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Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me "what Canadians think". In all that time they never once asked.
This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio -
"You don't speak for me."
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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
"I got so much traffic after your post my web host asked me to buy a larger traffic allowance." - Dr.Ross McKitrick
Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
"The New York Times link to me yesterday [...] generated one-fifth of the traffic I normally get from a link from Small Dead Animals." - Kathy Shaidle
"You may be a nasty right winger, but you're not nasty all the time!" - Warren Kinsella
"Go back to collecting your welfare livelihood. - "Michael E. Zilkowsky
While Biden calls 80,000,000 Americans garbage, the Harris Walz campaign calls Mexicans thieves.
Looking through the latest offerings I see that which I talk about continues to be a problem, stupidity.
All those who want something for nothing need to leave Canada and go elsewhere.
They also have to stop using the inventions and comforts created by white people.
I don’t owe anyone anything.
TRUDEAU ON THE EDGE: Bloc Quebecois Withdraws Support for Unpopular Canadian PM and His Liberals, Now Works With Opposition To Topple His Governmenthttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/trudeau-edge-bloc-quebecois-withdraws-support-unpopular-canadian/
Bring back the Pussy Hat!
I thought they were great for spotting deranged leftists who otherwise, were trying to pass as normies. You know how it went… “You almost had me there until you put on that pussy hat.”
Loved the TCW Bill for ending slavery.
“Israel committed a huge & heinous massacre this morning when it bombed a 5-storey building housing families mostly from the Abu Nasra Family.
Initial reports over 77 killed including many children & women & scores wounded.
33 of those killed were from members of the Abu Nasr family itself.”
All killing of all innocents must stop immediately.
All killing of all innocents must stop immediately.
When you start war, you’ll pay the price.
By the way matty. Posting on X doesn’t show any proof when it happened or where.
Oh please, spare us. The Paleosimians are well known for their propaganda machine, inventing “massacres” when nothing of the sort happened. I’ll believe it when the source isn’t some pali jabberwocky. Until then, it’s just another Pallywood production, designed to ensnare the credulous, unthinking antisemites of the world. Such as you.
MMMBB and Hamas want Israel to stop fighting so that Hamas can resume killing Jews in peace.
Hamas can return the hostages and surrender.
“Hamas can return the hostages and surrender.”
That might actually work.
Hamas & Hezbollah have made it clear their goal is to finish what the Nazis started. The Palestinian people would be much better off without Hamas, just as the Lebanese people would be much better off without Hezbollah. They wanted a war, they started a war, and now they’re crying because they’re getting their asses kicked. So the saying “Be careful what you wish for” applies. Sadly, a lot of innocent people are caught in the middle. They’re the ones I feel sorry for.
When was the last time your friend told you that you are stupid?
Sure, the jihadis around the world can stop anytime.
Hezbollah commander surrenders to IDF troops in his underwear: video
Did they find any goats?
or were the Hezbollians doing ‘a Brian Stelter’ ?
Wait… What???
They had that kind of party but didn’t invite UnMe?
We haven’t heard from UnMe in a while.
Did his pager go off?
Damn. I’m probably going to hell for that…
Nice!!! Bomb harder my friends!!
Thanks for all you do MMBB in keeping us updated on the vermin extermination!
I hope Israel never stops till it kills every last Muslim Terrorist and sympathizer. Israel is simply helping Islam become the “Religion of Peace” once again.
Farage Responds to Southport Killer Terror Charge – Guido Fawkes
Canada has a Prime Minister who doesn’t know a thing about economics and zero government gold reserves.
But I do and the price has been rocketing upwards, with probably more to come.
HAHAHA. Hamas is giving up.
Hamas is now pushing for a cease fire. With no conditions. But so they really mean it?
“Canada must provide full reparations to families of missing and disappeared children.”
What missing and disappeared children? There are no records of such.
All they have are those “graveyards” . Gee, maybe in order to get the cash they’ll finally dig up those bod…silly me, of course not. Demanding evidence would be residential school denialism. Their word is all that’s needed, you racist!
One MILLLION dollars for every body they produce.
It’s like promising full compensation for UFO abductees. A surprisingly easy promise to keep! Or rather, easy to seem to be keeping while handing out money to your friends.
Trump shows up to a rally in a garbage truck.
“How do you like my garbage truck? This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden.”
Liberal Family Rules.
Unlike Kamala Harris, who is married to a nanny-banger who physically abuses women, most American women are strong enough not to need to lie to their husbands.