34 Replies to “August 4, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Elon Musk faces off with Gavin Newsom after sharing fake Kamala Harris video

    “Manipulating a voice in an ‘ad’ like this one should be illegal,” (Newsom) wrote on X. “I’ll be signing a bill in a matter of weeks to make sure it is.”.

    “I checked with renowned world authority, Professor Suggon Deeznutz, and he said parody is legal in America,” Musk wrote in response to Newsom’s post..


    1. That was OBVIOUS parody … there was no intent to deceive. Unless of course you’re a stupid, humorless, Democrat

      1. Yes but leave it to California to make PARODY illegal. Professor Suggon Deeznutz. Say that a few times.

        1. Kenji – it was clearly parody, and yes that is the reason why Newsom is worried.

        2. Steve – California was built on parody.
          However, long before the parody of Babylon Bee, South Park was being offensive to everyone, including me.
          In this year 2000 episode Cartman his a black Character named Token (his last name is Black), for calling him fat. The FBI charge Cartman with a Hate Crime, “because the victim is African American”. The judge sentences him to 13 years in juvenile detention to make an example of him “to send a message out to people everywhere that if you want to hurt another human being you better make sure they are the same color as you are “.”Escort this little bas&$$d to Juvenile Hall”.

          Thus is a clip. The whole episode is full of “parody”.


          1. Years later there was an episode where everyone but Kyle knew his name is Tolkien, after the author, and everyone who thought it was “Token” is racist.

  2. Facial recognition and water cannons turned against native Brits … why? Because they are righteously ANGRY about little girls getting murdered and sliced-up by Muslim “newcomers” who don’t appear to cherish life as do the (formerly) Christian population of Britain.


    When Muslims riot and go all stabby? Guidance counselors deployed.

      1. Undoubtedly, London has fallen.
        What is it going to take to recover? Attacking the police? Sure! That’ll get the point across.
        (yes, that was sarcasm.)

        (Again, my comments are being dropped, so I have to severely edit my reaction. This is well past the point of ridiculousness.)

        1. That’s weird. I know VOWG was complaining too.

          I’m going to curse myself now and say I’ve never had that issue.

          If you’re writing the comment on a phone or tablet, I wonder what would happen if you tried the exact same comment from a computer or a second device? And maybe change your email… Just an experiment.

          1. “If you’re writing the comment on a phone or tablet, I wonder what would happen if you tried the exact same comment from a computer or a second device? And maybe change your email… Just an experiment.”

            Or just use the copy/paste and the Edit function to remove one sentence at a time from your post until you find the offending word. Works well for me.

    1. I turned on the CBC for literally two minutes and they let a person from each side explain the riots.

      Not a mention of dead girls.

      I celebrate with chocolate and sweets like a Palestinian on 9-11 when Western journalists die. The jabs can’t take them and their bloodlines out fast enough.

    2. The Daily Mail has surpassed the CBC, the Star, CNN and even MSNBC in achieving a new record in using the FAR RIGHT slur!

    1. Does the Rainbow flag require permission? The BLM/Rainbow Flag? The blue and pink “Trans” flag?

    1. They are trying to argue that these competitors really are women because they were born with mixed genitals. Unfortunately, only dudes have XY chromosomes in their DNA, not to mention the fact that these dude’s testosterone levels disqualify them from competing against real women.

      1. The Olympics “medical” officials have called genetic testing to be “inaccurate” and “irrelevant” … speaking of “the science is settled”. We are officially in the post-science … aka FAKE science era. No, it will NOT end well.

    1. It’s when the godless monsters start praying for a hurricane.

      Of course they could have milked the assassination for several months if they weren’t all tools of the democratic party.

      1. Er, to whom exactly would godless monsters pray? I hope they’re not godly monsters. That would trigger GYM.

  3. The open borders is a good way to hide the Covid 19 western genocide.. LOOK! our population is growing :)..

    1. We’re paying off Billions in college tuition loans for an entire political movement that has run out of words.

  4. When the Toronto police put out a press release seeking the public’sp these days, when they describe the suspect, they purposely leave out the perp’s ethnicity. Take the example of this sexual assault on a Toronto subway. In this TPS media release…

    …the TPF describe the man, but omit his skin colour or ethnic background. This, when they do show camera shots of the non-white guy. The problem is that when CTV and CBC news cover this story, they purposely omit the surveillance camera photos, for woke reasons. Consequently the corporate media’s stories are next to useless, since the written words on the press release, without the photos, don’t say much.

    So women are endangered, and the ineffectual police have a more difficult time catching the perp.
