54 Replies to “February 3, 2025: Reader Tips”

    1. “https://www.unz.com/article/tulsi-gabbard-on-the-israel-lobbys-role-in-fabricating-wmd-hoax/”

      An EXTREMELY deceptive headline, and one that Tulsi Gabbard could (and should) sue them for. She said nothing about Jews or the New York Times. Nice try.

  1. The Liberals are going to take in lots of money from Tariffs. That should be a huge red flag to non-Liberals right there. How will they ‘use’ this money? Will it be spread out like the Transfer payments? Will they hire more government employees to assess which businesses are deserving of aid? What accounting will be in place?

  2. It’s fascinating that the country with the supposedly the most powerful military on the planet says it can’t defend its own borders.

    Trumpy admits the US can’t do it and tells Mexico and Canada to do it. Hence the major reason for tariffs according to Trumps latest ramblings.

    Note that for the last four years the official policy of the US government has been “everyone is welcome”, so lots of people listened and accepted.

    1. Any suggestions on defending the longest undefended border on the planet I’m sure will be welcomed.

    2. Oh they can defend it, you just would not like it if they did. Also they are defending Canada from all outside threats.

      1. 1. If the US chooses to station troops along the US – Canada border, that’s their business. They can even shoot at illegals crossing, or just plain arrest and then deport, for all I care

        2. What outside threats are they defending against?
        Russia? How is Russia going to invade.
        China? China couldn’t invade, and wouldn’t militarily. They play a longer more unconventional game, and are doing it in both Canada and the US.

        3. There’s only one country which could successfully attack and perhaps hold Canada. That’s the US.

        They wouldn’t attack militarily because they can do it economically. For Canada to defend itself militarily against the US, we’d probably need a population of 150 million.

        We could increase our military budget to 2% of GDP, but what would that get us? Trump would find another excuse for tariffs. Why? He’s convinced tariffs will generate lots of money for the US.

        1. See the link at Robert’s comment above re defence of the Arctic.

          Defending something implies there’s some potential danger, hence Trump’s actions.

        2. That is nice, now look at the globe from the top…
          That is actually the next theatre.

        3. BTW defending also means defending from not just an invasion but other forms of attack, missile, cyber, terrorist. And given how infiltrated by foreign agents we are, we’re vulnerable and open to those like a work leader in a roadhouse brothel. Probably the only reason we didn’t see major attacks on critical infrastructure in the north is because hostiles do not want to anger our protector. We already have Indian hit squads offing their opposition within our borders and dozens of MPs on Chicom payroll.

          And this is not a defense of tariffs btw. I don’t support tariffs, and as I said elsewhere the timing is as bad as possible. However US demands that we stop being a punchline to a cheap joke about our sugar daddy and deal with our defense and borders in a serious matter is very much on point and in fact align with our interest.

    3. Canada is supposed to be an ally of the US and should play its part instead of leaving it all up to the US.

      Also, law enforcement in Canada probably knows more than their counterparts south of the border on who a lot of the bad guys are when it comes to fetanyl manufacture and distribution, as well as those enabling/helping southward flows of nondesirables.

      BTW, the policy of the last four year’s was the Biden regime’s and Trump aim is to reverse it.

    4. There are restrictions in law that many will point when refusing to defend or control the border. I am sure some brilliant constitutionalist will be able to explain some of them.

    1. I would not trust anything said by the Z man (he is an illegal president in my books!) He and his family have become filthy rich with this war – apartments in Paris, ownership of property in Egyptian Red Sea Resorts and a wife and mother-in-law who make Imelda Marcos look like a “piker”!

    1. A 25% tariff on the horse piss known as Corona seems appropriate. The Suburbanite chattering class who would drink water (think Coors Light) if it has a monumental television advertising campaign will be crushed.

      1. Yes, suspicious timing is right. Zelensky is Sergeant Schultz from Hogan’s heroes and knows nothing.

  3. “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
    — Malcolm X

  4. Memories………

    Emails Ridicule Mark Carney

    RCMP privately ridiculed a claim by Mark Carney that the Freedom Convoy was seditious. Carney in a Globe & Mail column appeared to pull the definition of “sedition” from an online U.S. dictionary, not the Criminal Code: “It would be a stretch.”
