20 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. I heard Iraq lowered its age of consent to 9 years old.

    Apparently Joe Biden has announced he’ll retire to Iraq.

    1. “Consent” is the wrong word.
      Muhammad’s favorite wife was 9.
      The entire religion is built on the words of a murderous pedophile.

  2. Afghanistan’s “homeless” children is a result of climate change?

    Nothing else might be happening in that country that displaces people?

    Ridiculous isn’t a big enough word to describe this absolute crap.

    And our esteemed journalists report this as though it’s serious!

  3. If you can’t see that the West is done, finished, as a culture and a society, and that it is never coming back, then I don’t really know what to tell you.

    Like the Romans had to face the fall of their Empire, and make the necessary adjustments, you will need to do the same.

  4. L- The Taliban at a United Nation’s Climate meeting. The turban guy should acknowledge
    that his attendance would not have been possible, without the assistance of the following:
    Pres. Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamel Harris and behind the curtain, President Obama.

  5. Yes, the climate of Islamic Terrorism is very unhealthy for children. Esp. the ones wearing suicide vests

  6. Can you blame the Taliban for climbing onboard the largest gravy train in the world?

  7. I have to wonder what the point was of invading Iraq and spending trillions on a war there if they are just going to revert to a 12th century existence.

    1. Bush Jr wanted to finish Daddy’s war…

      And you can’t turn either country into either a Westminster style democracy or a US style republic, without a few hundred years of education and indoctrination, and the elimination of the doctrine of abrogation.

  8. Speaking of Climate Change, countries like Canada must set an example for the rest to follow … just as our leader is doing …

    Take the 2 largest emitters in the world – USA and China. Currently China emits more than twice the amount of CO2 that the US does. They have exceeded US output since 2006. If you backward integrate the CO2 emissions of both the US and China you have to go back to 1978 before the US emitted more net CO2.

    If you integrate CO2 emissions back to 1907 (the first year China’s CO2 emissions are available) you will find that China’s net missions for the past 115 years have been 64% that of America’s. In other words, giving China a pass now because it lagged behind America in emissions for so many years is a false premise.

    Meanwhile the coal ships travel to Indonesia to provide electricity to produce 60% of the world’s processed nickel. And our leaders fly around the world attending conferences that tell us to set an example by using less fossil fuel energy.
