38 Replies to “December 26, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. Thanks Oz. I watched everyone of those roasts when I was a kid in high school. No chance that kind of show could be repeated today. It requires HUMOR.

      1. When I was a kid, my dream was to grow up to be Dean Martin. He was the coolest guy and he had the coolest girls.

    2. John Batchelor interviewed the author of a biography of Reagan at one time. Reagan was originally a Democrat, back when it was still a respectable party. However, he eventually found that the Republicans represented his views more closely and he leaned towards them as far back as Goldwater’s presidential campaign.

      That interview has been repeated a number of times over the last 3 or so years, so watch for it as it might be broadcast again.

        1. Some scholars have speculated whether the story about him being bonked in the head by an apple and, thereby, had his eureka! moment concerning gravity might be merely a legend.

          Newton knew that objects in circular motion are accelerated radially outwards. What he couldn’t figure out was why planets didn’t do the same but remained, instead, in their orbits.

          From what I understand, he noticed an apple falling from a tree. Something, obviously, pulled it down from the branch it was hanging from. It was then that Newton put the pieces together. It was gravity that prevented the planets from leaving the solar system.

          Newton was frequently criticized, often by Sir Robert Hooke, for his seemingly unorthodox methods. He eventually had enough of it and said that he made no hypotheses, deriving, instead, his equations from his observations.

      1. BADR: I believe Reagan said he did not leave the Dem party; that it left him (prosaic summary).

  1. The Chinese are the Jews Hitler warned you about, Ecuador edition:

    China financed the election campaign of leftist stooges in Ecuador, who turned around and borrowed $20 billion to be repaid in Ecuadorean oil, which was all China wanted. Yet another of their scams to get resources at below market prices.

    The money was squandered on a sloppily-constructed hydro dam that has never performed as promised, wasn’t needed, and was built near a volcano, guaranteeing its eventual structural failure and the destruction of everything in the deluge’s path.

    China will get paid either way.


  2. Why Doesn’t the FBI Videotape Interviews?

    One might even argue this is unconstitutional under existing law. Under the Mathews v. Eldridge interpretation of the Due Process Clause, a procedure is unconstitutional if another procedure would yield more accurate decisions and is worth the added costs. Given the low costs of videotaping, it seems obvious that the benefits of such videotaping for accuracy outweigh the costs.


      1. So, if it’s meant to observe that anniversary, I suppose that the loon might be replaced by another symbol. I shudder to think of that would be.

        And since it won’t be a loony any more, I can only imagine what that coin will be nicknamed…..

          1. Buy a letter die set and punch the new loonie with some additional letters. To celebrate! FOT comes to mind.

          2. “Degenerate” is a bit of a mouthful.

            We’re not just a (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, gender-neutral Soros vassal built on stolen indigenous land) state, we’re now the Great Northern Babylon.

            Gee thanks, Juthtin…..for nothing.

  3. “The name’s Bond…. Jane Bond.”:


    I imagine this might meet with the approval of the United Church, eh? How does the refrain from that old Jim Croce song go again:

    You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
    You don’t spit into the wind
    You don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
    And you don’t mess around with Jim.


    1. So in 2019 Turdeau moves from wearing different costumes to paddling different canoes.
      Hopefully he’ll go up a creek and loose his paddle.

  4. https://www.mrctv.org/blog/new-coward-broward-court-insults-fed-judge-rules-cops-have-no-duty-protect-citizens?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTURRMk5HSTVPVEV4TkdSayIsInQiOiI2NER0eGp2YWNaSGtVZ0ZIZk1VSCtPZGo3SmRvaFh3eTUrUktlUVlLVDA1em5DYkxYMkdxMnV5eXhFT001V2VBMklhb1wvVFpmbzdqT1JzR1lUcmxzSjNuZk1sdWNUYm9RcTlXMmJCREptaVpacjVcLzgzeHQyS3NIN2pYZnliZjBRIn0%3D

    In keeping with legal precedent,a Judge has ruled the”Coward of Broward” had no duty to protect the students at Stoneman school. They are apparently going to change the motto on the police car door to read,”to serve and cover our ass”.

  5. Ginsburg cult following is sad and pathetic because they think she’s actually intelligent. The fact is that liberal Supreme Court justices, US and Canadian, could easily be replaced by laptops programmed with an algorithm that derives decisions from the MAD, media, academia, and democrats/liberals.
    Many post-modern liberals are marginally bright people, just bright enough to make them totally annoying….

    1. I read stories where people such as Chelsea Handler were offering their lungs to RBG. Then there was Michael Moore who topped his (holiday) tree with an RBG statuette.

      She’s not a Supreme Court justice, she’s a cult.

  6. My list – explaining the regressive progressives. First, PMSH’s book “Right Here, Right Now,” then Hayek’s prescient and timeless “The Road to Serfdom,” and in precis, this brilliant piece courtesy of Joel Kotkin and Tucker Carlson, who interviewed him.

    “America is moving toward an oligarchical socialism.”

    Oligarchal socialism allows for the current, ever-growing concentration of wealth and power in a few hands — notably tech and financial moguls — while seeking ways to ameliorate the reality of growing poverty, slowing social mobility and indebtedness. This will be achieved not by breaking up or targeting the oligarchs, which they would fight to the bitter end, but through the massive increase in state taxpayer support.”

    Particularly since Donald Trump’s election, the leaders of corporate America — especially in tech and finance — have merged with the Democrats. They appeal to progressives by advocating politically correct views on immigration, gender rights and climate change, while muzzling conservatives both inside and outside their companies.”

    Theoretically, the Democrats moving to the left should terrify the oligarchs. Yet increased income guarantees, nationalized health care, housing subsidies, rent control and free education could also help firms maintain a gig-oriented economy since these employers do not provide the basic benefits often offered by more traditional “evil” corporations in energy, manufacturing and basic business services.”

    The losers here will be our once-protean middle class. Unlike the owners of corporations in the past, oligarchs have no interest in their workers become homeowners or moving up the class ladder. Their agenda instead is forever-denser, super-expensive rental housing for their primarily young, and often short-term, employees.”

    There’s surely a compelling logic for oligarchic socialism. The tech moguls get to remain wealthy beyond the most extreme dreams of avarice, while their allies in progressive circles and the media, which they increasingly own, continue to hector everyone else about giving up their own aspirations. All the middle and upwardly mobile working class gets is the right to pay ever more taxes, while they watch many of their children devolve into serfs, dependent on alms and subsidies for their survival.”

    IOW deprived, demeaned and degraded labour, followed by the axioms of progressivism: taxation, inflation and war.


  7. It is, after all Boxing Day and we would be remiss to not comment on the suggested topic from this website host, that is “Le Holiday Feast,”
    as presented by “Freshpet.”

    • Once again, it is Christmas in the Land. The starving Dogs have gathered at Cat’s house. The table is set in all it’s finery. The turkey is cooked, nicely browned, and displayed. The Dogs are waiting patiently to begin their feast. Cat, the hostess, clinks a glass, and the ravishing Dogs begin to feast, and they’re off! Everyone chews, gulps, licks, and looks around with nary a whimper.

    Big Dug with glasses, the host and cook, is soon adjusting his too tight shirt collar, thinking, ‘oh for dog biscuits’ sake, bloody shirt!’ He’s thinking, ‘why the clothes, shouldn’t we all be naked?’ Well…he does have a point?

    He looks around and everyone is so nonchalant: one Diner is feeding another, one Diner is looking hungrily at another’s plate, one Diner is looking behind, ignoring his plate and wasn’t interested in dining, one Guest is licking another’s fork, one Pooch is eating with chopsticks, one Lush is sneaking a slug from his silver mickey, one Hound is licking his plate, one Teeny Bopper has his hoodie on and readying to split, is texting his friends, one Rogue is stealing a dinner knife and stuffing it down the front of his shirt, one Foxy Lady with powder puff handy is fixing to check the mirror of her makeup compact, one Pretty Bitch with her sexy red bow is waiting to be kissed under the mistletoe. The Ruffs are ignoring her and not interested in licking or sucking face with that dog face. ( Huh? Why?)

    Finally, the host Dug, sees his loving Grown Children: his Son is toasting his Fiancé and his married Daughter is holding her newly christened Pup in her arms, petting him. There are two Mutts all finished eating, and satisfied, rubbing their bellies.

    What a night!

    All is well in Dogville at Dug’s and Cat’s Christmas 2018 bash!
    ☆ *° ☆ *
    ° *☆

    P.S. To ring in 2019, Dug and Cat are going to have Dog Biscuit Champagne from Woff – Woff’ s Dogliquor Store! All will be well!
