More Pavilions At Folkfest

Population growth as an economic driver is the most ponzi of all ponzi schemes.

Non-European immigrants to the UK are far more likely to be long-term unemployed or economically inactive, especially those from the Middle East, South Asia & North Africa. In England & Wales, 27% of working age immigrants from the Middle East have never worked. That is more than 5x the figure for the native-born (5%).

In total there are 707,000 working age immigrants who have never worked, 1.2% of the entire population of England & Wales. All of these figures exclude students.

How were so many duped into believing that the key to economic success was mass unskilled immigration from the third world?

24 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. You mean they don’t all come to take our jobs? Just our money? NYC is giving “migrants” cash cards. I had to pay USCIS $930.00 USD for a waiver after mistakenly overstaying my visitor visa. I thought I was allowed to stay until my interview at the consulate in Montreal. When I arrived at the consulate, they told me I had overstayed my visa. Still don’t quite understand what happened. Everyone knew where I was and no one said, “Hey, you shouldn’t be here!” If they at least made them all pay that, we’d be out of debt in no time.

      1. Yes. Migrating in itself is not illegal, however, which is why it’s now their preferred term. As a legal immigrant to the US, I am beyond frustrated.

  2. A la Gomer Pyle – “Surprise, Surprise”.

    If you could leave Canada/U.S. today, go somewhere else, receive public funds (someone else’s money), for doing nothing, that would provide more income than you ever previously had, plus a better standard of living (until it all collapses, anyway), it might sound appealing?

    1. YES, and you couldn’t really be blamed.
      And for muslims it’s merely jizya which is morally justified, urged even.

  3. If you are preparing to be a jihadi, you have no time to earn a living in the traditional way. Rather, you will receive your reward of 72 virgins in the afterlife if you die on a jihadi mission, plus your family will receive a huge, untaxed lump sum payment from Iran or one of its proxies.

  4. What makes you think it ever had anything to do with economic growth? It’s about political power. Politics is the opposite of economics.

    1. Excellent cryptic answer.
      Blushing: my wife made your point a few moments ago.
      I know better but got caught up with the net negative economics of 3rd world invaders because I get a cheap thrill out of pointing out how stupid our leaders are — who in reality aren’t.

  5. Duped?

    No one was duped. Voting herd animals and social upheaval is the whole point of mass immigration. Radical leftist soccer moms want their Party to win at any cost, they don’t care about crime or taxes – not even the safety of their own children. Crime is leveraged for more power. It’s about absolute power over your neighbors, leftist women and their males want it more than anything else.

  6. China, which in theory is concerned about their own population implosion, is also sending 100’s of thousands into the US via Mexico. One can only assume the benefits of undermining the US outweigh the loss of their own people. I doubt they are allowing their best to leave via this route.

    1. China has a too many men to women ratio, due to decades of communist government dictates.
      One way to even out the field is to ship the excess men one way to foriegn countries.

  7. Economics aside they were also sold on the “Diversity is our Strength” trope. I say “they” because I never bought into it for a moment. For progressives it meant cool restaurants downtown for me a recipe for balkanization that we’re only now realizing.

    1. The only people on favour of diversity are those who don’t have to live with it.

      I have never been smart enough to work out how, exactly, importing unskilled migrants by the millions benefited the host country. Beyond government staffers and their fashionable friends having access to a pool of extremely cheap nannies, maids and gardeners that is.

  8. Funny story about a Welsh cousin of mine who was bemoaning the fact that he had spent years on Unemployment Insurance or what ever they call it over there. He had been driving taxi for a while but he wound up on UI. My other cousin from Canada was visiting him and after hearing this constant drone about how much he was looking forward to getting his pension so he could get off of UI my Canadian cousin asked him “what would be different”. My Welsh cousin couldn’t give a good answer! Sadly the imports are not much more ambitious than the homies.

  9. Note the chart was based on ONS (Office of National Statistics, UK) statistics. I guarantee you, no such statistics are kept in America, and most of the southern border hoppers work for cash and have never filled out a W2 in their lives. Just like we no longer keep crime statistics according to race … and/or simply label every criminal “white”.

    Hide the decline … of our culture and society. Is the order of the day.

  10. I worked at a building in Philly in the early 90s where Immigration and Naturalization Service had a processing office (?) on the first floor. Given the cross section of immigrants I saw every day, I understood at the age of 22 – right then and there – that the country’s future was probably going to be pretty bleak. I wasn’t wrong.

  11. As the population increases, everybody, but the rich, gets poorer.
    Sure, the lowest slobs gain a rung, but only by getting handed a portion of the wealth of those just above.

  12. its taken this long for the trend to appear? thru all the financial crises and wars and proxy wars and terrorism distractions.

    see how they do that?

  13. “ How were so many duped into believing that the key to economic success was mass unskilled immigration from the third world?”

    Literally no one ever believed that.

    1. There are people who can believe 6 impossible things before breakfast, FretlessT. Ask Alice Karen.

      When you can believe a mask can protect you from a virus, and it says right on the box that the mask will not prevent getting a virus, and you believe men can get pregnant, and you believe mutilating yourself changes your sex, and you believe that everything is somehow RAAAAAAYCISSSSSS!, and you believe whatever the gummint tells you to believe, then yeah, believing unemployable 3rd-world invaders are a big gainer makes perfect sense.

  14. Still waiting for Alan S to post here to refute this assertion. He usually claims the opposite without any credible evidence in support of his position.
