France: Still On the Other Side

The Belmont Club has been following the French diplomatic movements in seeking release of the journalists kidnapped in Iraq.

If the French are not seeking to pay monetary or some other type of ransom to obtain the release of the two Frenchmen kidnapped by Iraqi terrorists nothing in their actions of the past few days makes sense. The French Foreign Minister, Michel Barner, is on tour of Middle Eastern capitals to seek support for the release of the hostages.
But the descent of so many French diplomats on Middle Eastern capitals suggests it is trying to cut a political deal with the terrorists and their backers. Since France has ruled out rescinding the headscarf ban to preserve the appearance of amour propre, the obvious alterntive is to make someone else make concessions. That someone will probably be Iraq. This may have sparked off the exchange between Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and the Quai de Orsay. According to Xinhua:

… Allawi declared earlier Monday that the kidnapping of two French journalists showed that there was “no possible neutrality” in Iraq and that those who do not fight at the government level can not escape terrorism. “None of the civilized countries can escape,” he said, noting “there is no possible neutrality, as shows the kidnapping of the French journalists.” “The French deluded themselves if they would hope to stay outside,” he added.
Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi’s declaration, which came after the kidnapping of two French journalists in Iraq and accused France’s position towards terrorism, was “unacceptable,” the French Foreign Ministry said Monday. “This declaration seems in fact to have cast doubt on France’s determination in the fight against terrorism … France is leading untiringly a resolute action against this scourge and it is always bringing its support and contribution to all the initiatives of the international community in this field,” said Cecile Pozzo di Borgo, spokeswoman of the French Foreign Ministry. The spokeswoman reiterated her country’s call for efforts to seek a “political solution” to the Iraqi crisis, adding that “the organization of free and democratic elections would permit to get together conditions of a real political and economic reconstruction of Iraq”. France has opposed the US-led Iraq war and has no troops in Iraq.

This suggests that the French diplomats are attempting to link the release of the French hostages to changes in the method and manner in which the Iraqi elections will be held.

Stay tuned.

RNC: Bloggers Row

John Hinderaker (Powerline Blog), Roger L. Simon , and Tom Beavans – Realclearpolitics.
(Photo: Ed Morrisey)
Ed Morrisey of Captain’s Quarters;

Former New York Mayor and “lifelong Democrat” Ed Koch paid a visit to Blogger’s Corner and spoke about his support of George Bush.The mayor started off informally by asking us whether we would consider his weekly e-mail columns to be the equivalent of blogging, which we unanimously rejected. We think he’ll be blogging in the next couple of months.
I’ve met Tony Snow from Fox, who immediately recognized my name — which floored me. I’ll report later on the breakfast with Matthew Dowd and the interesting speech and Q & A we had this morning.

Kevin Aylward has notified his Wizbang readers that text of his interview with Ari Fleisher is being prepared and will be up shortly.
Powerline also has a quick video of Radio Row and Bloggers’ Corner. Some of the personalities present: Roger Simon, Ed Morrissey, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved and Gereralissimo Duane. Video here.
Blogs for Bush has lots of audio links and more.
RNC Bloggers (group blog).
Now, if there are any Canadian Conservative party members lurking about, would you please sit up and pay attention;
These bloggers are, in no small way, responsible for the recent downturn in the polls for John Kerry, through their relentless pursuit of the Swift Boat contraversy, keeping it alive, digging up documentation and expert military analysis when the mainstream media was avoiding it like the plague. They pushed past the major networks, the New York Times, WaPo and kept this story alive. Both the Democrats and Republicans have recognized the phenomenon of citizen journalism and news analysis and are finding ways to use it to their advantage – but for the Republicans, with the handicap of a predominantly Democrat leaning media – the importance of the internet cannot be “misunderestimated”.
With a minority government, and the potential of another election over the horizon, the gatekeepers at the CBC, Globe, Toronto Star to contend with – I hope that someone in party headquarters is looking at finding ways to incorporate the Canadian blogosphere into the machinery of the Conservative Party.
Crossposted to the Shotgun

Iraq – Slow And Steady Progress

Via Command Post;

Experts might debate exactly how much water there is in the Iraqi glass, but there is little doubt that – yet again – while the cameras and microphones were pointing towards the carnage, violence and corruption, Iraq has continued its slow and steady march out of its three-decades long nightmare into a much more normal tomorrow. Below are some of the positive developments and good news stories of the past fortnight that for most part received very little media attention. It’s a pity because the story of “Iraq, the phoenix rising from the ashes” is in many ways a lot more interesting, not to say consequential, than the usual steady media diet of “Iraq, the Wild East.”

Read the rest of Arthur Chernkoff’s piece for the “rest of the story” on Iraq.

Dogs And Cats Lie Down Together

Sydney Morning Herald [subscription required];

People have flocked to a small village on the outskirts of Cambodia’s capital after a man claimed that his ten-year-old pet dog has defied nature and the ancient tradition of her species reviling cats and given birth to a kitten.
Owner Te Huot told Deutsche Presse-Agentur that his dog, called Knou, gave birth to a grey tabby kitten after he was visited by a forest monk who claimed that the dog had mated with a tiger. He said it was only the second time in the dog’s life that she had given birth, and that the first time, five years earlier, she had produced normal canine puppies.
However, he claimed that last Tuesday, Knou went into labour at his Chhbar Ampou village home and produced a single kitten.
The phenomenon has brought crowds thronging to Te Huot’s home to burn incense and give donations towards the dog and its tiny kitten, which Te Huot says is a sign from the gods.

The region is also known for its invisible flying dogs.

French Journalists Kidnapped

The French government, in crisis mode, on Sunday called for the release of two French journalists kidnapped in Iraq by Islamic militants demanding that Paris rescind a ban on headscarves in state schools.

The two men went missing on August 20, the day they were to have left Baghdad for the central holy city of Najaf, then the scene of fierce fighting between US forces and Shiite militia loyal to radical cleric Moqtada Sadr.

Late Saturday, Arabic-language Al-Jazeera television broadcast images of Chesnot and Malbrunot along with an ultimatum from the Islamic Army in Iraq, the same group that killed Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni after kidnapping him.

The group gave Paris 48 hours to meet its demands, describing the ban on the Islamic veil in state schools as “an injustice and an attack on the Islamic religion,” the Qatar-based network reported, citing its “own sources in Iraq.”

Now, isn’t this a fine kettle of fish? Will France capitulate, or is she willing to sacrifice two of her sons to take a principled stand on the right to limit religious expression?

… both Chesnot and Malbrunot’s employers and Sunni Muslim scholars had earlier expressed faith that if they had been kidnapped, they would be safe because France had staunchly opposed the US-led war against Iraq.�

I guess they hadn’t noticed the intelligence report revealing that planning for the Madrid train bombings began prior to the 9/11 attacks, when Spain wasn’t in Iraq or anywhere else. You’d think that journalists and their employers would be on top of details like that.
Crossposted at the Shotgun

Third Time Unlucky

Front Page Mag has a detailed comparison of the original and subsequently revised (sanitized) citations that accompany John Kerry’s Silver Star, and examination of the questions they raise.

Citation 3, like Citations 1 and 2, is undated.� But, again, we can narrow the time frame, since it was signed by John Lehman as Secretary of the Navy.� Lehman served from February1981 to April 1987�long after Kerry left Vietnam, long after he was separated from service, and during Kerry’s tenure as a United States Senator.
While it is not difficult to understand why Kerry apparently sought and obtained a sanitized second version of his Silver Star citation, at first glance it is not so easy to surmise why Kerry went after yet a third citation, this time from Lehman (especially because the third citation is word-for-word, in every important respect, the same as the second). �One theory dovetails with what may well have motivated him, at least in part, to prefer Hyland’s imprimatur over Zumwald’s.� Kerry, now a senator, may have been trying to upgrade his award, issued by a couple of “mere” admirals, to one issued by the Secretary of the Navy.

According to Front Page, correcting a citation isn’t easy.

This means that in order to obtain Citation 2, Kerry would have had to prove that there was an “error” in Citation 1 and/or that the existence of that citation somehow constituted an “injustice.”� Was the error in Citation 1 that he had shot the enemy soldier in the back, or that it was somehow an injustice to Kerry for the citation to say so?
As to obtaining Citation 3, there are two problems for Kerry.� First, since it is virtually identical with Citation 2, there could be no error or injustice.� Second, even if arguably there were, since the three-year statute of limitations had passed by the time Lehman was in office, in order for Kerry to obtain the correction, he would have had to prove that correcting Citation 2 was “in the interest of justice”.

The article was published Aug. 24.
This morning, one of the questions is cleared up by none other than former Navy Secretary John Lehman himself.

“It is a total mystery to me. I never saw it. I never signed it. I never approved it. And the additional language it contains was not written by me,” he said.

Complete Front Page article.

Dear John Letter

Dear John;
For some months now we have been covering your ass. We’ve spun good economic news into bad. We spilled gallons of ink to promote every accusation leveled against Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld/Rove. We pushed every critic we could find front and center in our news lineup, iinterviewed every moonbat activist. We edited 9/11 Commission testimony to discredit them.
We pimped the books. We latched onto Democratic talking points and allegations like happy ticks. And Abu Graihb… wrung every last drop of blood out of that miserable stone, headlined every accusation, published every photo.
We even published the fake ones.
We promoted that stupid movie from MIchael Moore and pretended he had something to say. Quoted any Hollywood High drop-out who could form sound into words. Quoted the rock stars, wept for Linda D’Arc and the Salem Chicks.
We avoided quoting your goofy wife and that deranged Al Gore. We buried the lunacy dribbling from Teddy’s yapping maw.
Even when we knew we looked stupid for doing it, we did it for you, John, for us – for our common cause.
And when they started to hurt you, we timed our first news stories to boost your campaign’s rebuttals of the Swift Vets. We shouted them down.
But John, when the chips were down, when the moment came to hold up to your end of the bargain, after we let you hide out, unmolested, for days … when you finally came up for air, who did you turn to? Who did you grant that exclusive first interview to?

Jon Stewart.
A fucking comedian. With a fake news show. A cheap little media whore.
Well, John, that hurt. You betrayed us, made us look like fools.
So, remember, we’re doing this because we loved you. And still do. This hurt us even more than it hurts you.
LA Times, Washington Post, et al

Feed Me

For readers who may have noticed that I’ve been blogging a lot lately;
I’ve been staying rather close to home. Mom decided that one measly pup really wasn’t worth the trouble of making milk for.

RNC Bloggers

Add this link to your blogrolls – the bloggers who have been credentialed for the Republican National Convention have their group site up and running now. And (oddly enough!) they include many of my favorite bloggers – Hugh Hewitt, INDC Bill, Wizbang, Captain Ed …


Quote of the Day:

“I use to be a Grim Reaper, Then I started taking antidepressants…now I am not grim anymore, I am just a Reaper and I only do catch and release for the fun of it….you should see the looks on peoples faces ……Hhhhhhhaaaarrrrrrrrr….!!!!!!” – From a Ducatti forum sigfile.

Military Blogger CBFTW Pulls Posts

Checking my entry pages a while ago (traffic is up with the swift boat vet contraversy) I noticed that this post on the blog “My War” was recieving a lot of hits.
So I checked over there. His blog has been wiped clean and only a cryptic quote remains as a clue as to what’s going on.

“Ever Get the Feeling You’ve Been Cheated?” -last words Johnny Rotten spit onstage at the Sex Pistols last gig in 1978.

I hope the condition is temporary. And beaurocratic.
I’ve saved a copy of the blog’s content from the Google cache, for my own use. Perhaps I’ll mirror it somewhere, but I think I’ll wait to see if there’s more to the story before I do.
update – An explanation.
I won’t mirror the content, in light of the reasons he pulled it. And hopefully, others will respect his privacy more than these idiots at NPR.

Swift Yacht Veterans For Kerry

In a stinging retort to criticisms levied by the lowlife Swift Boat Veterans, who claim that John Kerry-Heinz’s heroic Vietnam record is fabricated, the Massachusetts-based Wealthy Swift Yacht Veterans will unveil a commercial in which they maintain that Kerry-Heinz is a “jolly good fellow” and a “dapper gentleman indeed.”
The ad features three white-haired men dressed in sailor hats, cravats, gold chains, gold Rollex watches, with blue, anchor-lapelled blazers; all of the men are sipping cognac, and two of them smoke pipes. They all claim to be Wealthy Swift Yacht Veterans who knew Kerry-Heinz during his “uproarious” days at their exclusive yacht club.
Highlights from the ad include:
“I had the pleasure of making Master Kerry-Heinz�s acquaintance on many a jovial occasion,” claims Beauregard Kendalson, ” and I say with full confidence that Kerry-Heinz cares about the little people, even Negroes.”
“In the summer of �72 John and I took the yacht to Lisbon,” says Jacob Allen Reimschneider in between sips of cognac, “we were alone … at sea … for three months … and there was … surprisingly little … homosexual activity. That bespeaks … determination and leadership to me.”
A spokesman for President Bush says that the ad is “disingenuous,” and that, “John Kerry-Heinz is letting the Wealthy Swift Yacht Captains do his blue-blood work for him.”

Go read the whole thread.
Added to the Traffic Jam

Kerry: The Unravelling Continues

Robert Novak has interviewed one of Kerry’s crewmates.

Retired Rear Adm. William L. Schachte Jr. said Thursday in his first on-the- record interview about the Swift boat veterans dispute that “I was absolutely in the skimmer” in the early morning on Dec. 2, 1968, when Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry was involved in an incident which led to his first Purple Heart.
“Kerry nicked himself with a M-79 (grenade launcher),” Schachte said in a telephone interview from his home in Charleston, S.C. He said, “Kerry requested a Purple Heart.”

Kerry was turned down, and filed the request with a later commander.

Schachte described the use of the skimmer operating very close to shore as a technique that he personally designed to flush enemy forces on the banks of Mekong River so that the larger Swift boats could move in. At about 3 a.m. on Dec. 2, Schachte said, the skimmer — code-named “Batman” — fired a hand-held flare. He said that after Kerry’s M-16 rifle jammed, the new officer picked up the M-79 and “I heard a ‘thunk.’ There was no fire from the enemy,” he said.
“I was astonished by Kerry’s version” (in his book, “Tour of Duty”) of what happened Dec. 2, Schachte said Thursday. When asked to support the Kerry critics in the Swift boat controversy, Schachte said, “I didn’t want to get involved.” But he said he gradually began to change his mind when he saw his own involvement and credibility challenged, starting with Lanny Davis on CNN’s “Crossfire” Aug. 12.

Chicago Sun Times has been combing the records on Kerry’s campaign website, and discovering some of the same discrepencies noted for weeks by various military bloggers and commentors.

The Kerry campaign has repeatedly stated that the official naval records prove the truth of Kerry’s assertions about his service.
But the official records on Kerry’s Web site only add to the confusion. The DD214 form, an official Defense Department document summarizing Kerry’s military career posted on, includes a “Silver Star with combat V.”
But according to a U.S. Navy spokesman, “Kerry’s record is incorrect. The Navy has never issued a ‘combat V’ to anyone for a Silver Star.”

There is curiosity about the fact that three separate citations exist for this medal – from three different people. Two are on Kerry’s website, the first isn’t.

Normally in the case of a lost citation, Milavec points out, the awardee simply asked for a copy to be sent to him from his service personnel records office where it remains on file. “I have never heard of multi-citations from three different people for the same medal award,” he said. Nor has Burkett: “It is even stranger to have three different descriptions of the awardee’s conduct in the citations for the same award.”
Reporting by the Washington Post’s Michael Dobbs points out that although the Kerry campaign insists that it has released Kerry’s full military records, the Post was only able to get six pages of records under its Freedom of Information Act request out of the “at least a hundred pages” a Naval Personnel Office spokesman called the “full file.”
What could that more than 100 pages contain? Questions have been raised about President Bush’s drill attendance in the reserves, but Bush received his honorable discharge on schedule. Kerry, who should have been discharged from the Navy about the same time — July 1, 1972 — wasn’t given the discharge he has on his campaign Web site until July 13, 1978. What delayed the discharge for six years? This raises serious questions about Kerry’s performance while in the reserves that are far more potentially damaging than those raised against Bush.

Update – The entire text of John Kerry’s out of print book “The New Soldier”, as well as links to free chapters from “Unfit For Duty” can be found here. Included in one of the chapters are the events that Retired Rear Adm. William L. Schachte Jr. speaks to.

The People’s Champion

Why, look everyone! CBC is airing a George Chuvalo documentary!
How many is that now? 80?

“The People’s Champion.”
Translation: “Got the crap beaten out of him for a lot of years, twice by someone very famous. The Canadian role model template does not require achievement. One need only stand up in stubborn contrast to successful Americans.”

Sadly, it seems no one told Chuvalo that boxing is a sport. George – it’s ok to fall down when you’re rendered unconscious by blows to the head. You can even fall down before that. The world will go on. That guy in the blue trunks is not going to move past your bloody corpse to destroy the Peace Tower should you fail. He’s going to get a stinking belt and go back to the dressing room for interviews.
Take a look around at other sports – tennis, for example. Tennis is a sport, too. Beginning, end, referees, points, winners, losers. Some tennis players feel quite passionately about winning their matches. Tennis players hate losing as much as boxers do, I’ll wager. But damn it, George – they don’t impale themselves on the opponants racket in a pathetic attempt to pretend they’re somehow better at losing than the other guy is at winning. And if they did, what do you suppose it would gain them? (Well, maybe the interviews.)
I cannot help but wish that Chuvalo had been knocked out by some potbellied trainer before he ever set foot in a pro ring – hung up his gloves at the age of 15, gone to trade school, remained in blissful anonymity, got a real job. Saved his family.
But in Canada we pervert extraordinary failure into miserable virtue – and thus, George Chuvalo is a beacon of inspiration, a flag bearer for serial losers. He fought Ali and lost. He battled the evils of drug abuse and depression and lost – three sons and his wife.
Now, he’s a sad old man doing high school drug lecture tours, looking battered. And lost.
Perennial documentary fodder.
George, I don’t mean to be cruel. But this has to stop. Tell the vultures who keep propping you up in front of the camera and microphones to get the hell out of your life. I think you probably still know how to throw a punch.
Win one for yourself.

Fast Forward

Occam’s Carbuncle;

Anyone who watched only the CBC’s coverage of the Russian gymnast Nemov’s high bar routine would have seen a crowd protest of a score perceived to be far too low for the effort put forward by Nemov. In CBC’s version of events, the score started out at 9.762 and the crowd’s unruliness lasted perhaps five minutes. Not much else happened. Nemov came out to quiet the crowd, then competition resumed.

The unedited US coverage told the rest of the story.

Kerry Campaign Employs Human Mine Sweeper

Quotations in Courage

FDR: “Yesterday, December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. In response, I am despatching a triple amputee with an extremely angry letter to Tokyo.”
Nathan Hale: “I regret that I have but one limb — belonging to some other guy — to give for my country.”

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

In followup to comments on this post on UN Flight 51, shot down by Syria in 1974, I recieved this link to a DHC-5 Buffalo restoration underway at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. The current status;

Reconstruction of the nose is essentially complete thanks to the donation of a radome by Aero Support Canada Inc. A shipping container with unairworthy parts is on its way from DAC’s African operations and is expected on the project site within two months. When we acquite main gear, we will be able to begin assembly of major parts (wings, tail, etc.) to the fuselage.

Check out the photos and the Flightlines article.
