Mexico may need to temporarily give up some of its sovereignty and invite U.S. Special Forces into their country in order to destroy the drug cartels.
On the other hand, to solve most of Canada’s problems, the Governor General just needs to invite Apu & Krusty the Clown to replace Trudeau & Singh.
I recognize he two in the front, but who are the cartoon characters in the background?
Dudly Do Wrong and Gumby?
Jag-the-Butthound and Turdy la Poop.
Don’t forget the old banker guy…can’t remember his name.
He can replace Carney.
Art Carney?
Con Carney
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, has floated the idea of the U.S. green-lighting private parties to target drug cartels for profit.
“Letters of marque and reprisal are government-issued commissions that authorize private citizens (privateers) to perform acts that would otherwise be considered piracy, like attacking enemy ships during wartime,” Lee explained. “Privateers are rewarded with a cut of the loot they ‘bring home.’”
Something like this, or U.S. Special Forces, is the only way I think the cartels will be stopped. I have zero faith that the “10,000 Mexican troops” are going to do anything substantial.
Been done successfully before:
Halliburton!! Oh … Nevermind. Privateers have morphed into something absolutely perverse.
He’s a little confused. Letters of marque and reprisal work the way they do because the action generally takes place in international waters. What he’s talking about is hiring mercenaries to engage in hostile action within the borders of another nation-state, which is all kinds of casus belli. I can’t see any way that doesn’t make the problem worse.
I think you give the cockwomble and Masarati Man too much credit.
Some one forgot unMe in that picture.
President of El Salvador has offered to take any Salvadoran MS-13 gang members the US wishes to deport.
Any this will really annoy Dems, he’s also said he’ll take in his jails other dangerous criminals, including US citizens.
For a fee, don’t leave that out.
You know a lot of these assholes are going to head our way to escape ICE right?
All the more reason for your clown show of a PM and MP’s to HARDEN your border.
No, according to Trump, the US should harden its border so as to stop illegals from entering Canada.
But yes, Trudeau and his so called government are a clown show.
Apu and Krusty the clown would definitely be huge improvements on Turdhole and Derp.
If you replaced them with a doorstop and an old boot the improvement would be near-miraculous.
As I keep saying, these are not stupid men. They’ve gotten every single thing they want for nine years! This sh1tshow is what they wanted.
They are SABOTEURS! They are destroying this nation deliberately. If we could stop the economic and cultural sabotage, life would immediately get a lot better.
Phantom… youre not wrong.
It may be coming faster than you think. Trump is moving fast.
L- The Letter of Marque and Reprisal would be most effective and quick. Those Cartel “soldiers”
could choose to bleed out in battle, mowed down by snipers, M-249s and A-10 Warthogs. Or
renounce their perfidy and hide in amongst flocks of penguins.
But to be truly effective, the Letters of Marque and Reprisal should cover the organized crime
groups involved in terrorism, drug cartels and money laundering in Canada, too. Successive
Liberal politicians and appointees have over decades made Canada a haven for world class monsters.