9 Replies to “Wind, unreliable. Really? Yup”

  1. Yeah, but the renewable energy people like to say “wind is free”. What isn’t free though is:

    – the cost of mining, transporting and building wind towers for a product that only lasts about 20 years vs around 50 years for traditional baseload power systems.

    – the building of transmission lines to a dispersed energy network like wind power.

    – the fact that almost every MW of wind power must be backed up by baseload power or hope that imported power is available (the cost of intermittency and building a redundant, parallel system to back up intermittency).

    – the cost of installing devices like smart meters that weren’t needed with tradition baseload/ peaker plant systems.

    – the cost of wind power failure that requires businesses to ration power by shutting down or decreasing production.

    1. Plus the maintenance costs are outrageous…and oh yeah, you can’t even build them without steel. Which requires coal.

  2. I always laugh when the Greenies say that wind and solar are cheap….if so, why are they so expensive and unreliable?

  3. Wind in Alberta currently producing 236 MW out of installed capacity of 5214 MW or 4.5%. Anyone that thinks we can run modern society on wind is a fool.
