23 Replies to “The Perfect Troll”

    1. Adams has done an extensive analysis of the fine-people hoax. He has posted about this for years.

      Although Adams is listened-to by the Whitehouse and said in his post debate analysis that he felt Trump missed an easy layup. Could the Tweet be aimed at Trump?

      He later tweeted to illustrate how voters feel about the left;

      “Today I learned that agreeing with Democrats and saying I won’t vote for Trump makes them hate me extra and threaten me. So I’ll be voting for Trump.”

      1. After he attracted every chattering eyeball on political Twitter to his account for several hours, he posted the followup tweet.

  1. Twitter is a mess. Impossible to follow without years of practice (and I have my doubts that people really do even then).

    People always complain that email exchanges are too fast and people write/respond without thinking. Doubly so for twitter.

    Anything on twitter = garbage.

  2. L-Scottland, where the twitter mob is so enraged, it stumbles into a cartoon but doesn’t notice… 🙂

    (The sport of champions – “And when I snap my fingers you will awake and remember nothing.”)

    1. I won’t spend an hour listening to Scott Adams give a five minute explanation of whatever he wants to talk about today.

  3. What is a dilbert? And who the hell, is scott adams, some two bit hollyweird light loafer actor? And who the eff cares what some limp dick like this says anyway?

    1. Sorry Bartinsky, couldn’t resist commenting on your spectacularly ill-informed post:

      Apparently you haven’t been introduced to newspapers. “Dilbert” began being published in around 2,000 newspapers by 2000 – it could be found in 57 countries, translated into 19 languages. Really hard to miss!

      As to Adams being “light loafered,” Google his wife Kristina Basham. She’s a drop dead gorgeous model about 30 years younger than Scott.

      Not a lot of limp dicks around Kristina.

      You managed to display remarkable ignorance in just three ungrammatical sentences. Outstanding!

    2. Bartinsky. You really are commenting on someone you know nothing about. Scott welcomes intelligent disagreement bot not ignorance

  4. Adams illustrating how stupid and tiresome the “Denounce [fill in hate group du jour here]” is and how it really isn’t designed to change anyone’s mind because it’s a classic “heads I win, tails you lose” scenario. Final analysis? You’re hated even more.
    I personally think it’s a media power move and nothing more – MSM get a tremendous amount of satisfaction when people roll over like poodles for them. I’m sure there’s a name for this in mental health circles.

    Thing is Adams sucked in a lot of conservatives with his experiment. I wouldn’t play that game too often.

  5. Here’s what happened:

    Adams sucked in a bunch of people from the left to look at his site. He figured that there was no other way to get these people to look at the Charlottesville hoax video.

    With all of this commotion going on someone from the media will eventually force Biden to admit that his campaign is based on a lie. Might happen at the next debate.



  6. Scott keeps it going. LOL. “Today I learned that agreeing with Democrats and saying I won’t vote for Trump makes them hate me extra and threaten me. So I’ll be voting for Trump.”

    Imho, you don’t have to agree with Scott all the time to enjoy his commentary, though he drills down too much philosophically.

    But it’s still nice to hear something approaching analysis for a change, a nice break from the 5th column political invertebrates.
