11 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Islamophobia-Motivated Incident Reporting Tool (IMIRT) app
    The 6th century meets the 21st.
    I’m sure the Moderate Moslem Majority is ecstatic.
    Taqiyya Inshallah.

    1. It was made because of the islamist named Mohammad Moiz Omar who attacked some other islamists he didn’t like with bear spray while brandishing a hatchet… but don’t worry, it won’t be abused too much

  2. Looking over these posts today make me shake my head and wonder how much longer before the terminally stupid manage to kill us all.

  3. I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m thinking the odds of a pet being trans are strongly correlated to the owner being trans. I know correlation is not necessarily causation, but it isn’t much of a stretch to imaging f*cked up people having f*cked up pets, or at least willing to swallow the nonsense, along with God knows what else.

  4. I had forgotten that Jordan Peterson was demonized for stating the name of the titless Frankenstein that once was Ellen Page. As always, no good deed will go unpunished, and Canadians have no inalienable rights. Your rights are whatever the Confused Boy PM decides they are when he wakes each morning.

    1. When everything you do, or don’t do, shows you are a peasant, why be surprised when they treat you like one?

      It’s a hoot to watch conservatives as they fervently believe, yet again, that their new bright shiny leader will actually lead them to that mystical place of borders and balanced budgets, low taxes and less regulation, smaller, effective government……..yada,yada……..

      Something tells me Godot will show up first.
      As for courageous conservatives?
      Rarer than honest Libranos.

  5. I thought the social sciences were mostly malarky til I heard Jordon Petersen’s lectures. He actually seems to have a concrete, reality based foundation to his theories. Ergo, he is the only one I take seriously. Maybe he could compete with the “college”, and certify and endorse “real” psychologists.

  6. Theirs absolutely zero chance that Muslim app will get abused, but if it does it’ll be either the Jews fault or white supremacy.
