39 Replies to “Thanks For Noticing”

  1. 1. The productivity problem in Canada is real and primarily due to government incompetence and government interference.

    2. The cynic in me suspects that the sudden “emergency” about productivity is to give cover for Freeland to mandate that pension plans invest in Canada (with investments directed into areas the federal government prioritizes?). Because more federal government incompetence and interference will cure previous government incompetence and interference…I guess.

  2. The US / Canada GDP gap seems to have widened in the past 4 years. Why should anyone invest in Canada?


    Argentina’s President Javier Milei announced today (Bloomberg announcement), he’ll be “letting go” of 70k gov’t employees. I expect much the same impact as when X / Twitter “let go” of the majority of their staff.

    Almost daily on X / Twitter, I see another example of how Canada is failing, falling forwards to mediocracy
    Meanwhile, the gov’t actors claim there’s a danger to Canada of people becoming angry AT THE GOV”T for this failure, and when the gov’t controls all aspects of your life, who else is there to blame?
    I know, I know… I can blame myself for not leaving tier 2 Canada when I had the better chance!

    frogs, boiling water, etc…

    1. @marc in calgary – “I can blame myself for not leaving tier 2 Canada when I had the better chance!”

      LOL 100% – Canada would be a much different place if younger people grasped the systematic control of our very well planned economic plantation!

      I was there as well in my younger years, working abroad on a high salary bitching about Canadian high taxes but not making the move to move out of Canada although my employer begged me to do so at the time. (Working 15 years abroad, but still a Canadian resident).

      “They” the remnants of 1000 years of British Common Law rule have worked it out very well for the serf classes in Canada. There comes a point in life that if you miss those early opportunities you become “landed” by the system.

    2. We should be fixing things not leaving. I have never voted for a master only a servant. It is time for the people to tell government that the people make the rules/laws and the damn government better wake up to that fact. THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT MY MASTER, HOW ABOUT THE REST OF YOU?

  3. Most Canadians are OK with this. Their thoughts are focused on how much free stuff they might get if the borrowing continues and will vote out any party that tries to cut any of that free stuff.

    1. @Dennis – “Most Canadians are OK with this”

      I am for one – after sitting the last 20 years on low interest rates without debt and nowhere to conservatively invest at a reasonable rate.

      People want to live large on borrowed money, that’s on them. We wouldn’t be in a “looming Banking crisis” today if they had kept interest rates at where they are today over the same time period.

    2. Sadly, Canadians have been communist leaning socialists since the end of the Great War. The Depression and resulting unemployment didn’t help either. By 1935, communists led the ON TO OTTAWA strike. When it passed through Regina, the Bennet government arrested the ring-leaders resulting in the Regina Riot.

  4. No surprise, since under the Blackie regime, the only real job growth has been by government. With the crush of regulations and LIEberal anathema towards any resource projects and extractions, this is no surprise.
    For those that find MATH is HARD, this is a complete surprise. Mommy gubbermint is their saviour.
    As another who is now retired, and currently living off savings, investments and pensions, I look forward to taking as much as possible in the forthcoming years, knowing the YUTES that vote for Blackie will be paying for it!

  5. The average rank and file Canadian is completely responsible for this. Whiny lazy unionized underworked over-coddled unquestioning rank and file Canadians. For generations all Canadians use the feminine tact of avoiding conflict and ignored your basic human rights and blindly obeyed the criminally corrupt feudal system that comprises the Canadian body politic. Canada needs a complete revolution beginning with the ouster of the Crown, Parliamentary System, Royal Family and any other putrid vestiges of the Royal elite class. A Republic of Canada needs to form in its place where ALL POLITICAL LEADERS are elected instead of appointed by the Ruling Class. An American style of Representative Republic is called for here where the self-determination of all Canadians can be Constitutionally ensured. Canada needs another Louis Riel!

    1. No, not a Riel, we need another William Lyon Mackenzie (March 12, 1795 – August 28, 1861).

      1. No, Mackenzie intended to turn the country over to the Americans. Also, he couldn’t organize. Riel knew what he was doing and acted in the public interest. Mind you, Mackenzie had much better connections in the Toronto press, and that might matter.

  6. Blah blah blah….and then 16 paragraphs down;

    “Businesses also need more certainty in the Canadian policy environment to be able to invest confidently in their operations, Rogers added.”

    … added almost as an afterthought ‘oh ya…gov policy MIGHT have some small, heck, almost so insignificant that i dont know why I mention it, impact on things.

    1. Also, why be productive?? Just get a job with the government, and coast, while reaping great salary and benefits! As long as the gov keeps hiring, unemployment numbers get skewed, and my fellow Canadians just lap it up!

    2. …….They could also stop printing & borrowing money to hand out to the rest of the world while simultaneously importing the Third World to increase overall costs of living. Then of course there’s the ever increasing taxes to ensure anyone not identifying as Canadian get some “socially just” redistribution from those that do.

  7. There’s only one thing worse than the average wage earner whose goal in life is to get more free stuff from others. That’s the business owner who knows full well that the government is ordering the citizenry to jump off a cliff (in order to save the planet, for instance) but who plays along because he believes he has a product or a marketing angle that will allow him to make oodles of money on the way to the cliff edge.

  8. Well surprise surprise it takes the geniuses at The Bank of Canada to finally indirectly admit that you need energy to make things and the Trudeau policies of destroying the energy sector and raising taxes is a fundamental factor in the productivity decline.

  9. So no mention of an industry and personal wealth crushing carbon tax? Why on earth would any company invest in Canada or the US under the current regimes when their obvious goal is to offshore as much “productivity” as they can to China and India?

  10. Destroy energy, destroy industry, increase the cost of everything through pointless carbon taxes, bloat the size of government, hyper-regulate everything, import >400k unskilled foreigners annually to consume benefits and housing while preventing new housing from being built, explode the deficit, kill businesses and explode personal
    And business debt through insane lockdowns, and create a poisonous environment for business through a combination of confiscatory taxes, regulatory uncertainty, and unreliable banking (freezing accounts without due process), and then wonder “Gee, why is Canada no longer productive or competitive?”
    Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the modern Progressive as Steve Urkell on steroids: “Did I do that?”
    Yes, dipshit, you did. But you were only able to because Canadians voted for it again, and again, and again.

  11. Ain’t Kleptocracy grand?
    The cost of complying with the theft of Government now exceeds any benefit from producing.
    Add in the glorious idiocy of making being an employer a potentially criminal sentence.

  12. Yay..its an Emergency!
    Send in the masked and unbadged Thugs..
    Cause “Its an emergency.
    A “productivity Emergency”..
    “We are running out of people to rob.”

    1. An Emergency? This is a job for Government! /sarc

      You heard from Vancouver of Boy Wonder’s plan to kill the rental market with fFree Money[TM] for tenant Legal Aid ? That’ll help kill the rental market.

  13. If you have assets that you can transfer out of Canadian jurisdiction, I would do so sooner rather than later. The banks have proven that they’ll do the Turd’s bidding without official paperwork of any kind and the time is fast approaching where wealth confiscation will become a reality.

  14. But, but, but, we’re a service economy! And that trumps those dirty old industrial countries ….. right?

    1. Remember alll that Blarney Science talk in the 1980’s about becoming a “service economy” as all the companies shifted the real money-earning work to cheap labor and currency manipulating countries? Well, now here we are without any economy, let alone services – who has the money to pay for the services?

  15. the economy is getting too hot – increase the interest rates.
    the economy is cooling too much – increase the interest rates.
    friggin vampires, fangs can only be sated by the workin’ man’s jugular.
