13 Replies to “17 Million Excess Deaths?”

  1. Strange how nothing much has changed since Herod was slaughtering all children, two and under, about 2000 years ago.

    Pfizer Pfizzle sticks Pflunkies are saying; “Vee are all good Faucis now!”


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  2. This morning.. My wife left the TwitterX up and running of some MASKED Canadian spoke “whatever” talking up the shot for 6 month old babies.. Surreal stuff.. They actually think they are the good guys..

  3. 17 million / 8 billion = 0.002125
    A long climb to get to 20 per cent.
    That said, it is still evil.

    1. I don’t think you can automatically separate “excess deaths” (sorry, I don’t like that term, it’s like you’re counting apples)…from deaths directly associated with the virus. It’s a pretty big assumption to think that Covid was an accident knowing the mentality of those in a position to use it as a tool.

      You’ll have a hard time convincing me that China wouldn’t at least consider using a virus to cull those in their society that do not contribute if they could. China is currently in dire straights now that the “one child” rule is coming home to roost. They don’t have enough producers. The decision process is made by the Little Red Book crew. Compassion is not a consideration. Some are suggesting that China is less than a decade away from complete collapse.

  4. Lost a friend recently. She aged abruptly this past year and lost weight. Became frail, lots of weak spells, and fainting. Heart tests and labs did not provide a diagnosis. Poor appetite, slurred speech hit next. Became critical enough that finally a specialist admitted her to Mt. Sinai in Toronto. She was in CCU under care of an internist for 3 days. CT Scan and more labs….no diagnosis.
    Cardiac arrest at 2 a.m while chatting with a nurse.
    Gone. Unexplained, sudden, unexpected.
    No autopsy requested by internist.
    Yes, had all her jabs.
    I miss my sister, my friend.

    1. Sad, and foolish Canadians refuse to see and believe what they are seeing. The shots are killing people and there is more than adequate science and proof that shows this. A proper autopsy would show whether or not the vaxxes were responsible.

      1. One of the brave docs, Dr. Ryan Cole states it is not our job to prove jabs kill. He challenges the establishment to prove that those deaths are NOT caused by jabs.
        They can’t.

  5. Are we to believe that the statistics are correct when the medical community is complicit in vax deaths/ injury? Are drs who participated in convincing people to get the jab going to admit they may have been wrong? Some will, maybe, but the vast majority will stick with their story to save face. When the damage is right in their face they aren’t going to honestly record the damage if it will put themselves in a place of responsibility. We have personally experienced this with family and close friends. The statistics are skewed their favour to hide the truth.

  6. A chart in that video shows one fatality for every 800 injections.
    For every 800 injections, not 800 recipients.
    So, to me that says that a recipient that has had four shots has a one-in-200 chance of dying from it.
    And that’s just deaths. The many adverse events will affect far more than one-in-200.
    Does anyone still wonder why our health care system collapse seems to be accelerating?
