46 Replies to “Chinada”

  1. When will some Journalist, assuming there are any left in Canada, investigate and report on the contents of the 1997 Sidewinder report, produced by the RCMP/CSIS that raised concerns over the infiltration by the CCP into the Canadian economy and political system. This was the Report that Chretien refused to accept and ordered destroyed. Anybody. The contents of this report would make interesting reading today.

    1. Well of course our own Prime Doofus is a mouth piece for CCP political droppings…as he admires the Chinese dictatorship.


      Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
      Army Group “True North”
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army

    2. As I recall Sidewinder was about Triad and other organized Chinese crime gangs infiltrating a Canadian embassy, not the CCP

      1. Hey unDork, the triads are infiltrated by the CCP, long ago. And yer buddey Dr. Tam is a CCP shill, she sits on a comity that over sees the WHO, and makes sure it is doing it’s job correctly, as it hasn’t done so in this case. Would explain her, travel bans don’t work, no need to wear masks edict, and not getting our borders closed. And why the Turd sent all that PPE to china. You are dumb and uninformed for even a lab technician who is the head specimen taster!!

    3. Of course, Chretien works for Huawei, against Canadian communication companies.
      He also works for Telus, making them to adopt Huawei for their network.
      It`s all public, no guessing here.

  2. The Liberal Party of Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party. Prove me wrong. All those liberal traitors cozying up to the Chicoms belong in a DIY kit containing rope and a lamppost.

    1. Remember all of those trips to China led by ‘the Shawinigan Strangler’ back in the mid and late 90s for ‘Trade”? I certainly do! As do many unemployed people here in Canada!
      Hey international partnerships were created! Manufacturing moved across the ocean clearing our skys, mines and oil plays changed hands! Hey – what can go wrong other than Canadian jobs are replaced by Chinese jobs! Here in Canada!
      The Liberals have been OWNED by the G.D. CHINESE COMMUNISTS for DECADES.
      There is only one solution – the West absolutely must exit. There is no hope, no future within the mess called confederation.

  3. It’s not so much that it’s happened. It’s that if you ask those inside the Parliamentary bubble, they will openly remark about the good relationship they have established with the government of China.
    They do this out of ignorance that they don’t see what the harm is or the potential conflict with our neighbour to the south.
    Their ignorance is due to their hatred of the current POTUS, in that if he’s against something then the unwritten policy is to be in favour of it, no matter what it is. In their world view any action against Trump is going to benefit Canada by gaining favour with everyone else.
    What they miss is that regardless of who is POTUS the US has always seen communism as an existential threat (with the exception of half the DNC).
    If evidence was uncovered by US intel that links the Canadian government working with the chicoms Trump would have all the congressional and senate support he needed for any measure in retaliation.

  4. Cassandra, I think it has more to do with some Canadians receiving money pay offs than Canadian politeness.

  5. Let’s recap:
    1. He sends critical medical supplies to China days before, he knows, we will need them.
    2. In the middle or a recession, exacerbated by his ineptness, he sends Canadian taxpayers’ money to the very lab that in all likelihood released the plague.
    3. Right after the outbreak he issues hundreds of visas to Chicoms from Wuhan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1KvskLiteQ

    Twice is coincidence, three times…

    In a civilized country this would be sufficient evidence to convict him of treason.

    1. I have to disagree with #1. He knew weeks in advance that we needed that 16 tons worth.
      4. Wow Way. He’s going to let them take over our entire wireless infrastructure.
      5. The easy one. He stated his admiration for their economic capabilities before he even got to be PM.
      6. He stated he wouldn’t want K-bec to remain in Canada if someone like Stephen Harper remained in power.

        1. How can he refute it? There are numerous accounts online plus a least one video.
          The adoration on the faces of the women to whom he was speaking is ingrained on my brain…would give anything if I could shake it because that’s when I knew just how stupid my fellow Canadians are.


          1. gellen, a young friend of mine, then 23, stated to me in 2015 that a lot of women would vote for that incompetent idiot because of his looks (which are just like fiddle caster in his youth). She is a real conservative, and self aware, a rare characteristic in today’s youth.

      1. You can look both ways at point 6. Quebec leaving Canada would be the best thing that could happen to Canada.

    2. “the very lab that in all likelihood released the plague.”

      There is no evidence of this.

      1. You confuse ‘evidence’ with ‘proof’. There is no proof that the virus came from the lab, there is no proof for any story of its origin. There is circumstantial evidence for a lab origin that holds together at least as well as the wet-works story.

        Why you carry water for the chi-coms?

      2. UNMoron
        That statement makes you the Century’s # 1 IMBECILE.

        THERE IS ZERO Evidence it came out of some wet market…particularly when said wet market had not bats on sale at that time.? 35% of the Patient ZEROS had no connection to said wet market whatsoever. EXPLAIN that..??

        Google Shi Zhengli …and look at what she herself postulated… Before you go shootin off yer yap. hmm??

        As an aside, I’d curious to know how much you’re paid Monthly from your Local ChiCom Commitern for the utter Pro COMMIE Drivel you spew here.

  6. The West has been making Communist China $$$$ RICH $$$$ ever since Nixon opened Pandora’s Chinese puzzle box 50 years ago. And in less than a month … China has made the West – POOR and dependent on China … as we print more and more Debt held by the Chinese.

    I hate saying it … but it’s OVER. We have already been conquered. Our only HOPE is a 100% disentanglement from EVERYTHING ChiCom. Everything

    1. China has also made us very rich, and no we’re not ‘disentangling’. Just drop that fantasy already.

          1. It only makes the corporate traitors rich.

            No one cares that they can buy a $15 Chinese toaster that will break in a year. They’d rather have better paying jobs so they can afford an American made toaster that will last

            This is why Trump won. You still don’t get it. You are probably a “learn to code” snob.

      1. “literate in economics”….now that the best laff of the year rite there, you are a complete economic illiterate, you’v proven that time and time again. Yer even too stupid to understand that open borders is economical suicide, good lord you are weapons grade stupid, in fact you are AOC economics smart

      2. I can drive from mid New Jersey, up the east coast into central Maine then west through western New York, Ohio into Wisconsin. Not on the Federal Interstate but state highways. Nothing but 10,000 dead mill and factory town and cities.
        Thats some kind of wealthy

  7. ( Goodwin Alert )
    For 40 years I’ve been curious, and reading why Hitler came to power.
    And sort of the same for following Kaiser Wilhelm into WW1.
    Lots of reason. But a couple was the welfarizing, socialism, infantilizing of the German masses. Bismarck was quoted that when he instituted the worlds first old age pension, it was pointed out it could be done cheaper and better though private market incentives. Bismarck replied that he didn’t care as the real reason was to tie the masses to the state. Anyways the point is Germans didnt want, nor could , bite the hand that fed, housed, cared for them.
    Just like the Canadian media now.
    The mass of Canadians, Americans ,most, the West, are serfs to the state. Wealth, security, ease, all lay with a government check.

  8. The NP article is exactly 1 year old.

    How much more influence has the CCP bought in the last 365 days, I wonder….

  9. Breitbart reports on how China is profiting off its virus with debts piling up in countries that are part of its belt and road program. You would almost think China came up with the virus on purpose, but that would be paranoid thinking I guess. And Blacklock reports that China is way behind filling Canada’s orders for supplies, and all supplies have to be checked for shoddy workmanship etc.

  10. The Chicomms have been slowly reeling us in since our first wheat sales in the 60s. And all political parties share the blame for the current state of affairs.

    The Liberals and their Ivory Tower Trash friends have compromised us by their greed; The NDP by their affinity for all things communist; the Greens and Bloq-heads by their terminal stupidity; and the Conservatives by their scheer cowardice.

  11. Come on… lets face it… Globalists are in power in this country… and they are corrupt to the core.
    Turdhole, Mr. Tam, Hadju are all in the pocket of the Commie regime in China, clearly. The Liberals have been taking their marching orders from the Chinese Government before they even got elected, thus Juthtins admiration for Chinas dictatorship. How many Liberals and ex-Liberals are tangled up inside the authoritarian Commie regime ? Old Crotch, drunken MaCallum, googly eyed Manley, The Turdhole Foundation… the list is endless… All of them making huge amounts of cash by doing the bidding of the Commie Regime. The behaviour of the Liberal Government during this pandemic leaves no doubt that the Liberal Party and its leadership are acting on behalf of the Chinese Regime, one would have to be blind or eastern Turdholian not to see this obvious fact. I stated as much in a letter I wrote to the President of the USA, although I’m sure the Americans already understand how far down the corruption shithole the “Post Nation State” has gone. Don’t trust “Canada” to do the right thing, it is a nation on the side of evil…. nothing could be more clear or obvious.

  12. BTW, if you want a good read on the history of Chicomm infiltration into Canada’s systems: Claws of the Panda, by Jonathan Manthorpe.

  13. If Jr Moistly Shiny Sock Potato were a Chinese agent/proxy what would he be doing differently than what he is doing now.

  14. China – We’ve completely cured coronavirus and everything is fine here and no one is allowed in the check.

    Spot on satire courtesy of Babylon Bee, and

    “During a campaign speech Tuesday, Joe Biden proudly declared that while Republicans have at least some standards, Democrats are going above and beyond with their “double standards.”

    The presidential candidate then went on to slam Trump for his treatment of women, confident in the knowledge that no one in the Democratic Party would dare call him out for being a hypocritical little creep.”

    Not to be outdone, Trump quickly took to Twitter to announce that the Republican Party would shortly be debuting its brand new triple standards.”

    But it does speak to the reality Trump has outplayed them, once again.


  15. During the debriefing following his defection in 1945, Igor Gouzenko claimed that there were communists all throughout the Canadian government.

  16. 3 hrs ago
    From the National Post, where I am a subscriber:
    Headline: Licia Corbella on COVID-19: Jason Kenney’s criticism of Dr. Tam is well deserved
    “content disabled –
    I was convinced from the beginning that Tam was a Chinese asset. But, you know, “diversity” Trudeau wouldn’t know his behind from a teakettle. None of this comes as a surprise.”
    So, any ideas on why my comment was disallowed?

    1. Yesterday from the NAT post. RE; “New Law for Misinformation on ChiComm-19”
      Had barely hit the “post” Button and it was Red FLagged – Content Disabled.

      I had written cleanly about ShiZhegnli – TOP Chinese Virologist – her Synthetic Virus postulation (Recomibing a Benign Bat Virus with a few strands of HIV + a SARS-03 Cell receptior), , her publications and her DIRECT connection the the level 4 lab in Wuhan

      +The Fact that 35% of patient ZEROS (early No 2019), had no affiliation with the Wuhan Wet Market.


      IMO..?? The NAtional Post is being moderated by Liberal turncoats or directly by ChiComm operatives – there can be NO OTHER Explanation.
