Joe, I wasn’t allowed to buy them. The police don’t want ordinary citizens to be made bullet-resistant. By way of contrast, in the US, you can buy tac vests as a fashion statement.

      1. It depends what province you live in. You can order ballistic plates and a carrier online and in Ontario, kevlar.

      2. My understanding is that having a gun license allows you to buy body armour. That doesn’t mean a supplier will sell it to you.

        1. Firearms licensing is federal, (criminal code – possession of a firearm is illegal, a license allows you to be in breach of that law under specific circumstances as long as your license is valid.) Firearms licensing doesn’t cover body armour. Some provinces prohibit or control sale, possession of body armour, some don’t. “Control” might include a limitation to only those who have a firearms license, since they have a sporting purpose (safety on the range.)

    2. I had to laugh at that website’s suggested accessory pairings for that vest. Sums up the IQ and maturity of the average rioter.

      1. thanks for the tip, I wouldn’t have looked otherwise. Look at the bottom of the page for the Q&A.


  6. “Peak Oregon” … hahaha ha ha ha … makes me long for the Rashneesh to return … hahaha ha ha

    Grandma USING her delinquent grandson to violently assault our Federal buildings makes perfect sense. My local Bay Area is filled with gray haired 1960’s “revolutionaries trying to relive past protest glories that they were never really part of. One last chance to … “tear it all down maa’aaaan” … before they expire. But like Iranian Mullahs … they use proxy warriors.

    I will wait to hear of his 10 year sentence in Federal ‘pound you in the ass’ Prison.

  7. “Welcome to Sheridan federal correctional, why are you here?”

    “My nan did a product review and 4Chan found it.”

    The dumb must be genetic.

    I can’t stop laughing. The thread is awesome. They also tried to make him a Godiva’s shield but estimated he was too Soy boy scrawny.

  8. The latest from the Governor of Oregon, regarding the federal agents protecting the federal court house in Portland – they are the reason for the violence!

    “They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence.”


    Will Oregon voters turn to Trump this fall to protect them from the lunatics in charge of the violent asylum that is Portland?

    1. They elected that Marxist swine in the first place. Why would they not return him in the fall?
      White Liberals are smug in their protected areas. It’s only the blacks and poor areas that have to put up with the garbage. Thus, White Liberals will continue to vote for Demoncraps (and Liberals in Kanuckistan). They sip their soy lattes with no regard for the carnage they cause.

  9. Kind of in the same vein…albeit just barely. Mike Cernovich somehow obtained pro Trump congressman Jim Jordan’s confidential talking points memo that was to be distributed to his fellow GOP’ers at today’s “Big Tech” hearing.
    The bottom line? Talk a good game in front of the cameras during the hearing so they’ll make nice sound bites for TV in a David vs.Goliath kinda way…but if push comes to shove square yourself firmly on the side of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google if there are votes on Anti Trust legislation.
    Republicans are lying to their base and are playing them like harps.

    1. I take anything the Cerno says with a big grain of salt.
      More than likely an anti-Trumper trying to peddle discord.

    2. I wouldn’t believe Cernovich over Jordan. Ever. Jordan is about as straight an arrow as you’ll ever find, certainly inside Congress, but also outside. Cernovich is one conflicted guy, an attention whore (I guess a male can be a whore), very full of himself, and constantly changing what he says he believes. When attention on him starts waning he cmes up with something else to bring it back around to him. Something like what you just said.

      1. Of course males can be whores. I almost replied to this effect to the “Granny loves her grandbrat so much that she wants to help him start his career as a professional a**hole…” above, that a professional a-hole gets paid for it, but while he’s in prison he won’t get paid at all for it.

  10. And the waste of skin hasn’t even achieved enough to be able to buy his own vest . Of course the apples didn’t fall far from the trees.

  11. Hilarious!!!!!! I hope he get a decade or two in some fed prison. He’ll be someones well used girlfriend before the end of the first night in the slammer. Hopefully it’ll be some 6′ 9″ 300 pound sweat drenched dude with bad breath and a giant um’, appendage! With luck, it’ll be a BLM hating lunatic, that will show his appreciation for his “Protesting”

  12. What is that word I usually use to describe what is happening, right, STUPID.

  13. I wonder if his mommy packs him a vegan lunch. Good thing he doesn’t live in Canada or voters would elect him prime minister.

  14. 4Chan has a collective investigative ability that puts mainstream “investigative journalists” to shame.

    Had it been around during Watergate, it would have unmasked Deep Throat in a week.

  15. Some privileged prat wearing $700 sneakers, $500 vest, $300 shirts
    …. white-knighting for women and colored folks (who didn’t ask him to, don’t need him to and likely don’t want him to)
    … throwing explosives at federal officers like it’s just a big video game.

    Antifa is a nutshell. Well I hope the useful idiot enjoys every day of his 10 years in the federal penitentiary as much as *I* will enjoy *his* 10 years in a federal penitentiary.

    1. Or as much as the lifers will.

      If grandma’s special little boy emerges from prison having finally acquired a well-informed, realistic attitude towards his former black brothers, some good will have come of this.

      He may even be grateful to 4chan in the end.

      1. Only once the end has healed. Or he’s reconciled to the use of a colostomy bag.

  16. “If Lenin had guys like these, we would still have the Tsar.“
    I think Mr O’Donnell wins the internet July 29.

  17. I wonder if granny didn’t set up the worthless little prat to get a break from him. She was probably getting tired of his constant demands for new cell phones and video games. “Here, junior, wear this. It will allow you to stick out and get the attention you deserve.”

  18. I just had to take a peek at the comments below the 4Chan post, and you’re right, it’s, well, radioactive. Even compared to the comments section of ZeroHedge, it’s pretty toxic.

    Still, I had to laugh that the doofus managed to be exposed by his own granny!
