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Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me "what Canadians think". In all that time they never once asked.
This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio -
"You don't speak for me."
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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
"I got so much traffic after your post my web host asked me to buy a larger traffic allowance." - Dr.Ross McKitrick
Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
"The New York Times link to me yesterday [...] generated one-fifth of the traffic I normally get from a link from Small Dead Animals." - Kathy Shaidle
"You may be a nasty right winger, but you're not nasty all the time!" - Warren Kinsella
"Go back to collecting your welfare livelihood. - "Michael E. Zilkowsky
Beware Canada, the only Liberal/NDP/Bloc coalition will become the norm. Coalition governments in Europe have ensured socialist governments in perpetuity.
Ain’t that the truth. A country can have a “conservative” party, and it and the so-called “far right” party can win a majority of seats, but the faux conservtives always refuse to join f0rces with the nationalists to form the government. Instead they either let the nation-destroying leftists rule or even ally themselves with the commies.
First, they came for the Mennonites, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Mennonite.
Y’all better be writing and calling your MPs with some righteous ridicule and wrath.
Yup! Although I think this story about the Amish/Mennonites is missing a lot of detail, through the ages and into recent times they have been a target for bureaucratic bullies (Children’s Aid, Humane Society) because they won’t fight back.
And remember this: the prosecutions/persecutions are undertaken by turdo’s lock-up buddy, Blubber Douggie Ford.
I agree but righteous ridicule and wrath is “violent”.
Hopefully soon the lid blows off.
And we get to see some politicians and some bureaucrats not so sure about their job any longer.
Ref victims of socialism. My hunting buddy Bill escaped commie Czechoslovakia in the 60s and made his way to Canada. He washed dishes and swept floors to put himself through flight schools and ended up as a Captain with Air Canada. A few years ago he had this to say about the deterioration of Canada:
“I crawled out of one country to find freedom. I never thought I’d have to crawl out of the country I came to to find it.”
Given that there is absolutely nothing “liberal” about the Liberal party anymore, the left has coalesced into a blob of several parties uniting in parliament as now. Trudeau has likely fatally damaged the LPC, making the NDP the more coherent advocate for the pathological left. Their love-fest with the Bloc shows their desperation in keeping the Cons from power. The crony corporate power brokers of the Laurentian elite must be losing their grip or they are working overtime to replace the Spawn with Carney or, they are working on PP to make the Cons their alternate liberal power base similar to Mulroney’s regime.
The last thing we need is that WEF Globalist POS Carney destroying this country… if placed in the PM’s office..? He will do PRECISELY that.
He is nothing but a VILE climatista…
Couldn’t agree more!
Fretting about free speech
We haven’t had a good war to burn off the deadwood in a long time.. Politics is expected to fill that void.. You don’t just win elections anymore.. You conquer the enemy and reeducate them..
It would be nice to dress up and fire a few shots before I get put into a POW camp :).. We hate peace and we don’t know what to do with ourselves..
“ “Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength.” Solzhenitsyn
I want a new country.
For the west getting out of this CON-federation is the only viable long term option.
OJ … your Sunday Hymn write up just taught me how the name “Methodists” came about. I had never read that explanation/history before. Makes perfect sense. We could all take a lesson from the discipline and dedication of Charles Wesley … but if we did … it would put us on an FBI watch list as domestic terrorists
Thanks for the Sunday hymn.
I believe it is important to stay up to date and informed about the wild world we live in. But sometimes I get too distracted and upset.
Until I get grounded back to the Word and worship. A hymn like this reminds me…we have a Savior, He has a plan. He just wants us to trust and obey.