Please Remove Your Shoes Before Using the Crosswalk

On scootering, desecration, and our new sacred symbols:

It occurs to me that the pretentious weeping currently underway could have been avoided by not painting one’s weird religious symbols on the chuffing road at a busy intersection. As if that were a perfectly normal thing to do, and in no way an irritant or an invitation to mischief.

And then, inevitably, the sly conflation:

“The alleged vandalism, which was claimed by many to be motivated by homophobia, resulted in an outpouring of condemnation from Spokane’s LGBT community and those purporting to be LGBT allies.”

At which point, readers may wonder whether the children’s scootering, and the wider disaffection for the increasingly cluttered and kaleidoscopic Pride flag, may have less to do with “homophobia,” as claimed, and rather more to do with a symbol that is now associated with creepy, compelled unrealism, fantasy pronouns, and the steering of children towards experimental drugging and surgical mutilation. The kinds of things that many people, including many gay people, might find a little contentious, or alienating, or morally repugnant.

Much more, including helpful illustrations, at the link.


11 Replies to “Please Remove Your Shoes Before Using the Crosswalk”

  1. Have people do the Biden on it after removing their restrictive garments, for schiff sakes.

  2. The Pride Flag is 100% the Equal of the NAZI Flag.
    ALL SHALL BOW down…

    I see zero difference….and were I to drive over one..??

  3. In Middle Eastern and Oriental cultures, walking on something is a gesture of disdain. Recall the Iraqi people hitting the toppled statue of Saddam Husain with their sandals. Christ told his disciples to shake the dust off their sandals when leaving an apostate town. The Japanese during WW2 painted the American flag in town squares to be trod upon. The list is endless. Western liberals and government elites are so culturally obtuse. I suspect there are lots of smiling faces under those burkas and face masks!

  4. I am greatly encouraged by the Zoomer kids. Skidmarks on the Pride flag? Awesome. Go harder, you little vandals.

    When they get a little older they’ll learn how to do proper burnouts on their dirt bikes. Looking forward to it.

  5. If any of you have been to Japan, then you are familiar with courtesy for pedestrians. Along most urban roads you will see a painted circle with outlines of two feet along the road. The purpose is for children who want to cross the road. They stand patiently on the two feet. If a motorist comes along, they are obligated by law to come to a complete stop. The child then crosses the road while holding up their hand. When they get to the other side, it is traditional for the child to thank the motorist for stopping with a wave (or more traditionally, a bow). Both parties go on their way.

    Two points: 1. Roadways are not cultural advertisements to reflect sexual proclivities. They are for transportation, full stop and should be tailored for that and only that. 2. Kids in the West are self-important, reckless, unsupervised little vandals in significant numbers caused by poor parenting and unapplied discipline.

  6. Finally … an intersection suitable for one of the two massive “sideshows” that blocked major Oakland and San Francisco intersections this weekend.

    PS … Orson: the BEST two points of the week. And it’s only Monday!
