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Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me "what Canadians think". In all that time they never once asked.
This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio -
"You don't speak for me."
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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
"I got so much traffic after your post my web host asked me to buy a larger traffic allowance." - Dr.Ross McKitrick
Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
"The New York Times link to me yesterday [...] generated one-fifth of the traffic I normally get from a link from Small Dead Animals." - Kathy Shaidle
"You may be a nasty right winger, but you're not nasty all the time!" - Warren Kinsella
"Go back to collecting your welfare livelihood. - "Michael E. Zilkowsky
Doubling down on the LGBTQueers who essentially took-over our nation for 4-years. Trust me … our “tolerance” of The Gays doesn’t expand to a “celebration” of the mentally ill. We’re all OVER IT.
Perhaps I’ll even get reinstated to comment at The Daily Mail, YouGov, and Conservative Treehouse who have all BANNED me for my … *cough* *cough* … “homophobia”. Yeah, yeah … spreading “disinformation” about The Gays … which means I told the TRUTH.
The Democratic party is completely rudderless and undisciplined.
How embarassing to allow this clownshow to be aired in public.
“We’re under siege by an increasingly fascist gov’t! Quick, disarm everyone!”
More proof that leftism truly is a mental illness.
Disarm? Democrats go first. Show evetybody how such a policy is a good idea.
Hi, I’m non-binary and…
What? You don’t want to know that someone has “erased their sexual organs” so they can live like a plastic neutered Ken doll? What does she do? Sew up her vagina? Snip off her clitoris? Lop off her breasts? Sorry to be so crude … but if it means so much to tell me that you’re “non-binary” … shouldn’t I get the details about what the hell that actually means?
Uh oh! If this site were operated by “Sundance” and his Gay moderators … I’d be BANNED again.
Non-binary means having multiple psychological disorders.
Precisely. And probably a 3rd mental disorder too … they’re Democrats.
And because they all think they lost because of racism and misogyny they chose two white, male, noodle-armed Commie freaks for chair and vice-chair.
Democrats are the punch line to a joke no one told.
Hoggs at the trough.
This was a Saturday Night skit, right? No really, am I right?
Great! That means 4 more years of Trump and then 8 with JD Vance!
This seems to remind me of another video (a documentary with the video clips appropriately changed):
Children of Darkness – The Mental Illness of Social Justice Warriors
They’ve deinstitutionalized them, so you’ll see them in any institution of learning, including as teachers, and working in most Canadian government offices as well as in tax payer supported MSM.
DNC = Delusions Never Cease