47 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. On the contrary. The biblical Land of Israel was much larger than it is now, stretching from the north Sinai to what is now the far north of Lebanon. The Jewish people have only had a small fraction of their inheritance returned to them. Arabs squat on the rest, keeping it as the miserable Muslim cesspit the Zionists found when they came in the 19th century.

    And why not? The intention of the “Great Powers” was never to return Israel to her people. It was to get rid of the Jews Hitler never got around to gassing. Give them a tiny reservation in Palestine, and let the Arabs finish them off. What could possibly go wrong? they thought. The Jews fight back? In those days people thought the very idea of a “Jewish army” an excellent joke.

    The same people are now stone-faced as they discuss the theft by the perfidious Jews of sacred Palestinian land. And it’s Israelis who are laughing.

  2. I’ve always thought they should remake Midnight Cowboy with Raskin as Ratso Rizzo.

    1. Kinda rich coming from South Africa, given that one of their major political parties’ theme song is “Kill the Boer”

  3. So let’s do a little thought experiment. Let’s say the Cree is Jewish and Sask. Is their promised land. Should they be allowed to kick Kate out of her house and send her to an open air prison say Regina where she can’t leave or work or grow food or build a water treatment plant or…. Because the Cree’s God said so 3000 years ago?

      1. How about the churches in Gaza which are some of the oldest in the world. That completely aside what makes you think the Jewish God is any different than any other god and their promised land,

        1. I don’t give a da*n about the churches in Gaza. They’re just repositories for Hamas weapons.

          Joe “Albertan” you keep bring up genocide, but the Saudis have purged their country of other religions and their followers. Do they not have the right to return to their land!

          And I’m sure their are a bunch of people who’d like the Hagia Sofia returned to its original religious owners.

      1. All your response says is that you can’t think at all. What is the difference between any of the gods and their promised land?

    1. Let’s say Kate is told that she can stay and keep everything she has on the condition she agrees not to kill the Cree. If Kate says “yes” you have an Israeli-arab. If Kate says “no” you have a Palestinian.

          1. Hey joey.
            Nov 2000
            Nov. 30 — Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered themost detailed description yet of his peace plan today, saying he would recognize an independent Palestinian state but would put off the explosive issue of control over Jerusalem.

            It’s not hard to Goggle.
            He has been offered time after time…

          2. So Dusty where is Ehud Barak and what ever happened to his two state solution? Strange how it never was passed.

  4. Yet another salad junk mail from oj who seems uncappable of sticking to one topic of interest.

    You rarely get traffic.

    Take a big clue from the site owner: a well chosen article on one subject.

    1. More traffic than you or I get. I don’t mind salads, as long as there is meat in them.

    2. I thought I was the only one that felt that way about these stupid posts. Even the title makes no sense when most of the time it covers items outside of north america

  5. A must read…


    Under DEI, one’s degree of oppression is determined based upon where one resides on a so-called intersectional pyramid of oppression where whites, Jews and Asians are deemed oppressors, and a subset of people of colour, LGBTQ+ people and/or women are deemed to be oppressed. Under this ideology, which is the philosophical underpinning of DEI as advanced by Ibram X. Kendi and others, one is either an anti-racist or a racist. There is no such thing as being “not racist.”

    1. The one problem, she didn’t really lose her job or pay. Just went back into the class room. To create even more issues.

  6. “Investigations into Israel’s use of 2000-pound bombs in its Gaza campaign have determined that you have to go back to Vietnam to compare the brutality and mindlessness of what Israel is doing. These bombs, many supplied by the US, are being dropped in densely populated areas.

    Both the New York Times and CNN have provided videos of the craters those bombs create on the ground. It is little wonder that the civilian death toll in Gaza is over 20,000 now.

    As CNN reports, the bombs being dropped by Israel “are four times heavier than the largest bombs the United States dropped on ISIS in Mosul, Iraq”


    1. The IDF can go on bombing Gaza until the rubble bounces for all I care. The Palis f*cked around. They’re now paying the price.

    2. Well if you are Israel and imagine you are God’s people and fantasise about greater Israel which runs from Turkey in the north to half way across Saudi Arabia in the east to the Nile in the south….any bomb is justified if ethnic cleansing is your goal.

      1. Joe, aside from the fact you were taught to hate Jews by your mother the alcohol-sodden Little Russian sow, why do you give a damn?

        If the Israelis rid the whole land of Israel of every last Arab, what would it matter to you?

        You don’t matter to them, as long as you stay away from them and don’t try to use them as a scapegoat for all the misery of your life caused by YOUR laziness, YOUR greed, YOUR stupidity, and YOUR utter refusal to put the goddamn bottle down and not screw some tramp who drinks more than you do.

        Get a job. Stop spending money you don’t have. Learn to read. Stop drinking. Tell Lucy Lush to go find some other schmuck to buy her drinks. Then maybe you won’t blame the Jews for your problems, because you won’t have nearly as many.

        1. My mother was a tea totaller notn in Wales. She said that Jews were God’s chosen people. I came to realize that the Gods chosen meme is nonsense based on the Christian Gospel. I am not a dispensationalist. The land of Israel was a precursor to the Millenial Reign of Christ in which we presently live. There was a reason for the destruction of the Jewish temple. It has been supplanted by the Tabernacling Christ. Strange how ignorant you are of God’s ways.

          1. Well. I stand corrected on your family history anyway.

            Your mother told you the truth. What makes you think you know better I don’t know.

            Millennial Reign of Christ? You’d expect better government from the Messiah, wouldn’t you? We do have a PM born on Christmas Day, but he only thinks he’s the Second Coming.

      2. I feel a bit of sympathy for the rats I shoot in my backyard.
        But I shoot them anyway because they’re rats.
        They can’t help that they’re rats, but they’re rats.
        And things like the Black Plague come to mind, Youssef.

        But your Pal friends revel in their malevolence.
        They want to spread the Islamic Plague of Destruction.
        They love death more than anything.
        I say the IDF needs to give them all the love they can handle.

        The End.

    3. The bombs are bunker busters. The force of the explosion goes down, not across. They are used to collapse the Hamas tunnel system. They weren’t used against ISIS because ISIS didn’t build tunnels 20m below the surface.

    4. Hey dummy… We didn’t have bunker “busting” bombs in Nam.

      In 2002, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin were working on the development of a 30,000-pound (13,600 kg) earth-penetrating weapon,

      Jezzz you and joey had best go back to school. Maybe K-1 would be a good start.

  7. “Take a look at a map of the Middle East. One hundred years ago, on May 16, 1916, Sir Tatton Benvenuto Mark Sykes and François Marie Denis Georges-Picot finished drawing it up. They were staking British and French claims to the ruins of the Ottoman Empire in advance of the end of the First World I, assuming they would be the victors with the right to divide the spoils. The resulting Sykes-Picot Agreement, which included Tsarist Russia, was a secret—until it was exposed by the Bolsheviks after the 1917 Revolution.”


  8. Bunker Buster’s are not a directed charge they simply go boom and kill anyone withina 100 yards of the blast. They are called dumb bombs for a reason.

    1. Lie again. You know nothing about how a bunker bombs work.

      A bunker buster is a type of munition that is designed to penetrate hardened targets or targets buried deep underground, such as military bunkers

      PS they go deep, not surface blast. Like say deep tunnels made of concrete!

      Stick to what little you know joey

      1. So you knotting about armaments either …one more thing to add to you list of ignorances.

        1. So you knotting about armaments either

          What are you saying? Knowing or know? Yep I spent time in the US Army. 1971-1973
          If you knew anything about combat forces. My name (DUSTOFF) would be a give away.

          1. Funny how you were in the army and not the Airforce. Clowns like you have no idea that what makes a bunker buster a bunker buster is the delay on the fuse. If you drop a bomb and it sinks into the ground before it explodes it is a type of bunker buster. If the bomb explodes on impact it is not a bunker buster. Since we have no idea what fuse is being used it is not appropriate to say it is not an anti personnel weapon. Both are capable of killing huge numbers of people. Ever find it odd how the Zionists sent all the people to a small area the bombed the people? Stick your bunker buster theory in your hat. Hopefully it won’t explode.

  9. Jess joe, can you even read. Typical bombs go off on contact. Like say the typical 500lbs used in Nam. Yes they throw up ground on contact, but not real deep. That’s why bunker bombs were made in 2000. They require special metal to penetrate the ground AND concrete. (then go off)
    Your nit-with claimed they were used in NAM.. wrong

    1. Again it is the fuse that matters that completely aside is it is a war crime to evacuate people to a spot then bomb that spot. Israel does that all the time.

    1. Hey matt

      You posted an opinion piece about the (right to housing) Try reading before posting the website.

